


package ergoplatform

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package dsl
  2. package mining
  3. package sdk
  4. package settings
  5. package validation

Type Members

  1. case class DataInput(boxId: BoxId) extends Product with Serializable

    Inputs, that are used to enrich script context, but won't be spent by the transaction

    Inputs, that are used to enrich script context, but won't be spent by the transaction


    - id of a box to add into context (should be in UTXO)

  2. sealed trait ErgoAddress extends AnyRef

    An address is a short string corresponding to some script used to protect a box.

    An address is a short string corresponding to some script used to protect a box. Unlike (string-encoded) binary representation of a script, an address has some useful characteristics:

    - Integrity of an address could be checked., as it is incorporating a checksum. - A prefix of address is showing network and an address type. - An address is using an encoding (namely, Base58) which is avoiding similarly l0Oking characters, friendly to double-clicking and line-breaking in emails.

    An address is encoding network type, address type, checksum, and enough information to watch for a particular scripts.

    Possible network types are: Mainnet - 0x00 Testnet - 0x10

    Address types are, semantics is described below: 0x01 - Pay-to-PublicKey(P2PK) address 0x02 - Pay-to-Script-Hash(P2SH) 0x03 - Pay-to-Script(P2S)

    For an address type, we form content bytes as follows:

    P2PK - serialized (compressed) public key P2SH - first 192 bits of the Blake2b256 hash of serialized script bytes P2S - serialized script

    Address examples for testnet:

    3 - P2PK (3WvsT2Gm4EpsM9Pg18PdY6XyhNNMqXDsvJTbbf6ihLvAmSb7u5RN) ? - P2SH (rbcrmKEYduUvADj9Ts3dSVSG27h54pgrq5fPuwB) ? - P2S (Ms7smJwLGbUAjuWQ)

    for mainnet:

    9 - P2PK (9fRAWhdxEsTcdb8PhGNrZfwqa65zfkuYHAMmkQLcic1gdLSV5vA) ? - P2SH (8UApt8czfFVuTgQmMwtsRBZ4nfWquNiSwCWUjMg) ? - P2S (4MQyML64GnzMxZgm, BxKBaHkvrTvLZrDcZjcsxsF7aSsrN73ijeFZXtbj4CXZHHcvBtqSxQ)

    Prefix byte = network type + address type

    checksum = blake2b256(prefix byte ++ content bytes)

    address = prefix byte ++ content bytes ++ checksum

  3. case class ErgoAddressEncoder(networkPrefix: NetworkPrefix) extends Product with Serializable

    Network-aware encoder for ErgoAddress <-> Base58String conversions.

    Network-aware encoder for ErgoAddress <-> Base58String conversions.


    network prefix value to be used in address encoding.

  4. class ErgoBox extends ErgoBoxCandidate

    Box (aka coin, or an unspent output) is a basic concept of a UTXO-based cryptocurrency.

    Box (aka coin, or an unspent output) is a basic concept of a UTXO-based cryptocurrency. In Bitcoin, such an object is associated with some monetary value (arbitrary, but with predefined precision, so we use integer arithmetic to work with the value), and also a guarding script (aka proposition) to protect the box from unauthorized opening.

    In other way, a box is a state element locked by some proposition (ErgoTree).

    In Ergo, box is just a collection of registers, some with mandatory types and semantics, others could be used by applications in any way. We add additional fields in addition to amount and proposition~(which stored in the registers R0 and R1). Namely, register R2 contains additional tokens (a sequence of pairs (token identifier, value)). Register R3 contains height when block got included into the blockchain and also transaction identifier and box index in the transaction outputs. Registers R4-R9 are free for arbitrary usage.

    A transaction is unsealing a box. As a box can not be open twice, any further valid transaction can not be linked to the same box.

    Note, private constructor can only be used from within the ErgoBox companion object, e.g. by deserializer.

  5. trait ErgoBoxAssets extends AnyRef
  6. final case class ErgoBoxAssetsHolder(value: Long, tokens: Map[ModifierId, Long]) extends ErgoBoxAssets with Product with Serializable
  7. class ErgoBoxCandidate extends ErgoBoxAssets

    Contains the same fields as org.ergoplatform.ErgoBox, except if transaction id and index, that will be calculated after full transaction formation.

    Contains the same fields as org.ergoplatform.ErgoBox, except if transaction id and index, that will be calculated after full transaction formation.

    See also

    org.ergoplatform.ErgoBox for more details

  8. trait ErgoBoxReader extends AnyRef
  9. class ErgoLikeContext extends InterpreterContext

    Represents a script evaluation context to be passed to a prover and a verifier to execute and validate guarding proposition of input boxes of a transaction.

  10. class ErgoLikeInterpreter extends Interpreter

    Base class of verifying interpreter which expects ErgoLikeContext as input of verify method.

    Base class of verifying interpreter which expects ErgoLikeContext as input of verify method. It implements deserialization of register of SELF box.

  11. class ErgoLikeTransaction extends ErgoLikeTransactionTemplate[Input]

    Signed version of ErgoLikeTransactionTemplate

  12. trait ErgoLikeTransactionTemplate[IT <: UnsignedInput] extends AnyRef

    Base trait of a real transaction to be used in Ergo network.

    Base trait of a real transaction to be used in Ergo network. May be in unsigned (UnsignedErgoLikeTransaction) or in signed (ErgoLikeTransaction) version.

  13. case class Input(boxId: BoxId, spendingProof: ProverResult) extends UnsignedInput with Product with Serializable

    Fully signed transaction input

    Fully signed transaction input


    - id of a box to spent


    - proof of spending correctness

  14. class P2PKAddress extends ErgoAddress

    Implementation of pay-to-public-key ErgoAddress.

  15. class Pay2SAddress extends ErgoAddress

    Implementation of pay-to-script ErgoAddress.

  16. class Pay2SHAddress extends ErgoAddress

    Implementation of pay-to-script-hash ErgoAddress.

  17. class SigmaPropProver extends ErgoLikeInterpreter with ProverInterpreter

    Prover which can reduce ErgoTrees and prove sigma propositions using provided secrets.

  18. class SigmaPropVerifier extends ErgoLikeInterpreter

    Verifier which can verify proofs generated by SigmaPropProver.

  19. class UnsignedErgoLikeTransaction extends ErgoLikeTransactionTemplate[UnsignedInput]

    Unsigned version of ErgoLikeTransactionTemplate

  20. class UnsignedInput extends AnyRef

    Inputs of formed, but unsigned transaction
