Class ObjectMapperConfigurationUtil.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • withoutHalSupport

        public ObjectMapperConfigurationUtil.Builder withoutHalSupport()
        Skips registration of the HAL module. This may be used when links and embedded resources are not required or are achieved with other tooling.
        the builder
      • withCustomization

        public ObjectMapperConfigurationUtil.Builder withCustomization​(java.util.function.Consumer<com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper> customizer)
        Allows customization of the ObjectMapper. More customizers may be added by calling this method multiple times.
        customizer - receives the ObjectMapper for customization, e.g. to enable or disable specific features or configure formatting.
        the builder
      • alwaysWriteZonedDateTimeWithMillis

        public ObjectMapperConfigurationUtil.Builder alwaysWriteZonedDateTimeWithMillis()
        Registers a default serializer for ZonedDateTime that renders 3 digits of milliseconds. The same serializer may be configured per field as documented in Iso8601Serializer.WithMillis.

        This setting overwrites the default behaviour of Jackson which omits milliseconds if they are zero or adds nanoseconds if they are set.

        the builder
      • alwaysWriteZonedDateTimeWithoutMillis

        public ObjectMapperConfigurationUtil.Builder alwaysWriteZonedDateTimeWithoutMillis()
        Registers a default serializer for ZonedDateTime that renders no milliseconds. The same serializer may be configured per field as documented in Iso8601Serializer.

        This setting overwrites the default behaviour of Jackson which omits milliseconds if they are zero or adds nanoseconds if they are set.

        the builder
      • build

        public com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper build()