Interface RenderedWebElement

All Superinterfaces:
SearchContext, WebElement

Deprecated. The methods in the class are

public interface RenderedWebElement
extends WebElement

Method Summary
 void dragAndDropBy(int moveRightBy, int moveDownBy)
          Deprecated. Use ClickAndHoldAction, MoveMouseAction and ButtonReleaseAction instead
 void dragAndDropOn(RenderedWebElement element)
          Deprecated. Use ClickAndHoldAction, MoveMouseAction and ButtonReleaseAction instead
 java.lang.String getValueOfCssProperty(java.lang.String propertyName)
          Deprecated. Use WebElement.getCssValue(String)
Methods inherited from interface org.openqa.selenium.WebElement
clear, click, findElement, findElements, getAttribute, getCssValue, getLocation, getSize, getTagName, getText, getValue, isDisplayed, isEnabled, isSelected, sendKeys, setSelected, submit, toggle

Method Detail


void dragAndDropBy(int moveRightBy,
                              int moveDownBy)
Deprecated. Use ClickAndHoldAction, MoveMouseAction and ButtonReleaseAction instead

Drag and drop

moveRightBy - how much to move to the right (negative for moving left)
moveDownBy - how much to move to the bottom (negative for moving up)


void dragAndDropOn(RenderedWebElement element)
Deprecated. Use ClickAndHoldAction, MoveMouseAction and ButtonReleaseAction instead

Drag and drop this element on top of the specified element

element - element to be dropped on. Only RenderedElement is supported


java.lang.String getValueOfCssProperty(java.lang.String propertyName)
Deprecated. Use WebElement.getCssValue(String)

Get the value of a given CSS property. This is probably not going to return what you expect it to unless you've already had a look at the element using something like firebug. Seriously, even then you'll be lucky for this to work cross-browser. Colour values should be returned as hex strings, so, for example if the "background-color" property is set as "green" in the HTML source, the returned value will be "#008000"

The current, computed value of the property.

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