Uses of Interface

Packages that use Coordinates

Uses of Coordinates in org.openqa.selenium

Methods in org.openqa.selenium with parameters of type Coordinates
 void where)
 void Mouse.contextClick(Coordinates where)
 void Mouse.doubleClick(Coordinates where)
 void TouchScreen.doubleTap(Coordinates where)
          Allows the execution of double tapon the screen, analogous to double click using a Mouse.
 void TouchScreen.flick(Coordinates where, int xOffset, int yOffset, int speed)
          Allows the execution of flick gestures starting in a location's element.
 void TouchScreen.longPress(Coordinates where)
          Allows the execution of long press gestures.
 void Mouse.mouseDown(Coordinates where)
 void Mouse.mouseMove(Coordinates where)
 void Mouse.mouseMove(Coordinates where, long xOffset, long yOffset)
 void Mouse.mouseUp(Coordinates where)
 void TouchScreen.scroll(Coordinates where, int xOffset, int yOffset)
          Creates a scroll gesture that starts on a particular screen location.
 void TouchScreen.singleTap(Coordinates where)
          Allows the execution of single tap on the screen, analogous to click using a Mouse.

Uses of Coordinates in org.openqa.selenium.interactions.internal

Methods in org.openqa.selenium.interactions.internal that return Coordinates
protected  Coordinates DisplayAction.getActionLocation()
protected  Coordinates MouseAction.getActionLocation()

Uses of Coordinates in org.openqa.selenium.internal

Methods in org.openqa.selenium.internal that return Coordinates
 Coordinates Locatable.getCoordinates()

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