Uses of Class

Packages that use Point

Uses of Point in org.openqa.selenium

Methods in org.openqa.selenium that return Point
 Point WebElement.getLocation()
          Where on the page is the top left-hand corner of the rendered element?
 Point WebDriver.Window.getPosition()
          Get the position of the current window, relative to the upper left corner of the screen.
 Point Point.moveBy(int xOffset, int yOffset)

Methods in org.openqa.selenium with parameters of type Point
 void WebDriver.Window.setPosition(Point targetPosition)
          Set the position of the current window.

Uses of Point in org.openqa.selenium.interactions.internal

Methods in org.openqa.selenium.interactions.internal that return Point
 Point Coordinates.getLocationInDOM()
 Point Coordinates.getLocationInViewPort()
 Point Coordinates.getLocationOnScreen()

Uses of Point in org.openqa.selenium.internal

Methods in org.openqa.selenium.internal that return Point
 Point Locatable.getLocationOnScreenOnceScrolledIntoView()
          Use this to discover where on the screen an element is so that we can click it.

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