Uses of Interface

Packages that use Action

Uses of Action in org.openqa.selenium.interactions

Classes in org.openqa.selenium.interactions that implement Action
 class ButtonReleaseAction
          Releases the left mouse button
 class ClickAction
          clicks an element.
 class ClickAndHoldAction
          Presses the left mouse button without releasing it.
 class CompositeAction
          An action for aggregating actions and triggering all of them at the same time.
 class ContextClickAction
          Context-clicks an element
 class DoubleClickAction
          Double-clicks an element.
 class KeyDownAction
          Emulates key press only, without the release.
 class KeyUpAction
          Emulates key release only, without the press.
 class MoveMouseAction
          Moves the mouse to an element.
 class MoveToOffsetAction
          Move the mouse to a location within the element provided.
 class SendKeysAction
          Sending a sequence of keys to an element.

Methods in org.openqa.selenium.interactions that return Action
          Generates a composite action containinig all actions so far, ready to be performed (and resets the internal builder state, so subsequent calls to build() will contain fresh sequences).

Methods in org.openqa.selenium.interactions with parameters of type Action
 CompositeAction CompositeAction.addAction(Action action)

Uses of Action in org.openqa.selenium.interactions.touch

Classes in org.openqa.selenium.interactions.touch that implement Action
 class DoubleTapAction
          Creates a double tap gesture on a touch screen.
 class DownAction
          Creates a down gesture.
 class FlickAction
          Creates a flick gesture.
 class LongPressAction
          Creates a long press gesture.
 class MoveAction
          Creates a move gesture.
 class ScrollAction
          Creates a scroll gesture.
 class SingleTapAction
          Creates a single tap gesture on a touch screen
 class UpAction
          Creates an up gesture.

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