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accept(Exception) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.AsyncResponse.ExceptionConsumer
appendText(File) - Method in interface
appendText(String) - Method in interface
Appends text to the current plain text body (or starts it if plain text body is missing).
appendTextHTML(File) - Method in interface
appendTextHTML(String) - Method in interface
Appends HTML text to the current HTML text body (or starts it if HTML text body is missing).
async() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
Changes the default for sending emails and testing server connections to asynchronous (batch mode).
AsyncResponse - Interface in org.simplejavamail.api.mailer
Used when sending mails or testing connections asynchronously.
AsyncResponse.ExceptionConsumer - Interface in org.simplejavamail.api.mailer
Simplified version of Java 8's Consumer, so you can easily implement exception handlers in Java <= 7.
AttachmentResource - Class in
A named immutable email attachment information object.
AttachmentResource(String, DataSource) - Constructor for class
Constructor; initializes the attachment resource with a name and data.


bcc(Recipient...) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withRecipients(Collection, Message.RecipientType) with fixedRecipientType=Message.RecipientType#BCC.
bcc(Collection<Recipient>) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withRecipients(Collection, Message.RecipientType) with fixedRecipientType=Message.RecipientType#BCC.
bcc(String, String) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withRecipients(String, boolean, Collection, Message.RecipientType), with recipientType=Message.RecipientType#BCC and fixedName=true assigning or overwriting existing names with the provided name.
bcc(String) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withRecipientsWithDefaultName(String, Collection, Message.RecipientType) with recipientType=Message.RecipientType#BCC and empty default name.
bcc(String, String...) - Method in interface
bcc(String, Collection<String>) - Method in interface
bcc(String, InternetAddress) - Method in interface
bcc(InternetAddress) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withAddressesWithDefaultName(String, Collection, Message.RecipientType) with recipientType=Message.RecipientType#BCC and empty default name.
bcc(String, InternetAddress...) - Method in interface
bccAddresses(Collection<String>) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withRecipientsWithDefaultName(String, Collection, Message.RecipientType) with recipientType=Message.RecipientType#BCC and empty default name.
bccAddresses(String, Collection<InternetAddress>) - Method in interface
bccAddressesWithDefaultName(String, InternetAddress...) - Method in interface
bccAddressesWithDefaultName(String, Collection<InternetAddress>) - Method in interface
bccAddressesWithFixedName(String, InternetAddress...) - Method in interface
bccAddressesWithFixedName(String, Collection<InternetAddress>) - Method in interface
bccMultiple(String...) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withRecipientsWithDefaultName(String, Collection, Message.RecipientType) with recipientType=Message.RecipientType#BCC and empty default name.
bccMultiple(InternetAddress...) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withAddressesWithDefaultName(String, Collection, Message.RecipientType) with recipientType=Message.RecipientType#BCC and empty default name.
bccMultipleAddresses(Collection<InternetAddress>) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withAddressesWithDefaultName(String, Collection, Message.RecipientType) with recipientType=Message.RecipientType#BCC and empty default name.
bccWithDefaultName(String, String...) - Method in interface
bccWithDefaultName(String, Collection<String>) - Method in interface
bccWithFixedName(String, String...) - Method in interface
bccWithFixedName(String, Collection<String>) - Method in interface
build() - Method in class org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.Pkcs12Config.Pkcs12ConfigBuilder
buildEmail() - Method in interface
Validated DKIM values and then delegates to Email.Email(EmailPopulatingBuilder) with this as argument.
builder() - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.Pkcs12Config
buildMailer() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerFromSessionBuilder
Builds the actual Mailer instance with everything configured on this builder instance.
buildMailer() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
buildMailer() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerRegularBuilder
Builds the actual Mailer instance with everything configured on this builder instance.
buildMailer() - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.mailer.MailerBuilder


CalendarMethod - Enum in
Possible RFC-2446 VEVENT calendar component methods.
cc(Recipient...) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withRecipients(Collection, Message.RecipientType) with recipientType=Message.RecipientType#CC.
cc(Collection<Recipient>) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withRecipients(Collection, Message.RecipientType) with recipientType=Message.RecipientType#CC.
cc(String, String) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withRecipients(String, boolean, Collection, Message.RecipientType), with recipientType=Message.RecipientType#CC and fixedName=true assigning or overwriting existing names with the provided name.
cc(String) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withRecipientsWithDefaultName(String, Collection, Message.RecipientType) with recipientType=Message.RecipientType#CC and empty default name.
cc(String, String...) - Method in interface
cc(String, Collection<String>) - Method in interface
cc(String, InternetAddress) - Method in interface
cc(InternetAddress) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withAddressesWithDefaultName(String, Collection, Message.RecipientType) with recipientType=Message.RecipientType#CC and empty default name.
cc(String, InternetAddress...) - Method in interface
ccAddresses(Collection<String>) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withRecipientsWithDefaultName(String, Collection, Message.RecipientType) with recipientType=Message.RecipientType#CC and empty default name.
ccAddresses(String, Collection<InternetAddress>) - Method in interface
ccAddressesWithDefaultName(String, InternetAddress...) - Method in interface
ccAddressesWithDefaultName(String, Collection<InternetAddress>) - Method in interface
ccAddressesWithFixedName(String, InternetAddress...) - Method in interface
ccAddressesWithFixedName(String, Collection<InternetAddress>) - Method in interface
ccMultiple(String...) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withRecipientsWithDefaultName(String, Collection, Message.RecipientType) with recipientType=Message.RecipientType#CC and empty default name.
ccMultiple(InternetAddress...) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withAddressesWithDefaultName(String, Collection, Message.RecipientType) with recipientType=Message.RecipientType#CC and empty default name.
ccMultipleAddresses(Collection<InternetAddress>) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withAddressesWithDefaultName(String, Collection, Message.RecipientType) with recipientType=Message.RecipientType#CC and empty default name.
ccWithDefaultName(String, String...) - Method in interface
ccWithDefaultName(String, Collection<String>) - Method in interface
ccWithFixedName(String, String...) - Method in interface
ccWithFixedName(String, Collection<String>) - Method in interface
clearAttachments() - Method in interface
Resets attachments to empty.
clearBounceTo() - Method in interface
Resets bounceToRecipient to empty.
clearDispositionNotificationTo() - Method in interface
Resets dispositionNotificationTo to empty.
clearDkim() - Method in interface
Resets all dkim properties to empty.
clearEmailAddressCriteria() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
Removes all email address criteria, meaning validation won't take place.
clearEmbeddedImages() - Method in interface
Resets embeddedImages to empty.
clearFromRecipient() - Method in interface
Resets fromRecipient to empty.
clearHeaders() - Method in interface
Resets headers to empty.
clearHTMLText() - Method in interface
Resets textHTML to empty.
clearId() - Method in interface
Resets id to empty.
clearPlainText() - Method in interface
Resets text to empty.
clearProperties() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
Removes all properties.
clearProxy() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
Empties all proxy configuration.
clearRecipients() - Method in interface
Resets recipients to empty.
clearReplyTo() - Method in interface
Resets replyToRecipient to empty.
clearReturnReceiptTo() - Method in interface
Resets returnReceiptTo to empty.
clearSentDate() - Method in interface
Clears the fixed sent-date so that the current date is used again at the time of sending.
clearSmime() - Method in interface
For signing and encrypting this email when sending, resets all S/MIME properties to empty.
clearSMIMESignedAttachmentMergingBehavior() - Method in interface
When readig and converting an email, this flag makes the behavior revert back to the default merging behavior for single S/MIME signed attachments, which is that it is merged into the root message.
clearSubject() - Method in interface
Resets subject to empty.
clearTrustedSSLHosts() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
Removes all trusted hosts from the list.
ConfigLoader - Class in org.simplejavamail.config
Contains list of possible properties names and can produce a map of property values, if provided as file "" on the classpath or as environment property.
ConfigLoader.Property - Enum in org.simplejavamail.config
List of all the properties recognized by Simple Java Mail.
copying(MimeMessage) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailStartingBuilder.copying(Email), by converting the provided message first.
copying(EmailPopulatingBuilder) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailStartingBuilder.copying(Email), by building the email first.
copying(Email) - Method in interface
Preconfigures the builder with all the properties from the given email that are non-null.
copying(MimeMessage) - Static method in class
copying(EmailPopulatingBuilder) - Static method in class
copying(Email) - Static method in class
CustomMailer - Interface in org.simplejavamail.api.mailer
By default, Simple Java Mail handles the ultimate connection and sending of emails.


DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILENAME - Static variable in class org.simplejavamail.config.ConfigLoader
By default the optional file "" will be loaded from classpath to load initial defaults.
DEFAULT_CONNECTIONPOOL_CLAIMTIMEOUT_MILLIS - Static variable in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
2147483647 (Integer.MAX_VALUE), effectively indefinately.
DEFAULT_CONNECTIONPOOL_CORE_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
DEFAULT_CONNECTIONPOOL_EXPIREAFTER_MILLIS - Static variable in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
DEFAULT_CONNECTIONPOOL_LOADBALANCING_STRATEGY - Static variable in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
DEFAULT_CONNECTIONPOOL_MAX_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
DEFAULT_JAVAXMAIL_DEBUG - Static variable in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
Defaults to false, sending mails rather than just only logging the mails.
DEFAULT_POOL_KEEP_ALIVE_TIME - Static variable in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
DEFAULT_PROXY_BRIDGE_PORT - Static variable in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
The temporary intermediary SOCKS5 relay server bridge is a server that sits in between JavaMail and the remote proxy.
DEFAULT_PROXY_PORT - Static variable in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
Default port is 1080.
DEFAULT_QUOTING_MARKUP - Static variable in interface
Default simple quoting markup for email replies:
DEFAULT_SESSION_TIMEOUT_MILLIS - Static variable in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
The default maximum timeout value for the transport socket is 60000 milliseconds (affects socket connect-, read- and write timeouts).
DEFAULT_TRANSPORT_MODE_LOGGING_ONLY - Static variable in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
Defaults to false, sending mails rather than just only logging the mails.
DEFAULT_TRUST_ALL_HOSTS - Static variable in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
DEFAULT_VERIFY_SERVER_IDENTITY - Static variable in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
defaultMailer(MailerGenericBuilder<?>) - Method in class org.simplejavamail.springsupport.SimpleJavaMailSpringSupport


Email - Class in
Email message with all necessary data for an effective mailing action, including attachments etc.
Email(EmailPopulatingBuilder) - Constructor for class
Simply transfers everything from EmailPopulatingBuilder to this Email instance.
EmailBuilder - Class in
Builder starter which offers initial starting places after which control is passed on to the EmailPopulatingBuilderImpl for filling in details.
EmailConverter - Class in org.simplejavamail.converter
Utility to help convert Email instances to other formats (MimeMessage, EML etc.) and vice versa.
EmailPopulatingBuilder - Interface in
Fluent interface Builder for populating Email instances.
EmailStartingBuilder - Interface in
Entry Builder API for starting starting new emails.
emailToEML(Email) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
emailToMimeMessage(Email) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
Delegates to EmailConverter.emailToMimeMessage(Email, Session), using a new empty Session instance.
emailToMimeMessage(Email, Session) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
Refer to MimeMessageProducerHelper.produceMimeMessage(Email, Session).
emlToEmail(InputStream) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
emlToEmail(InputStream, Pkcs12Config) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
Delegates to EmailConverter.emlToEmailBuilder(InputStream, Pkcs12Config) with the full string value read from the given InputStream.
emlToEmail(String) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
emlToEmail(String, Pkcs12Config) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
emlToEmail(File) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
emlToEmail(File, Pkcs12Config) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
emlToEmailBuilder(File) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
emlToEmailBuilder(File, Pkcs12Config) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
emlToEmailBuilder(InputStream) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
emlToEmailBuilder(InputStream, Pkcs12Config) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
Delegates to EmailConverter.emlToEmail(String) with the full string value read from the given InputStream.
emlToEmailBuilder(String) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
emlToEmailBuilder(String, Pkcs12Config) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
emlToMimeMessage(File) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
emlToMimeMessage(File, Session) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
emlToMimeMessage(InputStream) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
emlToMimeMessage(InputStream, Session) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
Relies on JavaMail's native parser of EML data, MimeMessage.MimeMessage(Session, InputStream).
emlToMimeMessage(String) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
Delegates to EmailConverter.emlToMimeMessage(String, Session) with an empty Session instance.
emlToMimeMessage(String, Session) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
Relies on JavaMail's native parser of EML data, MimeMessage.MimeMessage(Session, InputStream).
encryptWithSmime(InputStream) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.encryptWithSmime(X509Certificate) using the provided PEM file.
encryptWithSmime(String) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.encryptWithSmime(InputStream) using the provided PEM file.
encryptWithSmime(File) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.encryptWithSmime(InputStream) using the provided PEM file.
encryptWithSmime(X509Certificate) - Method in interface
Encrypts this email with a X509 certificate according to the S/MIME spec signature.
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.Pkcs12Config
equalsEmail(Email, Email) - Static method in class
EqualsHelper - Class in
Util class to get rid of some boilerplate code in the core classes.
EqualsHelper() - Constructor for class


findStrategyForSession(Session) - Static method in enum org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.TransportStrategy
For internal use only.
fixingMessageId(String) - Method in interface
Sets optional ID to a fixed value, which is otherwise generated by the underlying JavaMail framework when sending the email.
fixingSentDate(Date) - Method in interface
When the an email is sent it is converted to a MimeMessage at which time the sent-date is filled with the current date.
forwarding(Email) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailStartingBuilder.forwarding(MimeMessage) with the provided Email converted to MimeMessage.
forwarding(MimeMessage) - Method in interface
Primes the email to be build with proper subject and include the forwarded email as "message/rfc822" bodypart (valid RFC forward).
forwarding(Email) - Static method in class
forwarding(MimeMessage) - Static method in class
from(String) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.from(String, String) with empty name.
from(String, String) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.from(Recipient) with a new Recipient wrapped around the given name and email address.
from(String, InternetAddress) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.from(Recipient) with a new Recipient wrapped around the given fixed name and email address.
from(InternetAddress) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.from(Recipient) with a new Recipient wrapped around the given email address.
from(Recipient) - Method in interface
Sets the address of the sender of this email with given Recipient (ignoring its Message.RecipientType if provided).


generateProperties() - Method in enum org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.TransportStrategy
For internal use only.
getAddress() - Method in class
Bean getter for Recipient.address;
getAttachments() - Method in class
getAttachments() - Method in interface
getBounceToRecipient() - Method in class
getBounceToRecipient() - Method in interface
getCalendarMethod() - Method in class
getCalendarMethod() - Method in interface
getCalendarText() - Method in class
getClusterKey() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.OperationalConfig
getClusterKey() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
getConnectionPoolClaimTimeoutMillis() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.OperationalConfig
getConnectionPoolClaimTimeoutMillis() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
getConnectionPoolCoreSize() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.OperationalConfig
getConnectionPoolCoreSize() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
getConnectionPoolExpireAfterMillis() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.OperationalConfig
getConnectionPoolExpireAfterMillis() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
getConnectionPoolLoadBalancingStrategy() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.OperationalConfig
getConnectionPoolLoadBalancingStrategy() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
getConnectionPoolMaxSize() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.OperationalConfig
getConnectionPoolMaxSize() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
getCustomMailer() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.OperationalConfig
getCustomMailer() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
getDataSource() - Method in class
getDataSourceInputStream() - Method in class
getDecryptedAttachments() - Method in class
getDecryptedAttachments() - Method in interface
If the S/MIME library is loaded, this method returns a copy list of the attachments, but with any signed attachments replaced with decrypted ones.
getDefaultServerPort() - Method in enum org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.TransportStrategy
For internal use only.
getDispositionNotificationTo() - Method in class
getDispositionNotificationTo() - Method in interface
getDkimPrivateKeyFile() - Method in class
getDkimPrivateKeyFile() - Method in interface
getDkimPrivateKeyInputStream() - Method in class
getDkimPrivateKeyInputStream() - Method in interface
getDkimSelector() - Method in class
getDkimSelector() - Method in interface
getDkimSigningDomain() - Method in class
getDkimSigningDomain() - Method in interface
getEmailAddressCriteria() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.Mailer
getEmailAddressCriteria() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
getEmailToForward() - Method in class
getEmailToForward() - Method in interface
getEmbeddedImages() - Method in class
getEmbeddedImages() - Method in interface
getExecutorService() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.OperationalConfig
getExecutorService() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
getFromRecipient() - Method in class
getFromRecipient() - Method in interface
getFuture() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.AsyncResponse
getHeaders() - Method in class
getHeaders() - Method in interface
getHost() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.ServerConfig
getHost() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerRegularBuilder
getHTMLText() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in interface
getIntegerProperty(ConfigLoader.Property) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.config.ConfigLoader
getKeyAlias() - Method in class org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.Pkcs12Config
getKeyPassword() - Method in class org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.Pkcs12Config
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
Bean getter for;
getOperationalConfig() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.Mailer
getOriginalSmimeDetails() - Method in class
getOriginalSmimeDetails() - Method in interface
If this Email instance was the result of a conversion in which the source message was S/MIME signed / encrypted, this field will be filled for historical purpose.
getPassword() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.ProxyConfig
getPassword() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.ServerConfig
getPassword() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerRegularBuilder
getPkcs12ConfigForSmimeSigning() - Method in class
getPkcs12ConfigForSmimeSigning() - Method in interface
getPkcs12StoreStream() - Method in class org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.Pkcs12Config
getPlainText() - Method in class
getPort() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.ServerConfig
getPort() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerRegularBuilder
getProperties() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.OperationalConfig
getProperties() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
getProperty(ConfigLoader.Property) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.config.ConfigLoader
getProxyBridgePort() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.ProxyConfig
getProxyBridgePort() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
getProxyConfig() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.Mailer
getProxyHost() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
getProxyPassword() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
getProxyPort() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
getProxyUsername() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
getRecipients() - Method in class
getRecipients() - Method in interface
getRemoteProxyHost() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.ProxyConfig
getRemoteProxyPort() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.ProxyConfig
getReplyToRecipient() - Method in class
getReplyToRecipient() - Method in interface
getReturnReceiptTo() - Method in class
getReturnReceiptTo() - Method in interface
getSentDate() - Method in class
getSentDate() - Method in interface
getServerConfig() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.Mailer
getSession() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.Mailer
In case Simple Java Mail falls short somehow, you can get a hold of the internal Session instance to debug or tweak.
getSession() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerFromSessionBuilder
getSessionTimeout() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.OperationalConfig
getSessionTimeout() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
getSmimeMicalg() - Method in interface
getSmimeMime() - Method in interface
getSmimeMode() - Method in interface
getSmimeName() - Method in interface
getSmimeProtocol() - Method in interface
getSmimeSignatureValid() - Method in interface
getSmimeSignedBy() - Method in interface
getSmimeSignedEmail() - Method in class
getSmimeSignedEmail() - Method in interface
If the Email instance currently being built was the result of a conversion in which the source message was S/MIME signed / encrypted, this field will contain the decrypted MimeMessage instance.
getSmimeType() - Method in interface
getSslHostsToTrust() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.OperationalConfig
getSslHostsToTrust() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
getStorePassword() - Method in class org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.Pkcs12Config
getStringProperty(ConfigLoader.Property) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.config.ConfigLoader
getSubject() - Method in class
getSubject() - Method in interface
getText() - Method in interface
getTextCalendar() - Method in interface
getTextHTML() - Method in interface
getThreadPoolKeepAliveTime() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.OperationalConfig
getThreadPoolKeepAliveTime() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
getThreadPoolSize() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.OperationalConfig
getThreadPoolSize() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
getTransportStrategy() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.Mailer
getTransportStrategy() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerRegularBuilder
getType() - Method in class
Bean getter for Recipient.type;
getUsername() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.ProxyConfig
getUsername() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.ServerConfig
getUsername() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerRegularBuilder
getX509CertificateForSmimeEncryption() - Method in class
getX509CertificateForSmimeEncryption() - Method in interface


hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.Pkcs12Config
hasProperty(ConfigLoader.Property) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.config.ConfigLoader


ignoringDefaults() - Method in interface
Configures this builder to create an email ignoring the normal (optional) defaults that apply from property config files.
ignoringDefaults() - Static method in class
Configures this builder to create an email ignoring the normal (optional) defaults that apply from property config files.
internalSetId(String) - Method in class
Don't use this method, refer to EmailPopulatingBuilder.fixingMessageId(String) instead. This method is used internally to update the message id once a mail has been sent.
isAsync() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.OperationalConfig
isAsync() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
isDebugLogging() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.OperationalConfig
isDebugLogging() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
isMergeSingleSMIMESignedAttachment() - Method in interface
isTransportModeLoggingOnly() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.OperationalConfig
isTransportModeLoggingOnly() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
isTrustAllSSLHost() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.OperationalConfig
isTrustAllSSLHost() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
isUseDispositionNotificationTo() - Method in class
isUseDispositionNotificationTo() - Method in interface
isUseReturnReceiptTo() - Method in class
isUseReturnReceiptTo() - Method in interface
isVerifyingServerIdentity() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.OperationalConfig
isVerifyingServerIdentity() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder


key() - Method in enum org.simplejavamail.config.ConfigLoader.Property
keyAlias(String) - Method in class org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.Pkcs12Config.Pkcs12ConfigBuilder
keyPassword(char[]) - Method in class org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.Pkcs12Config.Pkcs12ConfigBuilder
keyPassword(String) - Method in class org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.Pkcs12Config.Pkcs12ConfigBuilder


LINE_START_PATTERN - Static variable in interface
Used for replying to emails, when quoting the original email.
LoadBalancingStrategy - Enum in org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config
Defines the various types of load balancing modes supported by the connection pool ion the batch-module.
loadGlobalConfigAndCreateDefaultMailer(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.simplejavamail.springsupport.SimpleJavaMailSpringSupport
loadProperties(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.config.ConfigLoader
Loads properties from property file on the classpath, if provided.
loadProperties(Properties, boolean) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.config.ConfigLoader
Loads properties from another properties source, in case you want to provide your own list.
loadProperties(File, boolean) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.config.ConfigLoader
Loads properties from property File, if provided.
loadProperties(InputStream, boolean) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.config.ConfigLoader
Loads properties from InputStream.


Mailer - Interface in org.simplejavamail.api.mailer
Mailing tool created exclusively using MailerRegularBuilder.
MailerBuilder - Class in org.simplejavamail.mailer
Entry builder used to start a MailerGenericBuilder and fully configure a Mailer.
MailerFromSessionBuilder<T extends MailerFromSessionBuilder<?>> - Interface in org.simplejavamail.api.mailer
Builder that supports a fixed Session instance.
MailerGenericBuilder<T extends MailerGenericBuilder<?>> - Interface in org.simplejavamail.api.mailer
Builder superclass which contains API to take care of all generic Mailer properties unrelated to the SMTP server (host, port, username, password and transport strategy).
MailerHelper - Class in org.simplejavamail.mailer
If you don't need to actually connect to a server and/or send anything, then this class still provides you with some of the functionality otherwise triggered only by a Mailer.
MailerHelper() - Constructor for class org.simplejavamail.mailer.MailerHelper
MailerRegularBuilder<T extends MailerRegularBuilder<?>> - Interface in org.simplejavamail.api.mailer
Default builder for generating Mailer instances.
MailException - Exception in org.simplejavamail
This exception is used to communicate errors during the creation, validation and sending of email.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.cli.SimpleJavaMail
mimeMessageToEmail(MimeMessage) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
mimeMessageToEmail(MimeMessage, Pkcs12Config) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
mimeMessageToEmailBuilder(MimeMessage) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
mimeMessageToEmailBuilder(MimeMessage, Pkcs12Config) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
mimeMessageToEML(MimeMessage) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter


notMergingSingleSMIMESignedAttachment() - Method in interface
When the S/MIME module is loaded, S/MIME signed / encrypted attachments are decrypted and kept in a separate list.


onException(AsyncResponse.ExceptionConsumer) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.AsyncResponse
Mimicks promise behavior in a very limited way.
onSuccess(Runnable) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.AsyncResponse
Mimicks promise behavior in a very limited way.
OperationalConfig - Interface in org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config
Contains all the configuration that affect how a Mailer operates.
org.simplejavamail - package org.simplejavamail
org.simplejavamail.api - package org.simplejavamail.api
Contains the API layer, containing all the public API for working with emails and mailers. - package
org.simplejavamail.api.mailer - package org.simplejavamail.api.mailer
org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config - package org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config
org.simplejavamail.cli - package org.simplejavamail.cli
Contains the exposed API of this module which is the entry class to invoke from the command line.
org.simplejavamail.config - package org.simplejavamail.config
org.simplejavamail.converter - package org.simplejavamail.converter - package
org.simplejavamail.mailer - package org.simplejavamail.mailer
org.simplejavamail.springsupport - package org.simplejavamail.springsupport
Contains the only exposed API of this module which is the entry class to import into Spring.
OriginalSmimeDetails - Interface in
Indicates S/MIME details about an email.
OriginalSmimeDetails.SmimeMode - Enum in
outlookMsgToEmail(String) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
outlookMsgToEmail(String, Pkcs12Config) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
outlookMsgToEmail(File) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
Delegates to EmailConverter.outlookMsgToEmailBuilder(File) and then builds and returns the email.
outlookMsgToEmail(File, Pkcs12Config) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
Delegates to EmailConverter.outlookMsgToEmailBuilder(File, Pkcs12Config) and then builds and returns the email.
outlookMsgToEmail(InputStream) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
outlookMsgToEmail(InputStream, Pkcs12Config) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
outlookMsgToEmailBuilder(File) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
outlookMsgToEmailBuilder(File, Pkcs12Config) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
outlookMsgToEmailBuilder(InputStream) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
outlookMsgToEmailBuilder(InputStream, Pkcs12Config) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
outlookMsgToEML(String) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
outlookMsgToEML(String, Pkcs12Config) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
outlookMsgToEML(File) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
outlookMsgToEML(File, Pkcs12Config) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
outlookMsgToEML(InputStream) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
outlookMsgToEML(InputStream, Pkcs12Config) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
outlookMsgToMimeMessage(String) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
outlookMsgToMimeMessage(String, Pkcs12Config) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
outlookMsgToMimeMessage(File) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
outlookMsgToMimeMessage(File, Pkcs12Config) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
outlookMsgToMimeMessage(InputStream) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter
outlookMsgToMimeMessage(InputStream, Pkcs12Config) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.converter.EmailConverter


Pkcs12Config - Class in org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config
Config holder for PKCS12 store+key info used for S/MIME encrypting / decrypting.
Pkcs12Config.Pkcs12ConfigBuilder - Class in org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config
pkcs12Store(String) - Method in class org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.Pkcs12Config.Pkcs12ConfigBuilder
pkcs12Store(File) - Method in class org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.Pkcs12Config.Pkcs12ConfigBuilder
Note that this method creates a new FileInputStream without closing it.
pkcs12Store(InputStream) - Method in class org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.Pkcs12Config.Pkcs12ConfigBuilder
prependText(File) - Method in interface
prependText(String) - Method in interface
Prepends text to the current plain text body (or starts it if plain text body is missing).
prependTextHTML(File) - Method in interface
prependTextHTML(String) - Method in interface
Prepends HTML text to the current HTML text body (or starts it if HTML text body is missing).
propertyNameAuthenticate() - Method in enum org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.TransportStrategy
For internal use only.
propertyNameCheckServerIdentity() - Method in enum org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.TransportStrategy
For internal use only.
propertyNameConnectionTimeout() - Method in enum org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.TransportStrategy
For internal use only.
propertyNameEnvelopeFrom() - Method in enum org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.TransportStrategy
For internal use only.
propertyNameHost() - Method in enum org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.TransportStrategy
For internal use only.
propertyNamePort() - Method in enum org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.TransportStrategy
For internal use only.
propertyNameSocksHost() - Method in enum org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.TransportStrategy
For internal use only.
propertyNameSocksPort() - Method in enum org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.TransportStrategy
For internal use only.
propertyNameSSLTrust() - Method in enum org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.TransportStrategy
For internal use only.
propertyNameTimeout() - Method in enum org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.TransportStrategy
For internal use only.
propertyNameUsername() - Method in enum org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.TransportStrategy
For internal use only.
propertyNameWriteTimeout() - Method in enum org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.TransportStrategy
For internal use only.
ProxyConfig - Interface in org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config
The proxy configuration that indicates whether the connections should be routed through a proxy.


RANDOM_ACCESS_REF - Static variable in enum org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.LoadBalancingStrategy
readAllBytes() - Method in class
Delegates to MiscUtil.readInputStreamToBytes(InputStream) with data source input stream.
readAllData() - Method in class
readAllData(Charset) - Method in class
Delegates to MiscUtil.readInputStreamToString(InputStream, Charset) with data source input stream.
Recipient - Class in
An immutable recipient object, with a name, emailaddress and recipient type (eg Message.RecipientType.BCC).
Recipient(String, String, Message.RecipientType) - Constructor for class
Constructor; initializes this recipient object.
replyingTo(Email) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailStartingBuilder.replyingTo(MimeMessage, boolean, String) with replyToAll set to false and a default HTML quoting template.
replyingTo(Email, String) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailStartingBuilder.replyingTo(MimeMessage, boolean, String) with replyToAll set to false.
replyingTo(MimeMessage) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailStartingBuilder.replyingTo(MimeMessage, boolean, String) with replyToAll set to false and a default HTML quoting template.
replyingTo(MimeMessage, String) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailStartingBuilder.replyingTo(MimeMessage, boolean, String) with replyToAll set to false.
replyingTo(MimeMessage, boolean, String) - Method in interface
Primes the email with subject, quoted content, headers, originally embedded images and recipients needed for a valid RFC reply.
replyingTo(Email) - Static method in class
replyingTo(Email, String) - Static method in class
replyingTo(MimeMessage) - Static method in class
replyingTo(MimeMessage, String) - Static method in class
replyingToAll(Email) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailStartingBuilder.replyingTo(MimeMessage, boolean, String) with replyToAll set to true and a default HTML quoting template.
replyingToAll(Email, String) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailStartingBuilder.replyingTo(MimeMessage, boolean, String) with replyToAll set to true.
replyingToAll(MimeMessage, String) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailStartingBuilder.replyingTo(MimeMessage, boolean, String) with replyToAll set to true.
replyingToAll(MimeMessage) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailStartingBuilder.replyingTo(MimeMessage, boolean, String) with replyToAll set to true and a default HTML quoting template.
replyingToAll(Email) - Static method in class
replyingToAll(Email, String) - Static method in class
replyingToAll(MimeMessage, String) - Static method in class
replyingToAll(MimeMessage) - Static method in class
requiresAuthentication() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.ProxyConfig
requiresProxy() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.ProxyConfig
resetClusterKey() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
Reset the cluster key to empty, so it will be generated uniquely, avoiding clustering with any other Mailer.
resetConnectionPoolClaimTimeoutMillis() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
Resets connection pool connection claim timeout back to indefinately.
resetConnectionPoolCoreSize() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
Resets connection pool core size to its default (0).
resetConnectionPoolExpireAfterMillis() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
Resets connection pool expire-after-milliseconds property to its default (5000).
resetConnectionPoolLoadBalancingStrategy() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
Resets connection pool load balancing strategy to its default ("ROUND_ROBIN").
resetConnectionPoolMaxSize() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
Resets connection pool max size to its default (4).
resetEmailAddressCriteria() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
Resets emailAddressCriteria to EmailAddressCriteria.RFC_COMPLIANT.
resetExecutorService() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
Resets the executor services to be used back to the default, created by the Batch module if loaded, or else Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().
resetSessionTimeout() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
Resets session time to its default (60000).
resetThreadPoolKeepAliveTime() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
Resets thread pool keepAliveTime to its default (1).
resetThreadPoolSize() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
Resets max thread pool size to its default of 10.
resetTransportModeLoggingOnly() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
Resets transportModeLoggingOnly to false.
resetTrustingAllHosts() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
Reset trusting any host; trust all hosts is set to true.
resetVerifyingServerIdentity() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
Reset verifying the server's identity to true.
ROUND_ROBIN_REF - Static variable in enum org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.LoadBalancingStrategy


sendMail(Email) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.Mailer
Delegates to Mailer.sendMail(Email, boolean), with async = false.
sendMail(Email, boolean) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.Mailer
Processes an Email instance into a completely configured Message.
sendMessage(OperationalConfig, Session, Email, MimeMessage) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.CustomMailer
ServerConfig - Interface in org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config
setOpportunisticTLS(Boolean) - Method in enum org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.TransportStrategy
Determines whether TLS should be attempted for SMTP plain protocol (optional if offered by the SMTP server).
shutdownConnectionPool() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.Mailer
Shuts down the connection pool associated with this Mailer instance and closes remaining open connections.
signAndOrEncryptMessageWithSmime(Session, MimeMessage, Email) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.mailer.MailerHelper
Depending on the Email configuration, signs and then encrypts message (both steps optional), using the S/MIME module.
signMessageWithDKIM(MimeMessage, Email) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.mailer.MailerHelper
signWithDomainKey(byte[], String, String) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.signWithDomainKey(InputStream, String, String) with a ByteArrayInputStream wrapped around the prodived dkimPrivateKey data.
signWithDomainKey(String, String, String) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.signWithDomainKey(InputStream, String, String) with a ByteArrayInputStream wrapped around the prodived dkimPrivateKey string converted to UTF_8 byte array.
signWithDomainKey(InputStream, String, String) - Method in interface
Primes this email for signing with a DKIM domain key.
signWithDomainKey(File, String, String) - Method in interface
As EmailPopulatingBuilder.signWithDomainKey(InputStream, String, String), but with a File reference that is later read as InputStream.
signWithSmime(Pkcs12Config) - Method in interface
Signs this email with an S/MIME signature, so the receiving client can verify whether the email content was tampered with.
signWithSmime(File, String, String, String) - Method in interface
signWithSmime(InputStream, String, String, String) - Method in interface
SimpleJavaMail - Class in org.simplejavamail.cli
Entry class when using the command line interface.
SimpleJavaMail() - Constructor for class org.simplejavamail.cli.SimpleJavaMail
SimpleJavaMailSpringSupport - Class in org.simplejavamail.springsupport
Provides a Mailer bean completely configured from property defaults as well as a MailerGenericBuilder for your convenience in case you wish to further configure it in Java code.
SimpleJavaMailSpringSupport() - Constructor for class org.simplejavamail.springsupport.SimpleJavaMailSpringSupport
startingBlank() - Method in interface
Most common use case for creating a new email.
startingBlank() - Static method in class
storePassword(char[]) - Method in class org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.Pkcs12Config.Pkcs12ConfigBuilder
storePassword(String) - Method in class org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.Pkcs12Config.Pkcs12ConfigBuilder


testConnection(OperationalConfig, Session) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.CustomMailer
testConnection() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.Mailer
Delegates to Mailer.testConnection(boolean) with async == false.
testConnection(boolean) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.Mailer
Tries to connect to the configured SMTP server, including (authenticated) proxy if set up.
to(Recipient...) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withRecipients(Collection, Message.RecipientType) with recipientType=Message.RecipientType#TO.
to(Collection<Recipient>) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withRecipients(Collection, Message.RecipientType) with recipientType=Message.RecipientType#TO.
to(String, String) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withRecipients(String, boolean, Collection, Message.RecipientType), with recipientType=Message.RecipientType#TO and fixedName=true assigning or overwriting existing names with the provided name.
to(String) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withRecipientsWithDefaultName(String, Collection, Message.RecipientType) with recipientType=Message.RecipientType#TO and empty default name.
to(String, String...) - Method in interface
to(String, Collection<String>) - Method in interface
to(String, InternetAddress) - Method in interface
to(InternetAddress) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withAddressesWithDefaultName(String, Collection, Message.RecipientType) with recipientType=Message.RecipientType#TO and empty default name.
to(String, InternetAddress...) - Method in interface
toAddresses(String, Collection<InternetAddress>) - Method in interface
toAddressesWithDefaultName(String, InternetAddress...) - Method in interface
toAddressesWithDefaultName(String, Collection<InternetAddress>) - Method in interface
toAddressesWithFixedName(String, InternetAddress...) - Method in interface
toAddressesWithFixedName(String, Collection<InternetAddress>) - Method in interface
toMultiple(String...) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withRecipientsWithDefaultName(String, Collection, Message.RecipientType) with recipientType=Message.RecipientType#TO and empty default name.
toMultiple(Collection<String>) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withRecipientsWithDefaultName(String, Collection, Message.RecipientType) with recipientType=Message.RecipientType#TO and empty default name.
toMultiple(InternetAddress...) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withAddressesWithDefaultName(String, Collection, Message.RecipientType) with recipientType=Message.RecipientType#TO and empty default name.
toMultipleAddresses(Collection<InternetAddress>) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withAddressesWithDefaultName(String, Collection, Message.RecipientType) with recipientType=Message.RecipientType#TO and empty default name.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.Pkcs12Config
toString() - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.ProxyConfig
toString(Properties) - Method in enum org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.TransportStrategy
toWithDefaultName(String, String...) - Method in interface
toWithDefaultName(String, Collection<String>) - Method in interface
toWithFixedName(String, String...) - Method in interface
toWithFixedName(String, Collection<String>) - Method in interface
TransportStrategy - Enum in org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config
Defines the various types of transport protocols and implements respective properties so that a Session may be configured using a TransportStrategy implementation.
trustingAllHosts(boolean) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
Configures the current session to trust all hosts.
trustingSSLHosts(String...) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
Configures the new session to only accept server certificates issued to one of the provided hostnames.


usingSession(Session) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerFromSessionBuilder
Only use this API if you must use your own Session instance.
usingSession(Session) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.mailer.MailerBuilder
Delegates to MailerFromSessionBuilderImpl.usingSession(Session).


validate(Email) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.Mailer
Validates an Email instance.
validate(Email, EnumSet<EmailAddressCriteria>) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.mailer.MailerHelper
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.LoadBalancingStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.TransportStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.simplejavamail.config.ConfigLoader.Property
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOrProperty(T, ConfigLoader.Property) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.config.ConfigLoader
valueOrProperty(T, ConfigLoader.Property, T) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.config.ConfigLoader
Returns the given value if not null and not empty, otherwise tries to resolve the given property and if still not found resort to the default value if provided.
valueOrPropertyAsBoolean(Boolean, ConfigLoader.Property, Boolean) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.config.ConfigLoader
valueOrPropertyAsInteger(Integer, ConfigLoader.Property, Integer) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.config.ConfigLoader
valueOrPropertyAsString(String, ConfigLoader.Property, String) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.config.ConfigLoader
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.LoadBalancingStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.config.TransportStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.simplejavamail.config.ConfigLoader.Property
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
verifyingServerIdentity(boolean) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
Configures the current session to not verify the server's identity on an SSL connection.


wasMergedWithSmimeSignedMessage() - Method in class
Don't use this method. This method is used internally when using the builder API to copy an email that contains an S/MIME signed message. Without this method, we don't know if the copy should also be merged to match the copied email.
withAddresses(String, boolean, Collection<InternetAddress>, Message.RecipientType) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withRecipient(String, String, Message.RecipientType) for each address in the provided collection.
withAddressesWithDefaultName(String, Collection<InternetAddress>, Message.RecipientType) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withAddresses(String, boolean, Collection, Message.RecipientType), leaving existing names in tact and defaulting when missing.
withAddressesWithFixedName(String, Collection<InternetAddress>, Message.RecipientType) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withAddresses(String, boolean, Collection, Message.RecipientType), with fixedName=true assigning or overwriting existing names with the provided name.
withAttachment(String, byte[], String) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withAttachment(String, DataSource), with a named ByteArrayDataSource created using the provided name, data and mimetype.
withAttachment(String, DataSource) - Method in interface
Adds an attachment to the email message, which will be shown in the email client as seperate files available for download or inline display if the client supports it (for example, most browsers these days display PDF's in a popup).
withAttachments(List<AttachmentResource>) - Method in interface
withBounceTo(String) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withBounceTo(Recipient) with a new Recipient wrapped around the email address (or null if missing).
withBounceTo(String, String) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withBounceTo(Recipient) with a new Recipient wrapped around the given name and email address.
withBounceTo(InternetAddress) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withBounceTo(Recipient) with a new Recipient wrapped around the given address.
withBounceTo(String, InternetAddress) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withBounceTo(Recipient) with a new Recipient wrapped around the given fixed name and address.
withBounceTo(Recipient) - Method in interface
Sets the bounceTo address of this email with given Recipient (ignoring its Message.RecipientType if provided).
withCalendarText(CalendarMethod, String) - Method in interface
Sets the optional calendar details that clients such as Outlook might be able to handle.
withClusterKey(UUID) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
By defining a clusterKey, you can form clusters where other Mailer instances represent individual connection pools within the same cluster.
withConnectionPoolClaimTimeoutMillis(Integer) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
If >0, configures the connection pool to wait for a limited time after which the attempt to claim a Transport connection errors out.
withConnectionPoolCoreSize(Integer) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
Configures the connection pool's core size (default 0), which means the SMTP connection pool will keep X connections open at all times until shut down.
withConnectionPoolExpireAfterMillis(Integer) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
If >0, configures the connection pool to automatically close connections after some milliseconds (default 5000) since last usage.
withConnectionPoolLoadBalancingStrategy(LoadBalancingStrategy) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
Defines the various types of load balancing modes supported by the connection pool ion the batch-module.
withConnectionPoolMaxSize(Integer) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
Configured the connection pool's max size (default 4) in case of high thread contention.
withCustomMailer(CustomMailer) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
withDebugLogging(Boolean) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
This flag is set on the Session instance through Session.setDebug(boolean) so that it generates debug information.
withDebugLogging(Boolean) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.mailer.MailerBuilder
withDispositionNotificationTo() - Method in interface
Indicates that we want to use the NPM flag dispositionNotificationTo.
withDispositionNotificationTo(String) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withDispositionNotificationTo(Recipient) with a new Recipient wrapped around the provided address.
withDispositionNotificationTo(String, String) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withDispositionNotificationTo(Recipient) with a new Recipient wrapped around the provided name and address.
withDispositionNotificationTo(InternetAddress) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withDispositionNotificationTo(Recipient) with a new Recipient wrapped around the provided address.
withDispositionNotificationTo(String, InternetAddress) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withDispositionNotificationTo(Recipient) with a new Recipient wrapped around the provided fixed name and address.
withDispositionNotificationTo(Recipient) - Method in interface
Indicates the this email should use the NPM flag "Disposition-Notification-To" with the given preconfigred Recipient.
withEmailAddressCriteria(EnumSet<EmailAddressCriteria>) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
Sets the email address validation restrictions when validating and sending emails using the current Mailer instance.
withEmbeddedImage(String, byte[], String) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withEmbeddedImage(String, DataSource), with a named ByteArrayDataSource created using the provided name, data and mimetype.
withEmbeddedImage(String, DataSource) - Method in interface
Adds image data to this email that can be referred to from the email HTML body.
withEmbeddedImages(List<AttachmentResource>) - Method in interface
withExecutorService(ExecutorService) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
For advanced use cases.
withHeader(String, Object) - Method in interface
Adds a header which will be included in the email.
withHeaders(Map<String, T>) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withHeader(String, Object) for each header in the provided Map.
withHTMLText(File) - Method in interface
withHTMLText(String) - Method in interface
Sets the optional email message body in HTML text.
withPlainText(File) - Method in interface
withPlainText(String) - Method in interface
Sets the optional email message body in plain text.
withProperties(Properties) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
Adds the given properties to the total list applied to the Session when building a mailer.
withProperties(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
withProperty(String, Object) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
Sets property or removes it if the provided value is null.
withProxy(String, Integer) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
withProxy(String, Integer, String, String) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
withProxyBridgePort(Integer) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
Relevant only when using username authentication with a proxy.
withProxyHost(String) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
Sets the optional proxy host, which will override any default that might have been set (through properties file or programmatically).
withProxyPassword(String) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
Sets the optional password to authenticate with the proxy.
withProxyPort(Integer) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
Sets the proxy port, which will override any default that might have been set (through properties file or programmatically).
withProxyUsername(String) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
Sets the optional username to authenticate with the proxy.
withRecipient(String, Message.RecipientType) - Method in interface
withRecipient(String, String, Message.RecipientType) - Method in interface
Adds a new Recipient instance with the given name, address and Message.RecipientType.
withRecipient(Recipient) - Method in interface
Adds a new Recipient instance as copy of the provided recipient (copying name, address and Message.RecipientType).
withRecipients(String, boolean, Message.RecipientType, String...) - Method in interface
withRecipients(String, boolean, Collection<String>, Message.RecipientType) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withRecipient(Recipient) for each address found in not just the collection, but also in every individual address string that is in the collection.
withRecipients(Collection<Recipient>) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withRecipients(Collection, Message.RecipientType) with Message.RecipientType left empty (so it will use the original values).
withRecipients(Recipient...) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withRecipients(Collection, Message.RecipientType) with Message.RecipientType left empty (so it will use the original values).
withRecipients(Collection<Recipient>, Message.RecipientType) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withRecipient(String, String, Message.RecipientType) for each recipient in the provided collection, optionally fixing the recipientType for all recipients to the provided type.
withRecipientsWithDefaultName(String, Collection<String>, Message.RecipientType) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withRecipients(String, boolean, Collection, Message.RecipientType), leaving existing names in tact and defaulting when missing.
withRecipientsWithDefaultName(String, Message.RecipientType, String...) - Method in interface
withRecipientsWithFixedName(String, Collection<String>, Message.RecipientType) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withRecipients(String, boolean, Collection, Message.RecipientType), with fixedName=true assigning or overwriting existing names with the provided name.
withRecipientsWithFixedName(String, Message.RecipientType, String...) - Method in interface
withReplyTo(String) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withReplyTo(Recipient) with a new Recipient wrapped around the given email address (or null if missing).
withReplyTo(String, String) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withReplyTo(Recipient) with a new Recipient wrapped around the given fixed name and email address.
withReplyTo(InternetAddress) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withReplyTo(Recipient) with a new Recipient wrapped around the given address.
withReplyTo(String, InternetAddress) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withReplyTo(Recipient) with a new Recipient wrapped around the given fixed name and address.
withReplyTo(Recipient) - Method in interface
Sets the replyTo address of this email with given Recipient (ignoring its Message.RecipientType if provided).
withReturnReceiptTo() - Method in interface
Indicates that we want to use the flag returnReceiptTo.
withReturnReceiptTo(String) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withReturnReceiptTo(Recipient) with a new Recipient wrapped around the provided address.
withReturnReceiptTo(String, String) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withReturnReceiptTo(Recipient) with a new Recipient wrapped around the provided name and address.
withReturnReceiptTo(InternetAddress) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withReturnReceiptTo(Recipient) with a new Recipient wrapped around the provided address.
withReturnReceiptTo(String, InternetAddress) - Method in interface
Delegates to EmailPopulatingBuilder.withReturnReceiptTo(Recipient) with a new Recipient wrapped around the provided fixed name and address.
withReturnReceiptTo(Recipient) - Method in interface
Indicates that this email should use the RRT flag "Return-Receipt-To" with the preconfigured Recipient.
withSessionTimeout(Integer) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
Controls the timeout to use when sending emails (affects socket connect-, read- and write timeouts).
withSMTPServer(String, Integer, String, String) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerRegularBuilder
withSMTPServer(String, Integer, String) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerRegularBuilder
withSMTPServer(String, Integer) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerRegularBuilder
withSMTPServer(String, Integer, String, String) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.mailer.MailerBuilder
withSMTPServer(String, Integer, String) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.mailer.MailerBuilder
withSMTPServer(String, Integer) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.mailer.MailerBuilder
withSMTPServerHost(String) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerRegularBuilder
Sets the optional SMTP host.
withSMTPServerHost(String) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.mailer.MailerBuilder
withSMTPServerPassword(String) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerRegularBuilder
Sets the optional SMTP password.
withSMTPServerPassword(String) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.mailer.MailerBuilder
withSMTPServerPort(Integer) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerRegularBuilder
Sets the optional SMTP port.
withSMTPServerPort(Integer) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.mailer.MailerBuilder
withSMTPServerUsername(String) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerRegularBuilder
Sets the optional SMTP username.
withSMTPServerUsername(String) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.mailer.MailerBuilder
withSubject(String) - Method in interface
Sets the optional subject of this email.
withThreadPoolKeepAliveTime(Integer) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
When set to a non-zero value (milliseconds), this keepAlivetime is applied to both core and extra threads.
withThreadPoolSize(Integer) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
Sets max thread pool size to the given size (default is 10).
withTransportModeLoggingOnly(Boolean) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerGenericBuilder
Determines whether at the very last moment an email is sent out using JavaMail's native API or whether the email is simply only logged.
withTransportStrategy(TransportStrategy) - Method in interface org.simplejavamail.api.mailer.MailerRegularBuilder
To learn more about the various transport modes, the properties they set and the security implications, please refer to the full TransportStrategy
withTransportStrategy(TransportStrategy) - Static method in class org.simplejavamail.mailer.MailerBuilder
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