Class Logger

public class Logger extends Category

This class is a minimal implementation of the original org.apache.log4j.Logger class (as found in log4j 1.2) delegating all calls to a Logger instance.

Ceki Gülcü
  • Constructor Details

    • Logger

      protected Logger(String name)
  • Method Details

    • getLogger

      public static Logger getLogger(String name)
    • getLogger

      public static Logger getLogger(String name, LoggerFactory loggerFactory)
    • getLogger

      public static Logger getLogger(Class clazz)
    • getRootLogger

      public static Logger getRootLogger()
      Does the obvious.
      the root logger
    • isTraceEnabled

      public boolean isTraceEnabled()
      Delegates to Logger.isTraceEnabled() method of SLF4J.
      whether this logger is enabled for the level TRACE
    • trace

      public void trace(Object message)
      Delegates to Logger.trace(String) method in SLF4J.
      message - the message to log
    • trace

      public void trace(Object message, Throwable t)
      Delegates to Logger.trace(String,Throwable) method in SLF4J.
      message - the message to log
      t - a Throwable to log