Interface LoggerRepository

public interface LoggerRepository
A LoggerRepository is used to create and retrieve Loggers. The relation between loggers in a repository depends on the repository but typically loggers are arranged in a named hierarchy.

In addition to the creational methods, a LoggerRepository can be queried for existing loggers, can act as a point of registry for events related to loggers.

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  • Method Details

    • addHierarchyEventListener

      void addHierarchyEventListener(HierarchyEventListener listener)
      Add a HierarchyEventListener event to the repository.
      listener - a listener
    • isDisabled

      boolean isDisabled(int level)
      Returns whether this repository is disabled for a given level. The answer depends on the repository threshold and the level parameter. See also setThreshold(org.apache.log4j.Level) method.
    • setThreshold

      void setThreshold(Level level)
      Set the repository-wide threshold. All logging requests below the threshold are immediately dropped. By default, the threshold is set to Level.ALL which has the lowest possible rank.
    • setThreshold

      void setThreshold(String val)
      Another form of setThreshold(Level) accepting a string parameter instead of a Level.
    • emitNoAppenderWarning

      void emitNoAppenderWarning(Category cat)
    • getThreshold

      Level getThreshold()
      Get the repository-wide threshold. See setThreshold(Level) for an explanation.
    • getLogger

      Logger getLogger(String name)
    • getLogger

      Logger getLogger(String name, LoggerFactory factory)
    • getRootLogger

      Logger getRootLogger()
    • exists

      Logger exists(String name)
    • shutdown

      void shutdown()
    • getCurrentLoggers

      Enumeration getCurrentLoggers()
    • getCurrentCategories

      Enumeration getCurrentCategories()
      Deprecated. Please use getCurrentLoggers() instead.
    • fireAddAppenderEvent

      void fireAddAppenderEvent(Category logger, Appender appender)
    • resetConfiguration

      void resetConfiguration()