Uses of Interface

Packages that use Logger
org.slf4j Core logging interfaces. 
org.slf4j.helpers Helper classes. 
org.slf4j.spi Classes and interfaces which are internal to SLF4J. 

Uses of Logger in org.slf4j

Methods in org.slf4j that return Logger
static Logger LoggerFactory.getLogger(Class clazz)
          Return a logger named corresponding to the class passed as parameter, using the statically bound ILoggerFactory instance.
static Logger LoggerFactory.getLogger(String name)
          Return a logger named according to the name parameter using the statically bound ILoggerFactory instance.
 Logger ILoggerFactory.getLogger(String name)
          Return an appropriate Logger instance as specified by the name parameter.

Uses of Logger in org.slf4j.helpers

Classes in org.slf4j.helpers that implement Logger
 class MarkerIgnoringBase
          This class serves as base for adapters or native implementations of logging systems lacking Marker support.
 class NOPLogger
          A direct NOP (no operation) implementation of Logger.

Methods in org.slf4j.helpers that return Logger
 Logger SubstituteLoggerFactory.getLogger(String name)
 Logger NOPLoggerFactory.getLogger(String name)

Uses of Logger in org.slf4j.spi

Subinterfaces of Logger in org.slf4j.spi
 interface LocationAwareLogger
          An optional interface helping integration with logging systems capable of extracting location information.

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