Class LoadSettingsBuilder

  • public final class LoadSettingsBuilder
    extends Object
    Builder pattern implementation for LoadSettings
    • Method Detail

      • setLabel

        public LoadSettingsBuilder setLabel​(String label)
        Label for the input data. Can be used to improve the error message.
        label - - meaningful label to indicate the input source
        the builder with the provided value
      • setTagConstructors

        public LoadSettingsBuilder setTagConstructors​(Map<Tag,​ConstructNode> tagConstructors)
        Provide constructors for the specified tags.
        tagConstructors - - the map from a Tag to its constructor
        the builder with the provided value
      • setScalarResolver

        public LoadSettingsBuilder setScalarResolver​(ScalarResolver scalarResolver)
        Provide resolver to detect a tag by the value of a scalar
        scalarResolver - - specified ScalarResolver
        the builder with the provided value
      • setDefaultList

        public LoadSettingsBuilder setDefaultList​(IntFunction<List> defaultList)
        Provide default List implementation. ArrayList is used if nothing provided.
        defaultList - - specified List implementation (as a function from init size)
        the builder with the provided value
      • setDefaultSet

        public LoadSettingsBuilder setDefaultSet​(IntFunction<Set> defaultSet)
        Provide default Set implementation. LinkedHashSet is used if nothing provided.
        defaultSet - - specified Set implementation (as a function from init size)
        the builder with the provided value
      • setDefaultMap

        public LoadSettingsBuilder setDefaultMap​(IntFunction<Map> defaultMap)
        Provide default Map implementation. LinkedHashMap is used if nothing provided.
        defaultMap - - specified Map implementation (as a function from init size)
        the builder with the provided value
      • setBufferSize

        public LoadSettingsBuilder setBufferSize​(Integer bufferSize)
        Buffer size for incoming data stream. If the incoming stream is already buffered, then changing the buffer does not improve the performance
        bufferSize - - buffer size (in bytes) for input data
        the builder with the provided value
      • setAllowDuplicateKeys

        public LoadSettingsBuilder setAllowDuplicateKeys​(boolean allowDuplicateKeys)
        YAML 1.2 does require unique keys. To support the backwards compatibility it is possible to select what should happend when non-unique keys are detected.
        allowDuplicateKeys - - if true than the non-unique keys in a mapping are allowed (last key wins). False by default.
        the builder with the provided value
      • setAllowRecursiveKeys

        public LoadSettingsBuilder setAllowRecursiveKeys​(boolean allowRecursiveKeys)
        Allow only non-recursive keys for maps and sets. By default is it not allowed. Even though YAML allows to use anything as a key, it may cause unexpected issues when loading recursive structures.
        allowRecursiveKeys - - true to allow recursive structures as keys
        the builder with the provided value
      • setMaxAliasesForCollections

        public LoadSettingsBuilder setMaxAliasesForCollections​(int maxAliasesForCollections)
        Restrict the number of aliases for collection nodes to prevent Billion laughs attack. The purpose of this setting is to force SnakeYAML to fail before a lot of CPU and memory resources are allocated for the parser. Aliases for scalar nodes do not count because they do not grow exponentially.
        maxAliasesForCollections - - max number of aliases. More then 50 might be very dangerous. Default is 50
        the builder with the provided value
      • setUseMarks

        public LoadSettingsBuilder setUseMarks​(boolean useMarks)
        Marks are only used for error messages. But they requires a lot of memory. True by default.
        useMarks - - use false to save resources but use less informative error messages (no line and context)
        the builder with the provided value
      • setVersionFunction

        public LoadSettingsBuilder setVersionFunction​(UnaryOperator<SpecVersion> versionFunction)
        Manage YAML directive value which defines the version of the YAML specification. This parser supports YAML 1.2 but it can parse most of YAML 1.1 and YAML 1.0

        This function allows to control the version management. For instance if the document contains old version the parser can be adapted to compensate the problem. Or it can fail to indicate that the incoming version is not supported.

        versionFunction - - define the way to manage the YAML version. By default, 1.* versions are accepted and treated as YAML 1.2. Other versions fail to parse (YamlVersionException is thown)
        the builder with the provided value
      • setEnvConfig

        public LoadSettingsBuilder setEnvConfig​(Optional<EnvConfig> envConfig)
        Define EnvConfig to parse EVN format. If not set explicitly the variable substitution is not applied
        envConfig - - non-empty configuration to substitute variables
        the builder with the provided value
        See Also:
        Variable substitution
      • setParseComments

        public LoadSettingsBuilder setParseComments​(boolean parseComments)
        Parse comments to the presentation tree (Node). False by default
        parseComments - - use true to parse comments to the presentation tree (Node)
        the builder with the provided value
      • build

        public LoadSettings build()
        Build immutable LoadSettings
        immutable LoadSettings