Class CommandProcessor

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    EventListener, NotificationOriginator, org.snmp4j.CommandResponder

    public class CommandProcessor
    extends Object
    implements org.snmp4j.CommandResponder, NotificationOriginator
    The CommandProcessor is the central glue code that puts together the various sub-systems of a SNMP agent.
    Frank Fock
    • Constructor Detail

      • CommandProcessor

        public CommandProcessor​(org.snmp4j.smi.OctetString contextEngineID)
        Creates a CommandProcessor and registers all PDU types with the supplied contextEngineID as well as with MPv3.LOCAL_ENGINE_ID as required by RFC 5343.
        contextEngineID - the custom engine ID to use (should equal the engineID of the agent, i.e. USM).
    • Method Detail

      • setInternalRequestTimeout

        public void setInternalRequestTimeout​(int timeoutMillis)
        Sets the internal request timeout. Any request must return within this amount of milli-seconds. Default is five minutes.
        timeoutMillis - the maximum number of milli-seconds a request can be processed.
      • getInternalRequestTimeout

        public int getInternalRequestTimeout()
        Gets the internal request timeout millis.
        the maximum number of milli-seconds a request can be processed.
      • processPdu

        public <A extends org.snmp4j.smi.Address> void processPdu​(org.snmp4j.CommandResponderEvent<A> event)
        Specified by:
        processPdu in interface org.snmp4j.CommandResponder
      • setThreadPool

        public void setThreadPool​(org.snmp4j.util.WorkerPool threadPool)
        Sets the internal thread pool for task execution.
        threadPool - a pool of workers/threads which can execute tasks.
      • setWorkerPool

        public void setWorkerPool​(org.snmp4j.util.WorkerPool threadPool)
        Sets the internal thread pool for task execution.
        threadPool - a pool of workers/threads which can execute tasks.
      • getVacm

        public VACM getVacm()
      • setVacm

        public void setVacm​(VACM vacm)
      • getContextEngineID

        public org.snmp4j.smi.OctetString getContextEngineID()
      • setContextEngineID

        public void setContextEngineID​(org.snmp4j.smi.OctetString contextEngineID)
      • notify

        public Object notify​(org.snmp4j.smi.OctetString context,
                             org.snmp4j.smi.OID notificationID,
                             org.snmp4j.smi.VariableBinding[] vbs)
        Sends notification/inform messages to all registered targets. This method uses the internal ThreadPool to send the message(s) via the NotificationOriginator (see getNotificationOriginator()) to the targets specified by the SnmpTargetMIB and SnmpNotificationMIB instances supplied to the notification originator.
        Specified by:
        notify in interface NotificationOriginator
        context - the context name of the context on whose behalf this notification has been generated.
        notificationID - the object ID that uniquely identifies this notification. For SNMPv1 traps, the notification ID has to be build using the rules provided by RFC 2576.
        vbs - an array of VariableBinding instances representing the payload of the notification.
        an array of ResponseEvent instances or NotificationTask instance if the notification has been send asynchronously. Since the NotificationOriginator determines on behalf of the SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB contents whether a notification is sent as trap/notification or as inform request, the returned array will contain an element for each addressed target, but only a response PDU for inform targets. null will be returned when sending the notification failed because there is no NotificationOriginator set.

        NOTE: If this command processor is using a ThreadPool then the returned object will be NotificationTask instance. If all response have been received Object.notify() will be called on the returned NotificationTask object by the sending thread.

      • notify

        public Object notify​(org.snmp4j.smi.OctetString context,
                             org.snmp4j.smi.OID notificationID,
                             org.snmp4j.smi.TimeTicks sysUpTime,
                             org.snmp4j.smi.VariableBinding[] vbs)
        Description copied from interface: NotificationOriginator
        Sends notifications (traps) to all appropriate notification targets. The targets to notify are determined through the SNMP-TARGET-MIB and the SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB.
        Specified by:
        notify in interface NotificationOriginator
        context - the context name of the context on whose behalf this notification has been generated.
        notificationID - the object ID that uniquely identifies this notification. For SNMPv1 traps, the notification ID has to be build using the rules provided by RFC 2576.
        sysUpTime - the value of the sysUpTime for the context context. This value will be included in the generated notification as sysUpTime.0.
        vbs - an array of VariableBinding instances representing the payload of the notification.
        an array of ResponseEvent instances. Since the NotificationOriginator determines on behalf of the SNMP-NOTIFICATON-MIB contents whether a notification is sent as trap/notification or as inform request, the returned array contains an element for each addressed target, but only a response PDU for inform targets.
      • setNotificationOriginator

        public void setNotificationOriginator​(NotificationOriginator notificationOriginator)
      • addProxyForwarder

        public ProxyForwarder addProxyForwarder​(ProxyForwarder proxyForwarder,
                                                org.snmp4j.smi.OctetString contextEngineID,
                                                int proxyType)
      • removeProxyForwarder

        public ProxyForwarder removeProxyForwarder​(org.snmp4j.smi.OctetString contextEngineID,
                                                   int proxyType)
      • dispatchCommand

        protected <A extends org.snmp4j.smi.Address> void dispatchCommand​(org.snmp4j.CommandResponderEvent<A> command,
                                                                          CoexistenceInfo cinfo)
      • processRequest

        protected <R extends Request<Source,Response,? extends SubRequest<?>>,Source,Response> void processRequest​(MOServer server,
                                                                                                                   RequestHandler<R> handler,
                                                                                                                   R req)
        Processes (or re-process) a request and try to complete the request (thus to complete any incomplete subrequests).
        Type Parameters:
        R - the Request type to process.
        Source - the source object that created the request for processing.
        Response - the response PDU type created by the request processing.
        server - the MOServer instance to use for accessing instrumentation.
        handler - the RequestHandler to use to process the request.
        req - the Request.
      • finalizeRequest

        protected <A extends org.snmp4j.smi.Address> void finalizeRequest​(org.snmp4j.CommandResponderEvent<A> command,
                                                                          SnmpRequest req,
                                                                          MOServer server)
      • sendResponse

        protected <A extends org.snmp4j.smi.Address> void sendResponse​(org.snmp4j.CommandResponderEvent<A> requestEvent,
                                                                       org.snmp4j.PDU response)
      • setAuthorizationError

        protected void setAuthorizationError​(Request<?,?,?> req,
                                             int vacmStatus)
      • addMOServer

        public boolean addMOServer​(MOServer server)
        Adds a MOServer to this command processor and returns true on success.
        server - the MOServer to add to this command processor with least priority.
        true if the MOServer has been added, false if the MOServer is already present in this command processor.
      • removeMOServer

        public boolean removeMOServer​(MOServer server)
        Removes a MOServer from this command processor and returns true on success.
        server - the MOServer to remove from this command processor.
        true if the server has been removed, false if the server was not subject to command processing.
      • getServer

        public MOServer getServer​(org.snmp4j.smi.OctetString context)
        Gets a MOServer responsible for the specified context.
        context - a SNMPv3 context or null for the default context.
        a MOServer that returns true on MOServer.isContextSupported(OctetString) for the supplied SNMPv3 context or null if such a MOServer instance does not exists.
      • getProxyForwarder

        public ProxyMap getProxyForwarder()
      • getViewName

        protected org.snmp4j.smi.OctetString getViewName​(org.snmp4j.CommandResponderEvent<?> req,
                                                         CoexistenceInfo cinfo,
                                                         int viewType)
      • unlockManagedObjectIfLockedByLookup

        protected void unlockManagedObjectIfLockedByLookup​(MOServer server,
                                                           ManagedObject<?> mo,
                                                           LockRequest lockRequest)
        Unlock the provided ManagedObject if the also provided LockRequest indicates that the managed object was locked by a preceding MOServer.lookup(MOQuery, LockRequest) operation.
        server - a MOServer that put the lock.
        mo - the possibly locked managed object.
        lockRequest - the lock request with the status of the (potentially acquired) lock.
      • addCounterListener

        public void addCounterListener​(org.snmp4j.event.CounterListener l)
      • removeCounterListener

        public void removeCounterListener​(org.snmp4j.event.CounterListener l)
      • fireIncrementCounter

        protected void fireIncrementCounter​(org.snmp4j.event.CounterEvent event)