Interface LinkedMOFactory

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    DefaultMOFactory, SimMOFactory

    public interface LinkedMOFactory
    extends MOFactory
    The LinkedMOFactory extends the basic MOFactory interface by means for associating managed objects with instrumentation helper objects. For example, could the REFERENCE clause of a MIB module contain a machine readable description of the value source (URI) of a particular managed object. This factory could then provide that reference to the managed objects created by this factory.
    Frank Fock
    • Method Detail

      • setLink

        void setLink​(org.snmp4j.smi.OID oid,
                     Object instrumentationHelperObject)
        Set a link between the supplied object ID of a managed object class (or a set of managed object classes if the OID refers to a MIB sub-tree) to the given helper object.
        oid - an OID of a managed object class or sub-tree.
        instrumentationHelperObject - an object that helps the factory or the objects created on its behalf to instrument the those objects.
        See Also:
        getLink(OID oid)
      • getLink

        Object getLink​(org.snmp4j.smi.OID oid)
        Gets the link for the given object ID or any sub-OID prefix thereof.
        oid - the oid of the managed object class (prefix) for which to returned the linked instrumentation helper class.
        an instrumentation helper object (for example an URI) or null if no such link exists.