Class RowStatusEvent

    • Constructor Detail

      • RowStatusEvent

        public RowStatusEvent​(Object source,
                              MOTable<?,?,?> table,
                              MOTableRow row,
                              MOTableRow changeSet,
                              int oldStatus,
                              int newStatus,
                              boolean deniable)
      • RowStatusEvent

        public RowStatusEvent​(Object source,
                              MOTable<?,?,?> table,
                              MOTableRow row,
                              MOTableRow changeSet,
                              int oldStatus,
                              int newStatus,
                              boolean deniable,
                              SubRequest<?> request)
        Creates a row status event and associates a security name with the status change.
        source - the source that triggered the event.
        table - the MOTable instance the RowStatus belongs to.
        row - the MOTableRow instance the RowStatus belongs to.
        changeSet - the change set this status change is part of.
        oldStatus - the old row status.
        newStatus - the new row status.
        deniable - defines whether status change can be denied or not.
        request - the request that triggered this event.
    • Method Detail

      • getNewStatus

        public int getNewStatus()
      • getOldStatus

        public int getOldStatus()
      • getTable

        public MOTable<?,?,?> getTable()
      • isRowActivated

        public boolean isRowActivated()
        Checks whether the row event represents an activation of a row. To distinguish between a committing and a preparing row status event, use DeniableEventObject.isDeniable(). If that method returns true, then the event is fired on behalf of the preparation phase.
        true if the new row status is createAndGo(4) or active(1) and the old status is not active(1).
      • isRowDeactivated

        public boolean isRowDeactivated()
        Checks whether the row event represents a deactivation of a row. To distinguish between a committing and a preparing row status event, use DeniableEventObject.isDeniable(). If that method returns true, then the event is fired on behalf the preparation phase.
        true if the new row status is destroy(6) or notInService(2) and the old status is active(1).
      • getRequest

        public SubRequest<?> getRequest()
        Returns the request (SNMP or AgentX) associated with this event.
        the request that triggered this status change or null if the request is not known/has not been provided.