Class HtmlParagraphAssert

    • Field Summary

      • Fields inherited from class org.assertj.core.api.AbstractAssert

        actual, info, myself, objects, throwUnsupportedExceptionOnEquals
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      HtmlParagraphAssert​(org.jsoup.nodes.Element paragraph, java.util.Iterator<org.jsoup.nodes.Element> nextBlocks)  
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      HtmlParagraphAssert hasEmptyParagraph()
      Verifies next paragraph is empty or contains only " "
      HtmlListAssert hasList()  
      HtmlListAssert hasList​(java.lang.String firstItemText, java.lang.String... otherItemsText)
      Convenience method.
      HtmlParagraphAssert hasParagraph()
      Verify the next block exists, is a paragraph and returns an Assert on this block.
      HtmlParagraphAssert hasParagraph​(java.lang.String text)
      Convenience method.
      void noMoreBlock()
      Verifies there is no more block.
      HtmlParagraphAssert withLines​(java.lang.String firstLine, java.lang.String... otherLines)
      Verifies the current block has all and only the specified lines, in order.
      HtmlParagraphAssert withText​(java.lang.String text)
      Verifies the current block as the specified text, ignoring lines.
      • Methods inherited from class org.assertj.core.api.AbstractAssert

        asInstanceOf, asList, assertionError, asString, describedAs, descriptionText, doesNotHave, doesNotHaveSameClassAs, equals, failWithMessage, getWritableAssertionInfo, has, hashCode, hasSameClassAs, hasSameHashCodeAs, hasToString, inBinary, inHexadecimal, is, isEqualTo, isExactlyInstanceOf, isIn, isIn, isInstanceOf, isInstanceOfAny, isInstanceOfSatisfying, isNot, isNotEqualTo, isNotExactlyInstanceOf, isNotIn, isNotIn, isNotInstanceOf, isNotInstanceOfAny, isNotNull, isNotOfAnyClassIn, isNotSameAs, isNull, isOfAnyClassIn, isSameAs, matches, matches, newListAssertInstance, overridingErrorMessage, satisfies, satisfies, satisfiesAnyOf, satisfiesAnyOf, setCustomRepresentation, throwAssertionError, usingComparator, usingComparator, usingDefaultComparator, usingRecursiveComparison, usingRecursiveComparison, withFailMessage, withRepresentation, withThreadDumpOnError
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
      • Methods inherited from interface org.assertj.core.api.Descriptable

        as, as, describedAs
    • Constructor Detail

      • HtmlParagraphAssert

        public HtmlParagraphAssert​(org.jsoup.nodes.Element paragraph,
                                   java.util.Iterator<org.jsoup.nodes.Element> nextBlocks)
    • Method Detail

      • hasParagraph

        public HtmlParagraphAssert hasParagraph()
        Verify the next block exists, is a paragraph and returns an Assert on this block.
      • hasParagraph

        public HtmlParagraphAssert hasParagraph​(java.lang.String text)
        Convenience method. Sames as hasParagraph().withText(text).
      • hasEmptyParagraph

        public HtmlParagraphAssert hasEmptyParagraph()
        Verifies next paragraph is empty or contains only " "
      • noMoreBlock

        public void noMoreBlock()
        Verifies there is no more block.
      • withText

        public HtmlParagraphAssert withText​(java.lang.String text)
        Verifies the current block as the specified text, ignoring lines.
      • withLines

        public HtmlParagraphAssert withLines​(java.lang.String firstLine,
                                             java.lang.String... otherLines)
        Verifies the current block has all and only the specified lines, in order.
      • hasList

        public HtmlListAssert hasList​(java.lang.String firstItemText,
                                      java.lang.String... otherItemsText)
        Convenience method. Same as hasList().withItemTexts("foo", "bar").