Class ConcreteTransformationService

    • Method Detail

      • valueToExtract

        public Object valueToExtract​(Object owner,
                                     Object modelValue,
                                     ViewNode node,
                                     ScopedViewContext context)
                              throws Exception
        Description copied from interface: TransformationService
        Derives the value to extract for a model property.

        Property listeners on the view context are first allowed to transform the value as desired. Then a value type converter (if available) is used to convert the transformed model value to its view representation.

        Specified by:
        valueToExtract in interface TransformationService
        owner - owner of the property in the model
        modelValue - value of the property in model representation
        node - associated view node
        context - view context
        derived view property value
      • valueToInject

        public Object valueToInject​(ViewEntity ownerEntity,
                                    Class<?> type,
                                    Object viewValue,
                                    ViewNode node,
                                    ScopedViewContext context)
                             throws Exception
        Description copied from interface: TransformationService
        Derives the value to inject for a model property.

        The view value is first converted to an instance of the model data type. Then property listeners on the view context are allowed to transform the value as desired to arrive at the resulting derived value.

        Specified by:
        valueToInject in interface TransformationService
        ownerEntity - view entity representing the owner of the property
        type - property type in the model
        viewValue - value of the property in view representation
        node - associated view node
        context - view context
        derived model property value
      • pairToExtract

        public Map.Entry<String,​?> pairToExtract​(Object owner,
                                                       Map.Entry<?,​?> pair,
                                                       ViewNode node,
                                                       ScopedViewContext context)
                                                throws Exception
        Description copied from interface: TransformationService
        Derives a key-value pair to extract for a mapped model property.

        Property listeners on the view context are first allowed to transform the key-value pair as desired. Then type converters (if available) are used to convert the transformed key-value pair to its view representation.

        Specified by:
        pairToExtract in interface TransformationService
        owner - owner of the property in the model
        pair - key-value pair in model representation
        node - associated view node
        context - view context
        derived key-pair value
      • pairToInject

        public Map.Entry<?,​?> pairToInject​(ViewEntity ownerEntity,
                                                 Class<?> keyType,
                                                 Class<?> valueType,
                                                 String viewKey,
                                                 Object viewValue,
                                                 ViewNode node,
                                                 ScopedViewContext context)
                                          throws Exception
        Description copied from interface: TransformationService
        Derives a key-value pair to inject for a model property.

        The key-value pair from the view is first converted to a data types from the model representation. Then property listeners on the view context are allowed to transform the key-value pair as desired to arrive at the resulting pair.

        Specified by:
        pairToInject in interface TransformationService
        ownerEntity - view entity representing the owner of the property
        keyType - key type in the model
        valueType - value type in the model
        viewKey - key of the value in the view representation
        viewValue - value of the property in view representation
        node - associated view node
        context - view context
        derived model property value