
class SpecStructure(header: SpecHeader, arguments: Arguments, lazyFragments: () => Fragments)

Structure of a Specification:

  • a header
  • some arguments
  • specification fragments

Note that the fragments have to be lazy in order to avoid cycles when 2 specifications are referencing each other with links

trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def contents: AsyncStream[Fragment]
def dependsOn(spec2: SpecStructure)(ee: ExecutionEnv): Boolean
def examples: Action[List[Fragment]]
Extension method from SpecStructure
def flatMap(f: Fragment => AsyncStream[Fragment]): SpecStructure
def fragmentsList(ee: ExecutionEnv): List[Fragment]
def linkReferences: Action[List[SpecificationRef]]
Extension method from SpecStructure
def name: String
def references: Action[List[Fragment]]
Extension method from SpecStructure
def seeReferences: Action[List[SpecificationRef]]
Extension method from SpecStructure
def setArguments(args: Arguments): SpecStructure
def specClassName: String
Extension method from SpecStructure
def tags: Action[List[NamedTag]]
def tagsList: List[NamedTag]
Extension method from SpecStructure
def texts: Action[List[Fragment]]
def textsList: List[Fragment]
Extension method from SpecStructure
def wordsTitle: String

Inherited methods

def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from

Concrete fields