increment the number of expectations
increment the number of expectations
the logical and combination of 2 results
the colored textual status of the result
use another decorator
true if the result is an Error instance
true if the result is a Failure instance
true if the result is a Pending instance
true if the result is a Skipped instance
true if the result is a Success instance
true if the result is a Skipped or Pending
change this result's expected
change this result's expected
change this result's message
change this result's message
the result with no message
Success if it is a failure and vice-versa
the logical or combination of 2 results
set the number of expectations
set the number of expectations
the textual status of the result
update the expected of a result, keeping the subclass type
update the expected of a result, keeping the subclass type
update the message of a result, keeping the subclass type
update the message of a result, keeping the subclass type
This result allows to embed additional data with a given result for further display
Is is used to provide a way to display properly the data tables in the HtmlExporter