

package execute

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class DecoratedResult[+T](decorator: T, result: Result) extends Result with Product with Serializable

    This result allows to embed additional data with a given result for further display

  2. sealed trait Details extends AnyRef

    Trait to model detailled information for failures so that smart differences can be computed

  3. case class Error(m: String, e: Exception) extends Result with ResultStackTrace with Product with Serializable

    This class represents an exception occurring during an execution.

  4. trait EventuallyResults extends AnyRef

    This trait adds the possibility to retry a given value, convertible to a result, until it succeeds.

  5. trait Executable extends AnyRef

    Trait for anything that can be executed to return a Result

  6. case class Failure(m: String, e: String, stackTrace: List[StackTraceElement], details: Details) extends Result with ResultStackTrace with Product with Serializable

    This class represents the failure of an execution.

  7. case class FailureDetails(expected: String, actual: String) extends Details with Product with Serializable

  8. case class FailureException(f: Failure) extends Exception with Product with Serializable

    this class allows to throw a failure result in an Exception

  9. trait Isolable extends AnyRef

    This trait models elements which can be executed in a brand new context with new local variables It is used to execute examples in a new specification when needed

  10. case class NoDetails() extends Details with Product with Serializable

  11. trait NoPendingUntilFixed extends PendingUntilFixed

    use this trait to remove the pending until fixed implicit conversion

  12. case class Pending(m: String) extends Result with Product with Serializable

    Pending result

  13. case class PendingException(f: Pending) extends Exception with Product with Serializable

    this class allows to throw a pending result in an Exception

  14. trait PendingUntilFixed extends AnyRef

    This function allows to mark the body of an example as pending until it is fixed.

  15. sealed abstract class Result extends AnyRef

    The result of an execution, either:

  16. trait ResultExecution extends AnyRef

    This trait executes a Result and returns an appropriate value when a specs2 exception is thrown

  17. trait ResultImplicits extends AnyRef

    This trait adds some implicits to easily fold sequences of results

  18. trait ResultLike extends AnyRef

    This trait can be used for anything that can be converted to a Result.

  19. case class SkipException(f: Skipped) extends Exception with Product with Serializable

    this class allows to throw a skipped result in an Exception

  20. case class Skipped(m: String, e: String) extends Result with Product with Serializable

    Skipped result

  21. trait StandardResults extends AnyRef

    This trait provides standard results which can be used in Fragments bodies

  22. case class Success(m: String, exp: String) extends Result with Product with Serializable

    This class represents the success of an execution

Value Members

  1. object Error extends Product with Serializable

    This object allows to create an Error from an exception

  2. object EventuallyResults extends EventuallyResults

  3. object PendingUntilFixed extends PendingUntilFixed

  4. object Result

  5. object ResultExecution extends ResultExecution

  6. object ResultImplicits extends ResultImplicits

  7. object StandardResults extends StandardResults

  8. object Success extends Serializable

    Companion object to the Success class providing a method to set the expectations number