Package org.spockframework.compiler

Interface Summary

Class Summary
AstNodeCache Provides access to frequently used AST nodes.
AstUtil Utility methods for AST processing.
ConditionRewriter Rewrites explicit ("assert x > 3") and implicit ("x > 3") condition statements.
DeepStatementRewriter Walks the statement and expression tree to: - rewrite explicit conditions, - rewrite interactions, - rewrite core language primitives (members of class Specification) - Forbid Also records whether conditions and interactions were found.
ErrorReporter Reporting facility for problems found during compilation.
ExpressionReplacingVisitorSupport Groovy AST visitor that allows to replace both statements and expressions.
FieldInitializationExpression An assignment of the form "x = expr", where x is a field and expr is a field initializer expression.
InteractionRewriter Creates the AST representation of an InteractionBuilder build sequence.
OldValueExpression Used to represent the argument to Specification.old() once it has been processed by IRewriteResourceProvider.captureOldValue().
SpecAnnotator Puts all spec information required at runtime into annotations attached to class members.
SpecParser Given the abstract syntax tree of a Groovy class representing a Spock specification, builds an object model of the specification.
SpecRewriter A Spec visitor responsible for most of the rewriting of a Spec's AST.
SpockTransform AST transformation for rewriting Spock specifications.
StatementReplacingVisitorSupport Adds the ability to replace statements.

Exception Summary
InvalidSpecCompileException Indicates that a spec was found to contain a (syntactic or semantic) error during compilation.

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