Class AbstractDataSourcePoolMetadata<T extends DataSource>

Type Parameters:
T - the data source type
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
CommonsDbcp2DataSourcePoolMetadata, HikariDataSourcePoolMetadata, OracleUcpDataSourcePoolMetadata, TomcatDataSourcePoolMetadata

public abstract class AbstractDataSourcePoolMetadata<T extends DataSource> extends Object implements DataSourcePoolMetadata
A base DataSourcePoolMetadata implementation.
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractDataSourcePoolMetadata

      protected AbstractDataSourcePoolMetadata(T dataSource)
      Create an instance with the data source to use.
      dataSource - the data source
  • Method Details

    • getUsage

      public Float getUsage()
      Description copied from interface: DataSourcePoolMetadata
      Return the usage of the pool as value between 0 and 1 (or -1 if the pool is not limited).
      • 1 means that the maximum number of connections have been allocated
      • 0 means that no connection is currently active
      • -1 means there is not limit to the number of connections that can be allocated
      This may also return null if the data source does not provide the necessary information to compute the poll usage.
      Specified by:
      getUsage in interface DataSourcePoolMetadata
      the usage value or null
    • getDataSource

      protected final T getDataSource()