Interface ReactiveLoadBalancer.Factory<T>

    • Method Detail

      • getInstances

        <X> Map<String,​X> getInstances​(String name,
                                             Class<X> type)
        Allows accessing beans registered within client-specific LoadBalancer contexts.
        Type Parameters:
        X - The type of the beans to be returned
        name - Name of the beans to be returned
        type - The class of the beans to be returned
        a Map of beans
        See Also:
      • getInstance

        <X> X getInstance​(String name,
                          Class<?> clazz,
                          Class<?>... generics)
        Allows accessing a bean registered within client-specific LoadBalancer contexts.
        Type Parameters:
        X - The type of the bean to be returned
        name - Name of the bean to be returned
        clazz - The class of the bean to be returned
        generics - The classes of generic types of the bean to be returned
        a Map of beans
        See Also: