Class KafkaProducerMessageHandlerSpec<K,V,S extends KafkaProducerMessageHandlerSpec<K,V,S>>

Type Parameters:
K - the key type.
V - the value type.
S - the KafkaProducerMessageHandlerSpec extension type.
All Implemented Interfaces:
org.springframework.beans.factory.DisposableBean, org.springframework.beans.factory.FactoryBean<KafkaProducerMessageHandler<K,V>>, org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean, org.springframework.context.Lifecycle, org.springframework.context.Phased, org.springframework.context.SmartLifecycle
Direct Known Subclasses:
KafkaOutboundGatewaySpec, KafkaProducerMessageHandlerSpec.KafkaProducerMessageHandlerTemplateSpec

public class KafkaProducerMessageHandlerSpec<K,V,S extends KafkaProducerMessageHandlerSpec<K,V,S>> extends org.springframework.integration.dsl.MessageHandlerSpec<S,KafkaProducerMessageHandler<K,V>>
A MessageHandlerSpec implementation for the KafkaProducerMessageHandler.
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static class 
    A KafkaTemplate-based KafkaProducerMessageHandlerSpec extension.
  • Field Summary

    Fields inherited from class org.springframework.integration.dsl.IntegrationComponentSpec

    logger, PARSER, target

    Fields inherited from interface org.springframework.beans.factory.FactoryBean


    Fields inherited from interface org.springframework.context.SmartLifecycle

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    <P> S
    flush(Function<org.springframework.messaging.Message<P>,Boolean> flushFunction)
    Configure a Function that will be invoked at runtime to determine whether to flush the producer after send.
    flushExpression(String flushExpression)
    Configure a SpEL expression to determine whether to flush the producer after a send.
    flushExpression(org.springframework.expression.Expression flushExpression)
    Configure an Expression to determine whether to flush the producer after a send.
    futuresChannel(String futuresChannel)
    Set the channel to which send futures are sent.
    futuresChannel(org.springframework.messaging.MessageChannel futuresChannel)
    Set the channel to which send futures are sent.
    headerMapper( mapper)
    Specify a header mapper to map spring messaging headers to Kafka headers.
    messageKey(String messageKey)
    Configure the message key to store message in Kafka topic.
    <P> S
    messageKey(Function<org.springframework.messaging.Message<P>,?> messageKeyFunction)
    Configure a Function that will be invoked at runtime to determine the message key under which a message will be stored in the topic.
    messageKeyExpression(String messageKeyExpression)
    Configure a SpEL expression to determine the Kafka message key to store at runtime against request Message as a root object of evaluation context.
    messageKeyExpression(org.springframework.expression.Expression messageKeyExpression)
    Configure an Expression to determine the Kafka message key to store at runtime against request Message as a root object of evaluation context.
    partitionId(Integer partitionId)
    Configure a partitionId of Kafka topic.
    <P> S
    partitionId(Function<org.springframework.messaging.Message<P>,Integer> partitionIdFunction)
    Configure a Function that will be invoked at runtime to determine the partition id under which a message will be stored in the topic.
    partitionIdExpression(String partitionIdExpression)
    Configure a SpEL expression to determine the topic partitionId at runtime against request Message as a root object of evaluation context.
    partitionIdExpression(org.springframework.expression.Expression partitionIdExpression)
    Configure an Expression to determine the topic partitionId at runtime against request Message as a root object of evaluation context.
    Set a KafkaProducerMessageHandler.ProducerRecordCreator to create the ProducerRecord.
    sendFailureChannel(String sendFailureChannel)
    Set the channel to which failed send results are sent.
    sendFailureChannel(org.springframework.messaging.MessageChannel sendFailureChannel)
    Set the channel to which failed send results are sent.
    sendSuccessChannel(String sendSuccessChannel)
    Set the channel to which successful send results are sent.
    sendSuccessChannel(org.springframework.messaging.MessageChannel sendSuccessChannel)
    Set the channel to which successful send results are sent.
    sendTimeout(long sendTimeout)
    Specify a timeout in milliseconds how long KafkaProducerMessageHandler should wait for send operation results.
    sync(boolean sync)
    A boolean indicating if the KafkaProducerMessageHandler should wait for the send operation results or not.
    <P> S
    timestamp(Function<org.springframework.messaging.Message<P>,Long> timestampFunction)
    Configure a Function that will be invoked at runtime to determine the Kafka record timestamp will be stored in the topic.
    timestampExpression(String timestampExpression)
    Configure a SpEL expression to determine the timestamp at runtime against a request Message as a root object of evaluation context.
    timestampExpression(org.springframework.expression.Expression timestampExpression)
    Configure an Expression to determine the timestamp at runtime against a request Message as a root object of evaluation context.
    topic(String topic)
    Configure the Kafka topic to send messages.
    <P> S
    topic(Function<org.springframework.messaging.Message<P>,String> topicFunction)
    Configure a Function that will be invoked at runtime to determine the topic to which a message will be sent.
    topicExpression(String topicExpression)
    Configure a SpEL expression to determine the Kafka topic at runtime against request Message as a root object of evaluation context.
    topicExpression(org.springframework.expression.Expression topicExpression)
    Configure an Expression to determine the Kafka topic at runtime against request Message as a root object of evaluation context.
    useTemplateConverter(boolean use)
    Set to true to use the template's message converter to create the ProducerRecord instead of the producerRecordCreator.

    Methods inherited from class org.springframework.integration.dsl.IntegrationComponentSpec

    _this, afterPropertiesSet, destroy, doGet, getId, getObject, getObjectType, getPhase, id, isAutoStartup, isRunning, start, stop, stop

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

    Methods inherited from interface org.springframework.beans.factory.FactoryBean

  • Method Details

    • topic

      public S topic(String topic)
      Configure the Kafka topic to send messages.
      topic - the Kafka topic name.
      the spec.
    • topicExpression

      public S topicExpression(String topicExpression)
      Configure a SpEL expression to determine the Kafka topic at runtime against request Message as a root object of evaluation context.
      topicExpression - the topic SpEL expression.
      the spec.
    • topicExpression

      public S topicExpression(org.springframework.expression.Expression topicExpression)
      Configure an Expression to determine the Kafka topic at runtime against request Message as a root object of evaluation context.
      topicExpression - the topic expression.
      the spec.
    • topic

      public <P> S topic(Function<org.springframework.messaging.Message<P>,String> topicFunction)
      Configure a Function that will be invoked at runtime to determine the topic to which a message will be sent. Typically used with a Java 8 Lambda expression:
       .<Foo>topic(m -> m.getPayload().getTopic())
      Type Parameters:
      P - the expected payload type.
      topicFunction - the topic function.
      the current KafkaProducerMessageHandlerSpec.
      See Also:
      • FunctionExpression
    • messageKeyExpression

      public S messageKeyExpression(String messageKeyExpression)
      Configure a SpEL expression to determine the Kafka message key to store at runtime against request Message as a root object of evaluation context.
      messageKeyExpression - the message key SpEL expression.
      the spec.
    • messageKey

      public S messageKey(String messageKey)
      Configure the message key to store message in Kafka topic.
      messageKey - the message key to use.
      the spec.
    • messageKeyExpression

      public S messageKeyExpression(org.springframework.expression.Expression messageKeyExpression)
      Configure an Expression to determine the Kafka message key to store at runtime against request Message as a root object of evaluation context.
      messageKeyExpression - the message key expression.
      the spec.
    • messageKey

      public <P> S messageKey(Function<org.springframework.messaging.Message<P>,?> messageKeyFunction)
      Configure a Function that will be invoked at runtime to determine the message key under which a message will be stored in the topic. Typically used with a Java 8 Lambda expression:
       .<Foo>messageKey(m -> m.getPayload().getKey())
      Type Parameters:
      P - the expected payload type.
      messageKeyFunction - the message key function.
      the current KafkaProducerMessageHandlerSpec.
      See Also:
      • FunctionExpression
    • partitionId

      public S partitionId(Integer partitionId)
      Configure a partitionId of Kafka topic.
      partitionId - the partitionId to use.
      the spec.
    • partitionIdExpression

      public S partitionIdExpression(String partitionIdExpression)
      Configure a SpEL expression to determine the topic partitionId at runtime against request Message as a root object of evaluation context.
      partitionIdExpression - the partitionId expression to use.
      the spec.
    • partitionId

      public <P> S partitionId(Function<org.springframework.messaging.Message<P>,Integer> partitionIdFunction)
      Configure a Function that will be invoked at runtime to determine the partition id under which a message will be stored in the topic. Typically used with a Java 8 Lambda expression:
       .partitionId(m -> m.getHeaders().get("partitionId", Integer.class))
      Type Parameters:
      P - the expected payload type.
      partitionIdFunction - the partitionId function.
      the spec.
    • partitionIdExpression

      public S partitionIdExpression(org.springframework.expression.Expression partitionIdExpression)
      Configure an Expression to determine the topic partitionId at runtime against request Message as a root object of evaluation context.
      partitionIdExpression - the partitionId expression to use.
      the spec.
    • timestampExpression

      public S timestampExpression(String timestampExpression)
      Configure a SpEL expression to determine the timestamp at runtime against a request Message as a root object of evaluation context.
      timestampExpression - the timestamp expression to use.
      the spec.
    • timestamp

      public <P> S timestamp(Function<org.springframework.messaging.Message<P>,Long> timestampFunction)
      Configure a Function that will be invoked at runtime to determine the Kafka record timestamp will be stored in the topic. Typically used with a Java 8 Lambda expression:
       .timestamp(m -> m.getHeaders().get("mytimestamp_header", Long.class))
      Type Parameters:
      P - the expected payload type.
      timestampFunction - the timestamp function.
      the spec.
    • timestampExpression

      public S timestampExpression(org.springframework.expression.Expression timestampExpression)
      Configure an Expression to determine the timestamp at runtime against a request Message as a root object of evaluation context.
      timestampExpression - the timestamp expression to use.
      the spec.
    • flushExpression

      public S flushExpression(String flushExpression)
      Configure a SpEL expression to determine whether to flush the producer after a send. By default, the producer is flushed if a header kafka_flush has a value Boolean.TRUE.
      flushExpression - the timestamp expression to use.
      the spec.
    • flush

      public <P> S flush(Function<org.springframework.messaging.Message<P>,Boolean> flushFunction)
      Configure a Function that will be invoked at runtime to determine whether to flush the producer after send. By default, the producer is flushed if a header kafka_flush has a value Boolean.TRUE. Typically, used with a Java Lambda expression:
       .flush(m -> m.getPayload().shouldFlush())
      Type Parameters:
      P - the expected payload type.
      flushFunction - the flush function.
      the spec.
    • flushExpression

      public S flushExpression(org.springframework.expression.Expression flushExpression)
      Configure an Expression to determine whether to flush the producer after a send. By default, the producer is flushed if a header kafka_flush has a value Boolean.TRUE.
      flushExpression - the timestamp expression to use.
      the spec.
    • sync

      public S sync(boolean sync)
      A boolean indicating if the KafkaProducerMessageHandler should wait for the send operation results or not. Defaults to false. In sync mode a downstream send operation exception will be re-thrown.
      sync - the send mode; async by default.
      the spec.
    • sendTimeout

      public S sendTimeout(long sendTimeout)
      Specify a timeout in milliseconds how long KafkaProducerMessageHandler should wait for send operation results. Defaults to 10 seconds.
      sendTimeout - the timeout to wait for result fo send operation.
      the spec.
    • headerMapper

      public S headerMapper( mapper)
      Specify a header mapper to map spring messaging headers to Kafka headers.
      mapper - the mapper.
      the spec.
    • sendSuccessChannel

      public S sendSuccessChannel(org.springframework.messaging.MessageChannel sendSuccessChannel)
      Set the channel to which successful send results are sent.
      sendSuccessChannel - the channel.
      the spec.
    • sendSuccessChannel

      public S sendSuccessChannel(String sendSuccessChannel)
      Set the channel to which successful send results are sent.
      sendSuccessChannel - the channel name.
      the spec.
    • sendFailureChannel

      public S sendFailureChannel(org.springframework.messaging.MessageChannel sendFailureChannel)
      Set the channel to which failed send results are sent.
      sendFailureChannel - the channel.
      the spec.
    • sendFailureChannel

      public S sendFailureChannel(String sendFailureChannel)
      Set the channel to which failed send results are sent.
      sendFailureChannel - the channel name.
      the spec.
    • futuresChannel

      public S futuresChannel(org.springframework.messaging.MessageChannel futuresChannel)
      Set the channel to which send futures are sent.
      futuresChannel - the channel.
      the spec.
    • futuresChannel

      public S futuresChannel(String futuresChannel)
      Set the channel to which send futures are sent.
      futuresChannel - the channel name.
      the spec.
    • producerRecordCreator

      public S producerRecordCreator(KafkaProducerMessageHandler.ProducerRecordCreator<K,V> creator)
      Set a KafkaProducerMessageHandler.ProducerRecordCreator to create the ProducerRecord. Ignored if useTemplateConverter is true.
      creator - the creator.
      the spec.
    • useTemplateConverter

      public S useTemplateConverter(boolean use)
      Set to true to use the template's message converter to create the ProducerRecord instead of the producerRecordCreator.
      use - true to use the converter.
      the spec.