Class JeeConfigurer<H extends HttpSecurityBuilder<H>>

    • Constructor Detail

      • JeeConfigurer

        public JeeConfigurer()
        Creates a new instance
        See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • mappableAuthorities

        public JeeConfigurer<H> mappableAuthorities​(java.lang.String... mappableRoles)
        Specifies roles to use map from the HttpServletRequest to the UserDetails. If HttpServletRequest.isUserInRole(String) returns true, the role is added to the UserDetails. This method is the equivalent of invoking mappableAuthorities(Set). Multiple invocations of mappableAuthorities(String...) will override previous invocations.

        There are no default roles that are mapped.

        mappableRoles - the roles to attempt to map to the UserDetails (i.e. "ROLE_USER", "ROLE_ADMIN", etc).
        the JeeConfigurer for further customizations
        See Also:
        SimpleMappableAttributesRetriever, mappableRoles(String...)
      • mappableRoles

        public JeeConfigurer<H> mappableRoles​(java.lang.String... mappableRoles)
        Specifies roles to use map from the HttpServletRequest to the UserDetails and automatically prefixes it with "ROLE_". If HttpServletRequest.isUserInRole(String) returns true, the role is added to the UserDetails. This method is the equivalent of invoking mappableAuthorities(Set). Multiple invocations of mappableRoles(String...) will override previous invocations.

        There are no default roles that are mapped.

        mappableRoles - the roles to attempt to map to the UserDetails (i.e. "USER", "ADMIN", etc).
        the JeeConfigurer for further customizations
        See Also:
        SimpleMappableAttributesRetriever, mappableAuthorities(String...)
      • mappableAuthorities

        public JeeConfigurer<H> mappableAuthorities​(java.util.Set<java.lang.String> mappableRoles)
        Specifies roles to use map from the HttpServletRequest to the UserDetails. If HttpServletRequest.isUserInRole(String) returns true, the role is added to the UserDetails. This is the equivalent of mappableRoles(String...). Multiple invocations of mappableAuthorities(Set) will override previous invocations.

        There are no default roles that are mapped.

        mappableRoles - the roles to attempt to map to the UserDetails.
        the JeeConfigurer for further customizations
        See Also:
      • authenticatedUserDetailsService

        public JeeConfigurer<H> authenticatedUserDetailsService​(<> authenticatedUserDetailsService)
        Specifies the AuthenticationUserDetailsService that is used with the PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider. The default is a PreAuthenticatedGrantedAuthoritiesUserDetailsService.
        authenticatedUserDetailsService - the AuthenticationUserDetailsService to use.
        the JeeConfigurer for further configuration
      • j2eePreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter

        public JeeConfigurer<H> j2eePreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter​( j2eePreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter)
        Allows specifying the J2eePreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter to use. If J2eePreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter is provided, all of its attributes must also be configured manually (i.e. all attributes populated in the JeeConfigurer are not used).
        j2eePreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter - the J2eePreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter to use.
        the JeeConfigurer for further configuration