Class OAuth2LoginConfigurer.UserInfoEndpointConfig

  • Enclosing class:
    OAuth2LoginConfigurer<B extends HttpSecurityBuilder<B>>

    public final class OAuth2LoginConfigurer.UserInfoEndpointConfig
    extends java.lang.Object
    Configuration options for the Authorization Server's UserInfo Endpoint.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      OAuth2LoginConfigurer<B> and()
      Returns the OAuth2LoginConfigurer for further configuration.
      OAuth2LoginConfigurer.UserInfoEndpointConfig customUserType​(java.lang.Class<? extends> customUserType, java.lang.String clientRegistrationId)
      See CustomUserTypesOAuth2UserService for alternative usage.
      OAuth2LoginConfigurer.UserInfoEndpointConfig oidcUserService​(<,​> oidcUserService)
      Sets the OpenID Connect 1.0 service used for obtaining the user attributes of the End-User from the UserInfo Endpoint.
      OAuth2LoginConfigurer.UserInfoEndpointConfig userAuthoritiesMapper​( userAuthoritiesMapper)
      Sets the GrantedAuthoritiesMapper used for mapping OAuth2AuthenticatedPrincipal.getAuthorities().
      OAuth2LoginConfigurer.UserInfoEndpointConfig userService​(<,​> userService)
      Sets the OAuth 2.0 service used for obtaining the user attributes of the End-User from the UserInfo Endpoint.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • userService

        public OAuth2LoginConfigurer.UserInfoEndpointConfig userService​(<,​> userService)
        Sets the OAuth 2.0 service used for obtaining the user attributes of the End-User from the UserInfo Endpoint.
        userService - the OAuth 2.0 service used for obtaining the user attributes of the End-User from the UserInfo Endpoint
        the OAuth2LoginConfigurer.UserInfoEndpointConfig for further configuration
      • oidcUserService

        public OAuth2LoginConfigurer.UserInfoEndpointConfig oidcUserService​(<,​> oidcUserService)
        Sets the OpenID Connect 1.0 service used for obtaining the user attributes of the End-User from the UserInfo Endpoint.
        oidcUserService - the OpenID Connect 1.0 service used for obtaining the user attributes of the End-User from the UserInfo Endpoint
        the OAuth2LoginConfigurer.UserInfoEndpointConfig for further configuration
      • customUserType

        public OAuth2LoginConfigurer.UserInfoEndpointConfig customUserType​(java.lang.Class<? extends> customUserType,
                                                                           java.lang.String clientRegistrationId)
        See CustomUserTypesOAuth2UserService for alternative usage.
        Sets a custom OAuth2User type and associates it to the provided client registration identifier.
        customUserType - a custom OAuth2User type
        clientRegistrationId - the client registration identifier
        the OAuth2LoginConfigurer.UserInfoEndpointConfig for further configuration
      • userAuthoritiesMapper

        public OAuth2LoginConfigurer.UserInfoEndpointConfig userAuthoritiesMapper​( userAuthoritiesMapper)
        Sets the GrantedAuthoritiesMapper used for mapping OAuth2AuthenticatedPrincipal.getAuthorities().
        userAuthoritiesMapper - the GrantedAuthoritiesMapper used for mapping the user's authorities
        the OAuth2LoginConfigurer.UserInfoEndpointConfig for further configuration