Class ServerHttpSecurity.HttpsRedirectSpec

    • Constructor Detail

      • HttpsRedirectSpec

        public HttpsRedirectSpec()
    • Method Detail

      • httpsRedirectWhen

        public ServerHttpSecurity.HttpsRedirectSpec httpsRedirectWhen​( matchers)
        Configures when this filter should redirect to https By default, the filter will redirect whenever an exchange's scheme is not https
        matchers - the list of conditions that, when any are met, the filter should redirect to https
        the ServerHttpSecurity.HttpsRedirectSpec for additional configuration
      • httpsRedirectWhen

        public ServerHttpSecurity.HttpsRedirectSpec httpsRedirectWhen​(java.util.function.Function<org.springframework.web.server.ServerWebExchange,​java.lang.Boolean> when)
        Configures when this filter should redirect to https By default, the filter will redirect whenever an exchange's scheme is not https
        when - determines when to redirect to https
        the ServerHttpSecurity.HttpsRedirectSpec for additional configuration