Class AbstractRequestMatcherRegistry<C>

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      C antMatchers​(java.lang.String... antPatterns)
      Maps a List of AntPathRequestMatcher instances that do not care which HttpMethod is used.
      C antMatchers​(org.springframework.http.HttpMethod method)
      Maps a List of AntPathRequestMatcher instances.
      C antMatchers​(org.springframework.http.HttpMethod method, java.lang.String... antPatterns)
      Maps a List of AntPathRequestMatcher instances.
      C anyRequest()
      Maps any request.
      protected abstract C chainRequestMatchers​(java.util.List<> requestMatchers)
      Subclasses should implement this method for returning the object that is chained to the creation of the RequestMatcher instances.
      protected java.util.List<> createMvcMatchers​(org.springframework.http.HttpMethod method, java.lang.String... mvcPatterns)
      Creates MvcRequestMatcher instances for the method and patterns passed in
      C dispatcherTypeMatchers​(javax.servlet.DispatcherType... dispatcherTypes)
      Create a List of DispatcherTypeRequestMatcher instances that do not specify an HttpMethod.
      C dispatcherTypeMatchers​(org.springframework.http.HttpMethod method, javax.servlet.DispatcherType... dispatcherTypes)
      Maps a List of DispatcherTypeRequestMatcher instances.
      protected org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext getApplicationContext()
      Gets the ApplicationContext
      abstract C mvcMatchers​(java.lang.String... mvcPatterns)
      Maps an MvcRequestMatcher that does not care which HttpMethod is used.
      abstract C mvcMatchers​(org.springframework.http.HttpMethod method, java.lang.String... mvcPatterns)
      Maps an MvcRequestMatcher that also specifies a specific HttpMethod to match on.
      C regexMatchers​(java.lang.String... regexPatterns)
      Create a List of RegexRequestMatcher instances that do not specify an HttpMethod.
      C regexMatchers​(org.springframework.http.HttpMethod method, java.lang.String... regexPatterns)
      Maps a List of RegexRequestMatcher instances.
      C requestMatchers​( requestMatchers)
      Associates a list of RequestMatcher instances with the AbstractConfigAttributeRequestMatcherRegistry
      protected void setApplicationContext​(org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext context)  
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractRequestMatcherRegistry

        public AbstractRequestMatcherRegistry()
    • Method Detail

      • setApplicationContext

        protected final void setApplicationContext​(org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext context)
      • getApplicationContext

        protected final org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext getApplicationContext()
        Gets the ApplicationContext
        the ApplicationContext
      • anyRequest

        public C anyRequest()
        Maps any request.
        the object that is chained after creating the RequestMatcher
      • antMatchers

        public C antMatchers​(org.springframework.http.HttpMethod method)
        Maps a List of AntPathRequestMatcher instances.
        method - the HttpMethod to use for any HttpMethod.
        the object that is chained after creating the RequestMatcher
      • antMatchers

        public C antMatchers​(org.springframework.http.HttpMethod method,
                             java.lang.String... antPatterns)
        Maps a List of AntPathRequestMatcher instances.
        method - the HttpMethod to use or null for any HttpMethod.
        antPatterns - the ant patterns to create. If null or empty, then matches on nothing.
        the object that is chained after creating the RequestMatcher
      • antMatchers

        public C antMatchers​(java.lang.String... antPatterns)
        Maps a List of AntPathRequestMatcher instances that do not care which HttpMethod is used.
        antPatterns - the ant patterns to create AntPathRequestMatcher from
        the object that is chained after creating the RequestMatcher
      • mvcMatchers

        public abstract C mvcMatchers​(java.lang.String... mvcPatterns)

        Maps an MvcRequestMatcher that does not care which HttpMethod is used. This matcher will use the same rules that Spring MVC uses for matching. For example, often times a mapping of the path "/path" will match on "/path", "/path/", "/path.html", etc.

        If the current request will not be processed by Spring MVC, a reasonable default using the pattern as a ant pattern will be used.

        mvcPatterns - the patterns to match on. The rules for matching are defined by Spring MVC
        the object that is chained after creating the RequestMatcher.
      • mvcMatchers

        public abstract C mvcMatchers​(org.springframework.http.HttpMethod method,
                                      java.lang.String... mvcPatterns)

        Maps an MvcRequestMatcher that also specifies a specific HttpMethod to match on. This matcher will use the same rules that Spring MVC uses for matching. For example, often times a mapping of the path "/path" will match on "/path", "/path/", "/path.html", etc.

        If the current request will not be processed by Spring MVC, a reasonable default using the pattern as a ant pattern will be used.

        method - the HTTP method to match on
        mvcPatterns - the patterns to match on. The rules for matching are defined by Spring MVC
        the object that is chained after creating the RequestMatcher.
      • createMvcMatchers

        protected final java.util.List<> createMvcMatchers​(org.springframework.http.HttpMethod method,
                                                                                                                                  java.lang.String... mvcPatterns)
        Creates MvcRequestMatcher instances for the method and patterns passed in
        method - the HTTP method to use or null if any should be used
        mvcPatterns - the Spring MVC patterns to match on
        a List of MvcRequestMatcher instances
      • regexMatchers

        public C regexMatchers​(org.springframework.http.HttpMethod method,
                               java.lang.String... regexPatterns)
        Maps a List of RegexRequestMatcher instances.
        method - the HttpMethod to use or null for any HttpMethod.
        regexPatterns - the regular expressions to create RegexRequestMatcher from
        the object that is chained after creating the RequestMatcher
      • regexMatchers

        public C regexMatchers​(java.lang.String... regexPatterns)
        Create a List of RegexRequestMatcher instances that do not specify an HttpMethod.
        regexPatterns - the regular expressions to create RegexRequestMatcher from
        the object that is chained after creating the RequestMatcher
      • dispatcherTypeMatchers

        public C dispatcherTypeMatchers​(@Nullable
                                        org.springframework.http.HttpMethod method,
                                        javax.servlet.DispatcherType... dispatcherTypes)
        Maps a List of DispatcherTypeRequestMatcher instances.
        method - the HttpMethod to use or null for any HttpMethod.
        dispatcherTypes - the dispatcher types to match against
        the object that is chained after creating the RequestMatcher
      • dispatcherTypeMatchers

        public C dispatcherTypeMatchers​(javax.servlet.DispatcherType... dispatcherTypes)
        Create a List of DispatcherTypeRequestMatcher instances that do not specify an HttpMethod.
        dispatcherTypes - the dispatcher types to match against
        the object that is chained after creating the RequestMatcher
      • requestMatchers

        public C requestMatchers​( requestMatchers)
        Associates a list of RequestMatcher instances with the AbstractConfigAttributeRequestMatcherRegistry
        requestMatchers - the RequestMatcher instances
        the object that is chained after creating the RequestMatcher
      • chainRequestMatchers

        protected abstract C chainRequestMatchers​(java.util.List<> requestMatchers)
        Subclasses should implement this method for returning the object that is chained to the creation of the RequestMatcher instances.
        requestMatchers - the RequestMatcher instances that were created
        the chained Object for the subclass which allows association of something else to the RequestMatcher