Interface ProviderManagerBuilder<B extends ProviderManagerBuilder<B>>

Type Parameters:
B - the type of the SecurityBuilder
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public interface ProviderManagerBuilder<B extends ProviderManagerBuilder<B>> extends SecurityBuilder<>
Interface for operating on a SecurityBuilder that creates a ProviderManager
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    authenticationProvider( authenticationProvider)
    Add authentication based upon the custom AuthenticationProvider that is passed in.

    Methods inherited from interface

  • Method Details

    • authenticationProvider

      B authenticationProvider( authenticationProvider)
      Add authentication based upon the custom AuthenticationProvider that is passed in. Since the AuthenticationProvider implementation is unknown, all customizations must be done externally and the ProviderManagerBuilder is returned immediately. Note that an Exception is thrown if an error occurs when adding the AuthenticationProvider.
      a ProviderManagerBuilder to allow further authentication to be provided to the ProviderManagerBuilder