
Package org.springframework.security.core.session

Session abstraction which is provided by the org.springframework.security.core.session.SessionInformation SessionInformation class.


Interface Summary
SessionIdentifierAware Deprecated. Legacy of former concurrency control implementation.
SessionRegistry Maintains a registry of SessionInformation instances.

Class Summary
SessionCreationEvent Generic session creation event which indicates that a session (potentially represented by a security context) has begun.
SessionDestroyedEvent Generic "session termination" event which indicates that a session (potentially represented by a security context) has ended.
SessionInformation Represents a record of a session within the Spring Security framework.
SessionRegistryImpl Default implementation of SessionRegistry which listens for SessionDestroyedEvents published in the Spring application context.

Package org.springframework.security.core.session Description

Session abstraction which is provided by the org.springframework.security.core.session.SessionInformation SessionInformation class. The SessionRegistry is a core part of the web-based concurrent session control, but the code is not dependent on any of the servlet APIs.
