Class MappedJwtClaimSetConverter

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class MappedJwtClaimSetConverter extends Object implements org.springframework.core.convert.converter.Converter<Map<String,Object>,Map<String,Object>>
Converts a JWT claim set, claim by claim. Can be configured with custom converters by claim name.
See Also:
  • ClaimTypeConverter
  • Constructor Details

    • MappedJwtClaimSetConverter

      public MappedJwtClaimSetConverter(Map<String,org.springframework.core.convert.converter.Converter<Object,?>> claimTypeConverters)
      Constructs a MappedJwtClaimSetConverter with the provided arguments This will completely replace any set of default converters. A converter that returns null removes the claim from the claim set. A converter that returns a non-null value adds or replaces that claim in the claim set.
      claimTypeConverters - The Map of converters to use
  • Method Details

    • withDefaults

      public static MappedJwtClaimSetConverter withDefaults(Map<String,org.springframework.core.convert.converter.Converter<Object,?>> claimTypeConverters)
      Construct a MappedJwtClaimSetConverter, overriding individual claim converters with the provided Map of Converters. For example, the following would give an instance that is configured with only the default claim converters:
      Or, the following would supply a custom converter for the subject, leaving the other defaults in place:
                      Collections.singletonMap(JwtClaimNames.SUB, new UserDetailsServiceJwtSubjectConverter()));
      To completely replace the underlying Map of converters, see MappedJwtClaimSetConverter(Map). A converter that returns null removes the claim from the claim set. A converter that returns a non-null value adds or replaces that claim in the claim set.
      claimTypeConverters -
      An instance of MappedJwtClaimSetConverter that contains the converters provided, plus any defaults that were not overridden.
    • convert

      public Map<String,Object> convert(Map<String,Object> claims)
      Specified by:
      convert in interface org.springframework.core.convert.converter.Converter<Map<String,Object>,Map<String,Object>>