All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract processor of browser-based HTTP-based authentication requests.
Base class containing the logic used by strategies which handle redirection to a URL and are passed an Authentication object as part of the contract.
Base class for processing filters that handle pre-authenticated authentication requests, where it is assumed that the principal has already been authenticated by an external system.
Base class for RememberMeServices implementations.
ALLOW-FROM is an obsolete directive that no longer works in modern browsers.
Registers the DelegatingFilterProxy to use the springSecurityFilterChain before any other registered Filter.
A base class for performing session fixation protection.
Used by ExceptionTranslationFilter to handle an AccessDeniedException.
Base implementation of AccessDeniedHandler.
ALLOW-FROM is an obsolete directive that no longer works in modern browsers.
RequestMatcher that will return true if all of the passed in RequestMatcher instances match.
Matches if all the provided ServerWebExchangeMatcher match
Detects if there is no Authentication object in the SecurityContextHolder, and populates it with one if needed.
Detects if there is no Authentication object in the ReactiveSecurityContextHolder, and populates it with one if needed.
Matcher which compares a pre-defined ant-style pattern against the URL ( servletPath + pathInfo) of an HttpServletRequest.
Matches any supplied request.
A strategy used for converting from a HttpServletRequest to an Authentication of particular type.
Matches if the ServerAuthenticationConverter can convert a ServerWebExchange to an Authentication.
Used by ExceptionTranslationFilter to commence an authentication scheme.
Strategy used to handle a failed authentication attempt.
A Filter that performs authentication of a particular request.
Use AuthenticationPrincipal instead.
Allows resolving the Authentication.getPrincipal() using the AuthenticationPrincipal annotation.
Resolves the Authentication
Strategy used to handle a successful user authentication.
Application event which indicates that a user context switch.
A WebFilter that performs authentication of a particular request.
An authorization filter that restricts access to the URL using AuthorizationManager.
An implementation of WebInvocationPrivilegeEvaluator which delegates the checks to an instance of AuthorizationManager
Used to transform the HttpServletRequest prior to passing it into the AuthorizationManager.
Converts from a HttpServletRequest to UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken that can be authenticated.
Used by the ExceptionTranslationFilter to commence authentication via the BasicAuthenticationFilter.
Processes a HTTP request's BASIC authorization headers, putting the result into the SecurityContextHolder.
Inserts headers to prevent caching if no cache control headers have been specified.
Writes cache control related headers.
Uses HttpServletRequest.changeSessionId() to protect against session fixation attacks.
Decides whether a web channel provides sufficient security.
Implementation of ChannelDecisionManager.
May be used by a ChannelProcessor to launch a web channel.
Ensures a web request is delivered over the required channel.
Decides whether a web channel meets a specific security condition.
Provides support for Clear Site Data.
Represents the directive values expected by the ClearSiteDataHeaderWriter.
Writes the Clear-Site-Data response header when the request is secure.
Represents the directive values expected by the ClearSiteDataServerHttpHeadersWriter
A HeaderWriter that delegates to several other HeaderWriters.
Performs a logout through all the LogoutHandler implementations.
A RequestRejectedHandler that delegates to several other RequestRejectedHandlers.
Combines multiple ServerHttpHeadersWriter instances into a single instance.
A SessionAuthenticationStrategy that accepts multiple SessionAuthenticationStrategy implementations to delegate to.
Strategy which handles concurrent session-control.
Filter required by concurrent session handling package.
Writes the Contet-Security-Policy response header with configured policy directives.
Adds X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
A logout handler which clears either - A defined list of cookie names, using the context path as the cookie path OR - A given list of Cookies
A CsrfTokenRepository that persists the CSRF token in a cookie named "XSRF-TOKEN" and reads from the header "X-XSRF-TOKEN" following the conventions of AngularJS.
An Implementation of RequestCache which saves the original request URI in a cookie.
A ServerCsrfTokenRepository that persists the CSRF token in a cookie named "XSRF-TOKEN" and reads from the header "X-XSRF-TOKEN" following the conventions of AngularJS.
An implementation of ServerRequestCache that saves the requested URI in a cookie.
Inserts Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy header.
Inserts Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy headers.
Inserts the Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy header
Inserts Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy header.
Inserts Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy header
Inserts Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy headers.
CsrfAuthenticationStrategy is in charge of removing the CsrfToken upon authenticating.
Thrown when an invalid or missing CsrfToken is found in the HttpServletRequest
Thrown when an invalid or missing CsrfToken is found in the HttpServletRequest
Applies CSRF protection using a synchronizer token pattern.
CsrfLogoutHandler is in charge of removing the CsrfToken upon logout.
Integration with Spring Web MVC that automatically adds the CsrfToken into forms with hidden inputs when using Spring tag libraries.
CsrfServerLogoutHandler is in charge of removing the CsrfToken upon logout.
Provides the information about an expected CSRF token.
Allows resolving the current CsrfToken.
An API to allow changing the method in which the expected CsrfToken is associated to the HttpServletRequest.
An implementation of the CsrfTokenRequestHandler interface that is capable of making the CsrfToken available as a request attribute and resolving the token value as either a header or parameter value of the request.
A callback interface that is used to make the CsrfToken created by the CsrfTokenRepository available as a request attribute.
Implementations of this interface are capable of resolving the token value of a CsrfToken from the provided HttpServletRequest.
Applies CSRF protection using a synchronizer token pattern.
Allows resolving the SecurityContext using the CurrentSecurityContext annotation.
Resolves the SecurityContext
Spring Security debugging filter.
A CSRF token that is used to protect against CSRF attacks.
A CSRF token that is used to protect against CSRF attacks.
Default implementation of FilterInvocationDefinitionSource.
User's should consider using StrictHttpFirewall because rather than trying to sanitize a malicious URL it rejects the malicious URL providing better security guarantees.
A SecurityExpressionHandler that uses a RequestAuthorizationContext to create a WebSecurityExpressionRoot.
For internal use with namespace configuration in the case where a user doesn't configure a login page.
Generates a default log out page.
Simple implementation of RedirectStrategy which is the default used throughout the framework.
Default implementation of RequestRejectedHandler that simply rethrows the exception.
Represents central information from a HttpServletRequest.
Standard implementation of SecurityFilterChain.
The default ServerRedirectStrategy to use.
An interface that allows delayed access to a CsrfToken that may be generated.
An AccessDeniedHandler that delegates to other AccessDeniedHandler instances based upon the type of AccessDeniedException passed into DelegatingAccessDeniedHandler.handle(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, AccessDeniedException).
An AuthenticationEntryPoint which selects a concrete AuthenticationEntryPoint based on a RequestMatcher evaluation.
Delegates to logout handlers based on matched request matchers
Delegates to the provided HeaderWriter when RequestMatcher.matches(HttpServletRequest) returns true.
Delegates to a collection of ServerAuthenticationSuccessHandler implementations.
Delegates to a collection of ServerLogoutHandler implementations.
Used by the SecurityEnforcementFilter to commence authentication via the DigestAuthenticationFilter.
Processes a HTTP request's Digest authorization headers, putting the result into the SecurityContextHolder.
Disables encoding URLs using the HttpServletResponse to prevent including the session id in URLs which is not considered URL because the session id can be leaked in things like HTTP access logs.
Checks the DispatcherType to decide whether to match a given request.
A RequestMatcher implementation which uses a SpEL expression
Adapter that wraps an Enumeration around a Java 2 collection Iterator.
Uses the internal map of exceptions types to URLs to determine the destination on authentication failure.
Handles any AccessDeniedException and AuthenticationException thrown within the filter chain.
Web filter that redirects requests that match ServerWebExchangeMatcher to the specified URL.
Expression-based FilterInvocationSecurityMetadataSource.
Utility class to generate HTTP dates.
Provides support for Feature Policy.
Writes the Feature-Policy response header with configured policy directives.
Delegates Filter requests to a list of Spring-managed filter beans.
A strategy for decorating the provided filter chain with one that accounts for the SecurityFilterChain for a given request.
A FilterChainProxy.FilterChainDecorator that uses the FilterChainProxy.VirtualFilterChain
Holds objects associated with a HTTP filter.
Marker interface for SecurityMetadataSource implementations that are designed to perform lookups keyed on FilterInvocations.
Request wrapper which is returned by the HttpFirewall interface.
Eagerly creates HttpSession if it does not already exist.
Forward Authentication Failure Handler
Forward Authentication Success Handler
LogoutSuccessHandler implementation that will perform a request dispatcher "forward" to the specified target URL.
Transforms by passing it into HandlerMappingIntrospector.setCache(HttpServletRequest).
Represents a Header to be added to the HttpServletResponse
Contract for writing headers to a HttpServletResponse
Filter implementation to add headers to the current response.
A ServerLogoutHandler implementation which writes HTTP headers during logout.
In the pre-authenticated authentication case (unlike CAS, for example) the user will already have been identified through some external mechanism and a secure context established by the time the security-enforcement filter is invoked.
Prompts a user for HTTP Basic authentication.
Interface which can be used to reject potentially dangerous requests and/or wrap them to control their behaviour.
Invokes a ServerHttpHeadersWriter on ReactiveHttpOutputMessage.beforeCommit(java.util.function.Supplier).
Published by the HttpSessionEventPublisher when an HttpSession is created by the container
A CsrfTokenRepository that stores the CsrfToken in the HttpSession.
Published by the HttpSessionEventPublisher when a HttpSession is removed from the container
Declared in web.xml as
Published by the HttpSessionEventPublisher when an HttpSession ID is changed.
RequestCache which stores the SavedRequest in the HttpSession.
A SecurityContextRepository implementation which stores the security context in the HttpSession between requests.
Redirects any non-HTTPS request to its HTTPS equivalent.
An AuthenticationEntryPoint that sends a generic HttpStatus as a response.
A simple implementation of RequestRejectedHandler that sends an error with configurable status code.
Implementation of the LogoutSuccessHandler.
Implementation of the ServerLogoutSuccessHandler.
Sets the provided HTTP Status when access is denied.
A ServerAuthenticationEntryPoint that sends a generic HttpStatus as a response.
Simple PersistentTokenRepository implementation backed by a Map.
Ensures channel security is inactive by review of HttpServletRequest.isSecure() responses.
Exception thrown by a RememberMeServices implementation to indicate that a submitted cookie is of an invalid format or has expired.
Thrown when an expected CsrfToken exists, but it does not match the value present on the HttpServletRequest
Determines the behaviour of the SessionManagementFilter when an invalid session Id is submitted and detected in the SessionManagementFilter.
Matches a request based on IP Address or subnet mask matching against the remote address.
A ReactiveAuthorizationManager, that determines if the current request contains the specified address or range of addresses
Matches a request based on IP Address or subnet mask matching against the remote address.
Implementation of AuthenticationDetailsSource which converts the user's J2EE roles (as obtained by calling HttpServletRequest.isUserInRole(String)) into GrantedAuthoritys and stores these in the authentication details object.
This AbstractPreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter implementation is based on the J2EE container-based authentication mechanism.
A Filter which attempts to obtain a JAAS Subject and continue the FilterChain running as that Subject.
JDBC based persistent login token repository implementation.
Generates a default log in page used for authenticating users.
Used by the ExceptionTranslationFilter to commence a form login authentication via the UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter.
Logs a principal out.
Indicates a class that is able to participate in logout handling.
Generates a default log out page.
A logout handler which publishes LogoutSuccessEvent
Strategy that is called after a successful logout by the LogoutFilter, to handle redirection or forwarding to the appropriate destination.
If the request matches, logs an authenticated user out by delegating to a ServerLogoutHandler.
A SecurityWebFilterChain that leverages a ServerWebExchangeMatcher to determine which WebFilter to execute.
Allows matching HttpServletRequest based upon the MediaType's resolved from a ContentNegotiationStrategy.
Matches based upon the accept headers.
Thrown when no expected CsrfToken is found but is required.
A RequestMatcher that uses Spring MVC's HandlerMappingIntrospector to match the path and extract variables.
A builder for MvcRequestMatcher
A RequestMatcher that will negate the RequestMatcher passed in.
Negates the provided matcher.
Thrown if an authentication request is rejected because the digest nonce has expired.
An AccessDeniedHandler implementation that does nothing.
An AuthenticationEntryPoint implementation that does nothing.
An implementation of ServerRequestCache that does nothing.
A do nothing implementation of ServerSecurityContextRepository.
Implementation of NullRememberMeServices that does nothing.
Null implementation of RequestCache.
A FilterChainProxy.FilterChainDecorator that wraps the chain in before and after observations
A WebFilterChainProxy.WebFilterChainDecorator that wraps the chain in before and after observations
Base class for response wrappers which encapsulate the logic for handling an event when the HttpServletResponse is committed.
RequestMatcher that will return true if any of the passed in RequestMatcher instances match.
Matches if any of the provided ServerWebExchangeMatcher match
Matches if the PathPattern matches the path within the application.
Provides support for Permisisons Policy.
Writes the Permissions-Policy response header with configured policy directives.
The abstraction used by PersistentTokenBasedRememberMeServices to store the persistent login tokens for a user.
PortMapper implementations provide callers with information about which HTTP ports are associated with which HTTPS ports on the system, and vice versa.
Concrete implementation of PortMapper that obtains HTTP:HTTPS pairs from the application context.
A PortResolver determines the port a web request was received on.
Concrete implementation of PortResolver that obtains the port from ServletRequest.getServerPort().
Processes a pre-authenticated authentication request.
Authentication implementation for pre-authenticated authentication.
This AuthenticationUserDetailsService implementation creates a UserDetails object based solely on the information contained in the given PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken.
This WebAuthenticationDetails implementation allows for storing a list of pre-authenticated Granted Authorities.
Reactive version of PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider This manager receives a PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken, checks that associated account is not disabled, expired, or blocked, and returns new authenticated PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken.
Uses a ServerSecurityContextRepository to provide the SecurityContext to initialize the ReactiveSecurityContextHolder.
Performs a redirect to a specified location.
Performs a redirect to a specified location.
Performs a redirect on authentication success.
Performs a redirect on log out success.
Encapsulates the redirection logic for all classes in the framework which perform redirects.
Internal class for building redirect URLs.
Provides support for Referrer Policy.
Writes the Referrer-Policy response header.
ALLOW-FROM is an obsolete directive that no longer works in modern browsers.
Uses a regular expression to decide whether a supplied the URL of a supplied HttpServletRequest.
Strategy used to register a user with the SessionRegistry after successful Authentication.
This exception is thrown when an Authentication exception occurs while using the remember-me authentication.
Detects if there is no Authentication object in the SecurityContext, and populates the context with a remember-me authentication token if a RememberMeServices implementation so requests.
Implement by a class that is capable of providing a remember-me service.
A simple pre-authenticated filter which obtains the username from request attributes, for use with SSO systems such as Stanford WebAuth or Shibboleth.
Stores the SecurityContext on a ServletRequest.setAttribute(String, Object) so that it can be restored when different dispatch types occur.
An HttpServletRequest authorization context.
Implements "saved request" logic, allowing a single request to be retrieved and restarted after redirecting to an authentication mechanism.
Responsible for reconstituting the saved request if one is cached and it matches the current request.
Performs a redirect to the original request URL when an invalid requested session is detected by the SessionManagementFilter.
A simple pre-authenticated filter which obtains the username from a request header, for use with systems such as CA Siteminder.
A RequestMatcher that can be used to match request that contain a header with an expected header name and an expected value.
Simple strategy to match an HttpServletRequest.
The result of matching against an HttpServletRequest Contains the status, true or false, of the match and if present, any variables extracted from the match
An AuthenticationManagerResolver that returns a AuthenticationManager instances based upon the type of HttpServletRequest passed into RequestMatcherDelegatingAuthenticationManagerResolver.resolve(HttpServletRequest).
An AuthorizationManager which delegates to a specific AuthorizationManager based on a RequestMatcher evaluation.
A WebInvocationPrivilegeEvaluator which delegates to a list of WebInvocationPrivilegeEvaluator based on a RequestMatcher evaluation
PropertyEditor which creates ELRequestMatcher instances from Strings This allows to use a String in a BeanDefinition instead of an (inner) bean if a RequestMatcher is required, e.g.
A rich object for associating a RequestMatcher to another object.
Filter that redirects requests that match RequestMatcher to the specified URL.
A factory class to create RequestMatcher instances.
Used by FilterChainProxy to handle an RequestRejectedException.
Commences an insecure channel by retrying the original request using HTTP.
Commences a secure channel by retrying the original request using HTTPS.
Stores off the values of a cookie in a serializable holder
Encapsulates the functionality required of a cached request for both an authentication mechanism (typically form-based login) to redirect to the original URL and for a RequestCache to build a wrapped request, reproducing the original request data.
An authentication success strategy which can make use of the DefaultSavedRequest which may have been stored in the session by the ExceptionTranslationFilter.
Ensures channel security is active by review of HttpServletRequest.isSecure() responses.
Allows for integration with Spring MVC's Callable support.
A Filter which populates the ServletRequest with a request wrapper which implements the servlet API security methods.
A Spring Security-aware HttpServletRequestWrapper, which uses the SecurityContext-defined Authentication object to implement the servlet API security methods: SecurityContextHolderAwareRequestWrapper.getUserPrincipal() SecurityContextHolderAwareRequestWrapper.isUserInRole(String) HttpServletRequestWrapper.getRemoteUser().
A Filter that uses the SecurityContextRepository to obtain the SecurityContext and set it on the SecurityContextHolder.
Performs a logout by modifying the SecurityContextHolder.
Strategy used for persisting a SecurityContext between requests.
A ServerLogoutHandler which removes the SecurityContext using the provided ServerSecurityContextRepository
Overrides the ServerWebExchange.getPrincipal() with the provided SecurityContext
Override the ServerWebExchange.getPrincipal() to be looked up using ReactiveSecurityContextHolder.
Defines a filter chain which is capable of being matched against an HttpServletRequest.
Utilities for interacting with HttpHeaders
Spring Security extension to Spring's WebApplicationContextUtils.
Defines a filter chain which is capable of being matched against a ServerWebExchange in order to decide whether it applies to that request.
A strategy used for converting from a ServerWebExchange to an Authentication used for authenticating with a provided ReactiveAuthenticationManager.
Used to request authentication
Handles authentication failure
Handles authentication success
An API to allow changing the method in which the expected CsrfToken is associated to the ServerWebExchange.
An implementation of the ServerCsrfTokenRequestHandler interface that is capable of making the CsrfToken available as an exchange attribute and resolving the token value as either a form data value or header of the request.
A callback interface that is used to make the CsrfToken created by the ServerCsrfTokenRepository available as an exchange attribute.
Implementations of this interface are capable of resolving the token value of a CsrfToken from the provided ServerWebExchange.
Converts a ServerWebExchange into a UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken from the form data HTTP parameters.
Converts from a ServerWebExchange to an Authentication that can be authenticated.
Interface for writing headers just before the response is committed.
Handles log out
Strategy for when log out was successfully performed (typically after ServerLogoutHandler is invoked).
A strategy for performing redirects.
Saves a ServerHttpRequest so it can be "replayed" later.
A WebFilter that replays any matching request in ServerRequestCache
Strategy used for persisting a SecurityContext between requests.
A ReactiveAuthenticationManagerResolver that returns a ReactiveAuthenticationManager instances based upon the type of ServerWebExchange passed into ServerWebExchangeDelegatingReactiveAuthenticationManagerResolver.resolve(ServerWebExchange).
An interface for determining if a ServerWebExchangeMatcher matches.
The result of matching
A rich object for associating a ServerWebExchangeMatcher to another object.
Provides factory methods for creating common ServerWebExchangeMatcher
Converts from a SslInfo provided by a request to an PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken that can be authenticated.
Thrown by an SessionAuthenticationStrategy to indicate that an authentication object is not valid for the current session, typically because the same user has exceeded the number of sessions they are allowed to have concurrently.
Allows pluggable support for HttpSession-related behaviour when an authentication occurs.
Indicates a session ID was changed for the purposes of session fixation protection.
Uses HttpServletRequest.invalidate() to protect against session fixation attacks.
An event for when a SessionInformation is expired.
Determines the behaviour of the ConcurrentSessionFilter when an expired session is detected in the ConcurrentSessionFilter.
Detects that a user has been authenticated since the start of the request and, if they have, calls the configured SessionAuthenticationStrategy to perform any session-related activity such as activating session-fixation protection mechanisms or checking for multiple concurrent logins.
Performs a redirect to a fixed URL when an invalid requested session is detected by the SessionManagementFilter.
Performs a redirect to a fixed URL when an expired session is detected by the ConcurrentSessionFilter.
A Bean implementation of SavedRequest
AuthenticationFailureHandler which performs a redirect to the value of the defaultFailureUrl property when the onAuthenticationFailure method is called.
AuthenticationSuccessHandler which can be configured with a default URL which users should be sent to upon successful authentication.
Handles the navigation on logout by delegating to the AbstractAuthenticationTargetUrlRequestHandler base class logic.
ALLOW-FROM is an obsolete directive that no longer works in modern browsers.
HeaderWriter implementation which writes the same Header instance.
Allows specifying HttpHeaders that should be written to the response.
A strict implementation of HttpFirewall that rejects any suspicious requests with a RequestRejectedException.
Writes the Strict-Transport-Security if the request is secure.
Obtains the principal from a certificate using a regular expression match against the Subject (as returned by a call to X509Certificate.getSubjectDN()).
Allows subclasses to modify the GrantedAuthority list that will be assigned to the principal when they assume the identity of a different principal.
Switch User processing filter responsible for user context switching.
Custom GrantedAuthority used by SwitchUserFilter
Switch User processing filter responsible for user context switching.
Internal utility for escaping characters in HTML strings.
Handler for analyzing Throwable instances.
Interface for handlers extracting the cause out of a specific Throwable type.
Identifies previously remembered users by a Base-64 encoded cookie.
Provides static methods for composing URLs.
Processes an authentication form submission.
Provides integration between the SecurityContext and Spring Web's WebAsyncManager by using the SecurityContextCallableProcessingInterceptor.beforeConcurrentHandling(org.springframework.web.context.request.NativeWebRequest, Callable) to populate the SecurityContext on the Callable.
Well-known keys which are used to store Spring Security information in request or session scope.
A holder of selected HTTP details related to a web authentication request.
Implementation of AuthenticationDetailsSource which builds the details object from an HttpServletRequest object, creating a WebAuthenticationDetails .
An expression-based AuthorizationManager that determines the access by evaluating the provided expression.
Used to delegate to a List of SecurityWebFilterChain instances.
A WebFilterChainProxy.WebFilterChainDecorator that uses the DefaultWebFilterChain
A strategy for decorating the provided filter chain with one that accounts for the SecurityFilterChain for a given request.
Success handler that continues the filter chain after authentication success.
A composite of the ServerWebExchange and the WebFilterChain.
Allows users to determine whether they have privileges for a given web URI.
Jackson module for spring-security-web.
Jackson module for spring-security-web-flux.
Jackson module for spring-security-web related to servlet.
A ServerCsrfTokenRepository that stores the CsrfToken in the HttpSession.
A ServerLogoutHandler which invalidates the active WebSession.
An implementation of ServerRequestCache that saves the ServerHttpRequest in the WebSession.
Stores the SecurityContext in the WebSession.
This AbstractPreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter implementation is based on WebSphere authentication.
This AuthenticationDetailsSource implementation will set the pre-authenticated granted authorities based on the WebSphere groups for the current WebSphere user, mapped using the configured Attributes2GrantedAuthoritiesMapper.
This MappableAttributesRetriever implementation reads the list of defined J2EE roles from a web.xml file and returns these from { WebXmlMappableAttributesRetriever.getMappableAttributes().
ALLOW-FROM is an obsolete directive that no longer works in modern browsers.
Obtains the principal from an X509Certificate for use within the framework.
A StaticHeadersWriter that inserts headers to prevent content sniffing.
Adds X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
HeaderWriter implementation for the X-Frame-Options headers.
The possible values for the X-Frame-Options header.
ServerHttpHeadersWriter implementation for the X-Frame-Options headers.
The X-Frame-Options values.
An implementation of the CsrfTokenRequestHandler interface that is capable of masking the value of the CsrfToken on each request and resolving the raw token value from the masked value as either a header or parameter value of the request.
An implementation of the ServerCsrfTokenRequestAttributeHandler and ServerCsrfTokenRequestResolver interfaces that is capable of masking the value of the CsrfToken on each request and resolving the raw token value from the masked value as either a form data value or header of the request.
The value of the x-xss-protection header.
Add the x-xss-protection header.
The value of the x-xss-protection header.