Class RestTemplate

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class RestTemplate extends InterceptingHttpAccessor implements RestOperations
Synchronous client to perform HTTP requests, exposing a simple, template method API over underlying HTTP client libraries such as the JDK HttpURLConnection, Apache HttpComponents, and others. RestTemplate offers templates for common scenarios by HTTP method, in addition to the generalized exchange and execute methods that support less frequent cases.

RestTemplate is typically used as a shared component. However, its configuration does not support concurrent modification, and as such its configuration is typically prepared on startup. If necessary, you can create multiple, differently configured RestTemplate instances on startup. Such instances may use the same underlying ClientHttpRequestFactory if they need to share HTTP client resources.

NOTE: As of 5.0 this class is in maintenance mode, with only minor requests for changes and bugs to be accepted going forward. Please, consider using the org.springframework.web.reactive.client.WebClient which has a more modern API and supports sync, async, and streaming scenarios.

Arjen Poutsma, Brian Clozel, Roy Clarkson, Juergen Hoeller, Sam Brannen, Sebastien Deleuze
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • setMessageConverters

      public void setMessageConverters(List<HttpMessageConverter<?>> messageConverters)
      Set the message body converters to use.

      These converters are used to convert from and to HTTP requests and responses.

    • getMessageConverters

      public List<HttpMessageConverter<?>> getMessageConverters()
      Return the list of message body converters.

      The returned List is active and may get appended to.

    • setErrorHandler

      public void setErrorHandler(ResponseErrorHandler errorHandler)
      Set the error handler.

      By default, RestTemplate uses a DefaultResponseErrorHandler.

    • getErrorHandler

      public ResponseErrorHandler getErrorHandler()
      Return the error handler.
    • setDefaultUriVariables

      public void setDefaultUriVariables(Map<String,?> uriVars)
      Configure default URI variable values. This is a shortcut for:
       DefaultUriBuilderFactory factory = new DefaultUriBuilderFactory();
       RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
      uriVars - the default URI variable values
    • setUriTemplateHandler

      public void setUriTemplateHandler(UriTemplateHandler handler)
      Configure a strategy for expanding URI templates.

      By default, DefaultUriBuilderFactory is used and for backwards compatibility, the encoding mode is set to URI_COMPONENT. As of 5.0.8, prefer using TEMPLATE_AND_VALUES.

      handler - the URI template handler to use
    • getUriTemplateHandler

      public UriTemplateHandler getUriTemplateHandler()
      Return the configured URI template handler.
    • setObservationRegistry

      public void setObservationRegistry(io.micrometer.observation.ObservationRegistry observationRegistry)
      Configure an ObservationRegistry for collecting spans and metrics for request execution. By default, observations are no-ops.
      observationRegistry - the observation registry to use
    • setObservationConvention

      public void setObservationConvention(ClientRequestObservationConvention observationConvention)
      Configure an ObservationConvention that sets the name of the observation as well as its KeyValues extracted from the ClientRequestObservationContext. If none set, the default convention will be used.
      observationConvention - the observation convention to use
      See Also:
    • getForObject

      @Nullable public <T> T getForObject(String url, Class<T> responseType, Object... uriVariables) throws RestClientException
      Description copied from interface: RestOperations
      Retrieve a representation by doing a GET on the specified URL. The response (if any) is converted and returned.

      URI Template variables are expanded using the given URI variables, if any.

      Specified by:
      getForObject in interface RestOperations
      url - the URL
      responseType - the type of the return value
      uriVariables - the variables to expand the template
      the converted object
    • getForObject

      @Nullable public <T> T getForObject(String url, Class<T> responseType, Map<String,?> uriVariables) throws RestClientException
      Description copied from interface: RestOperations
      Retrieve a representation by doing a GET on the URI template. The response (if any) is converted and returned.

      URI Template variables are expanded using the given map.

      Specified by:
      getForObject in interface RestOperations
      url - the URL
      responseType - the type of the return value
      uriVariables - the map containing variables for the URI template
      the converted object
    • getForObject

      @Nullable public <T> T getForObject(URI url, Class<T> responseType) throws RestClientException
      Description copied from interface: RestOperations
      Retrieve a representation by doing a GET on the URL. The response (if any) is converted and returned.
      Specified by:
      getForObject in interface RestOperations
      url - the URL
      responseType - the type of the return value
      the converted object
    • getForEntity

      public <T> ResponseEntity<T> getForEntity(String url, Class<T> responseType, Object... uriVariables) throws RestClientException
      Description copied from interface: RestOperations
      Retrieve an entity by doing a GET on the specified URL. The response is converted and stored in a ResponseEntity.

      URI Template variables are expanded using the given URI variables, if any.

      Specified by:
      getForEntity in interface RestOperations
      url - the URL
      responseType - the type of the return value
      uriVariables - the variables to expand the template
      the entity
    • getForEntity

      public <T> ResponseEntity<T> getForEntity(String url, Class<T> responseType, Map<String,?> uriVariables) throws RestClientException
      Description copied from interface: RestOperations
      Retrieve a representation by doing a GET on the URI template. The response is converted and stored in a ResponseEntity.

      URI Template variables are expanded using the given map.

      Specified by:
      getForEntity in interface RestOperations
      url - the URL
      responseType - the type of the return value
      uriVariables - the map containing variables for the URI template
      the converted object
    • getForEntity

      public <T> ResponseEntity<T> getForEntity(URI url, Class<T> responseType) throws RestClientException
      Description copied from interface: RestOperations
      Retrieve a representation by doing a GET on the URL. The response is converted and stored in a ResponseEntity.
      Specified by:
      getForEntity in interface RestOperations
      url - the URL
      responseType - the type of the return value
      the converted object
    • headForHeaders

      public HttpHeaders headForHeaders(String url, Object... uriVariables) throws RestClientException
      Description copied from interface: RestOperations
      Retrieve all headers of the resource specified by the URI template.

      URI Template variables are expanded using the given URI variables, if any.

      Specified by:
      headForHeaders in interface RestOperations
      url - the URL
      uriVariables - the variables to expand the template
      all HTTP headers of that resource
    • headForHeaders

      public HttpHeaders headForHeaders(String url, Map<String,?> uriVariables) throws RestClientException
      Description copied from interface: RestOperations
      Retrieve all headers of the resource specified by the URI template.

      URI Template variables are expanded using the given map.

      Specified by:
      headForHeaders in interface RestOperations
      url - the URL
      uriVariables - the map containing variables for the URI template
      all HTTP headers of that resource
    • headForHeaders

      public HttpHeaders headForHeaders(URI url) throws RestClientException
      Description copied from interface: RestOperations
      Retrieve all headers of the resource specified by the URL.
      Specified by:
      headForHeaders in interface RestOperations
      url - the URL
      all HTTP headers of that resource
    • postForLocation

      @Nullable public URI postForLocation(String url, @Nullable Object request, Object... uriVariables) throws RestClientException
      Description copied from interface: RestOperations
      Create a new resource by POSTing the given object to the URI template, and return the value of the Location header. This header typically indicates where the new resource is stored.

      URI Template variables are expanded using the given URI variables, if any.

      The request parameter can be a HttpEntity in order to add additional HTTP headers to the request.

      The body of the entity, or request itself, can be a MultiValueMap to create a multipart request. The values in the MultiValueMap can be any Object representing the body of the part, or an HttpEntity representing a part with body and headers.

      Specified by:
      postForLocation in interface RestOperations
      url - the URL
      request - the Object to be POSTed (may be null)
      uriVariables - the variables to expand the template
      the value for the Location header
      See Also:
    • postForLocation

      @Nullable public URI postForLocation(String url, @Nullable Object request, Map<String,?> uriVariables) throws RestClientException
      Description copied from interface: RestOperations
      Create a new resource by POSTing the given object to the URI template, and return the value of the Location header. This header typically indicates where the new resource is stored.

      URI Template variables are expanded using the given map.

      The request parameter can be a HttpEntity in order to add additional HTTP headers to the request

      The body of the entity, or request itself, can be a MultiValueMap to create a multipart request. The values in the MultiValueMap can be any Object representing the body of the part, or an HttpEntity representing a part with body and headers.

      Specified by:
      postForLocation in interface RestOperations
      url - the URL
      request - the Object to be POSTed (may be null)
      uriVariables - the variables to expand the template
      the value for the Location header
      See Also:
    • postForLocation

      @Nullable public URI postForLocation(URI url, @Nullable Object request) throws RestClientException
      Description copied from interface: RestOperations
      Create a new resource by POSTing the given object to the URL, and return the value of the Location header. This header typically indicates where the new resource is stored.

      The request parameter can be a HttpEntity in order to add additional HTTP headers to the request.

      The body of the entity, or request itself, can be a MultiValueMap to create a multipart request. The values in the MultiValueMap can be any Object representing the body of the part, or an HttpEntity representing a part with body and headers.

      Specified by:
      postForLocation in interface RestOperations
      url - the URL
      request - the Object to be POSTed (may be null)
      the value for the Location header
      See Also:
    • postForObject

      @Nullable public <T> T postForObject(String url, @Nullable Object request, Class<T> responseType, Object... uriVariables) throws RestClientException
      Description copied from interface: RestOperations
      Create a new resource by POSTing the given object to the URI template, and return the representation found in the response.

      URI Template variables are expanded using the given URI variables, if any.

      The request parameter can be a HttpEntity in order to add additional HTTP headers to the request.

      The body of the entity, or request itself, can be a MultiValueMap to create a multipart request. The values in the MultiValueMap can be any Object representing the body of the part, or an HttpEntity representing a part with body and headers.

      Specified by:
      postForObject in interface RestOperations
      url - the URL
      request - the Object to be POSTed (may be null)
      responseType - the type of the return value
      uriVariables - the variables to expand the template
      the converted object
      See Also:
    • postForObject

      @Nullable public <T> T postForObject(String url, @Nullable Object request, Class<T> responseType, Map<String,?> uriVariables) throws RestClientException
      Description copied from interface: RestOperations
      Create a new resource by POSTing the given object to the URI template, and return the representation found in the response.

      URI Template variables are expanded using the given map.

      The request parameter can be a HttpEntity in order to add additional HTTP headers to the request.

      The body of the entity, or request itself, can be a MultiValueMap to create a multipart request. The values in the MultiValueMap can be any Object representing the body of the part, or an HttpEntity representing a part with body and headers.

      Specified by:
      postForObject in interface RestOperations
      url - the URL
      request - the Object to be POSTed (may be null)
      responseType - the type of the return value
      uriVariables - the variables to expand the template
      the converted object
      See Also:
    • postForObject

      @Nullable public <T> T postForObject(URI url, @Nullable Object request, Class<T> responseType) throws RestClientException
      Description copied from interface: RestOperations
      Create a new resource by POSTing the given object to the URL, and return the representation found in the response.

      The request parameter can be a HttpEntity in order to add additional HTTP headers to the request.

      The body of the entity, or request itself, can be a MultiValueMap to create a multipart request. The values in the MultiValueMap can be any Object representing the body of the part, or an HttpEntity representing a part with body and headers.

      Specified by:
      postForObject in interface RestOperations
      url - the URL
      request - the Object to be POSTed (may be null)
      responseType - the type of the return value
      the converted object
      See Also:
    • postForEntity

      public <T> ResponseEntity<T> postForEntity(String url, @Nullable Object request, Class<T> responseType, Object... uriVariables) throws RestClientException
      Description copied from interface: RestOperations
      Create a new resource by POSTing the given object to the URI template, and return the response as ResponseEntity.

      URI Template variables are expanded using the given URI variables, if any.

      The request parameter can be a HttpEntity in order to add additional HTTP headers to the request.

      The body of the entity, or request itself, can be a MultiValueMap to create a multipart request. The values in the MultiValueMap can be any Object representing the body of the part, or an HttpEntity representing a part with body and headers.

      Specified by:
      postForEntity in interface RestOperations
      url - the URL
      request - the Object to be POSTed (may be null)
      uriVariables - the variables to expand the template
      the converted object
      See Also:
    • postForEntity

      public <T> ResponseEntity<T> postForEntity(String url, @Nullable Object request, Class<T> responseType, Map<String,?> uriVariables) throws RestClientException
      Description copied from interface: RestOperations
      Create a new resource by POSTing the given object to the URI template, and return the response as HttpEntity.

      URI Template variables are expanded using the given map.

      The request parameter can be a HttpEntity in order to add additional HTTP headers to the request.

      The body of the entity, or request itself, can be a MultiValueMap to create a multipart request. The values in the MultiValueMap can be any Object representing the body of the part, or an HttpEntity representing a part with body and headers.

      Specified by:
      postForEntity in interface RestOperations
      url - the URL
      request - the Object to be POSTed (may be null)
      uriVariables - the variables to expand the template
      the converted object
      See Also:
    • postForEntity

      public <T> ResponseEntity<T> postForEntity(URI url, @Nullable Object request, Class<T> responseType) throws RestClientException
      Description copied from interface: RestOperations
      Create a new resource by POSTing the given object to the URL, and return the response as ResponseEntity.

      The request parameter can be a HttpEntity in order to add additional HTTP headers to the request.

      The body of the entity, or request itself, can be a MultiValueMap to create a multipart request. The values in the MultiValueMap can be any Object representing the body of the part, or an HttpEntity representing a part with body and headers.

      Specified by:
      postForEntity in interface RestOperations
      url - the URL
      request - the Object to be POSTed (may be null)
      the converted object
      See Also:
    • put

      public void put(String url, @Nullable Object request, Object... uriVariables) throws RestClientException
      Description copied from interface: RestOperations
      Create or update a resource by PUTting the given object to the URI.

      URI Template variables are expanded using the given URI variables, if any.

      The request parameter can be a HttpEntity in order to add additional HTTP headers to the request.

      Specified by:
      put in interface RestOperations
      url - the URL
      request - the Object to be PUT (may be null)
      uriVariables - the variables to expand the template
      See Also:
    • put

      public void put(String url, @Nullable Object request, Map<String,?> uriVariables) throws RestClientException
      Description copied from interface: RestOperations
      Creates a new resource by PUTting the given object to URI template.

      URI Template variables are expanded using the given map.

      The request parameter can be a HttpEntity in order to add additional HTTP headers to the request.

      Specified by:
      put in interface RestOperations
      url - the URL
      request - the Object to be PUT (may be null)
      uriVariables - the variables to expand the template
      See Also:
    • put

      public void put(URI url, @Nullable Object request) throws RestClientException
      Description copied from interface: RestOperations
      Creates a new resource by PUTting the given object to URL.

      The request parameter can be a HttpEntity in order to add additional HTTP headers to the request.

      Specified by:
      put in interface RestOperations
      url - the URL
      request - the Object to be PUT (may be null)
      See Also:
    • patchForObject

      @Nullable public <T> T patchForObject(String url, @Nullable Object request, Class<T> responseType, Object... uriVariables) throws RestClientException
      Description copied from interface: RestOperations
      Update a resource by PATCHing the given object to the URI template, and return the representation found in the response.

      URI Template variables are expanded using the given URI variables, if any.

      The request parameter can be a HttpEntity in order to add additional HTTP headers to the request.

      NOTE: The standard JDK HTTP library does not support HTTP PATCH. You need to use e.g. the Apache HttpComponents request factory.

      Specified by:
      patchForObject in interface RestOperations
      url - the URL
      request - the object to be PATCHed (may be null)
      responseType - the type of the return value
      uriVariables - the variables to expand the template
      the converted object
      See Also:
    • patchForObject

      @Nullable public <T> T patchForObject(String url, @Nullable Object request, Class<T> responseType, Map<String,?> uriVariables) throws RestClientException
      Description copied from interface: RestOperations
      Update a resource by PATCHing the given object to the URI template, and return the representation found in the response.

      URI Template variables are expanded using the given map.

      The request parameter can be a HttpEntity in order to add additional HTTP headers to the request.

      NOTE: The standard JDK HTTP library does not support HTTP PATCH. You need to use e.g. the Apache HttpComponents request factory.

      Specified by:
      patchForObject in interface RestOperations
      url - the URL
      request - the object to be PATCHed (may be null)
      responseType - the type of the return value
      uriVariables - the variables to expand the template
      the converted object
      See Also:
    • patchForObject

      @Nullable public <T> T patchForObject(URI url, @Nullable Object request, Class<T> responseType) throws RestClientException
      Description copied from interface: RestOperations
      Update a resource by PATCHing the given object to the URL, and return the representation found in the response.

      The request parameter can be a HttpEntity in order to add additional HTTP headers to the request.

      NOTE: The standard JDK HTTP library does not support HTTP PATCH. You need to use e.g. the Apache HttpComponents request factory.

      Specified by:
      patchForObject in interface RestOperations
      url - the URL
      request - the object to be PATCHed (may be null)
      responseType - the type of the return value
      the converted object
      See Also:
    • delete

      public void delete(String url, Object... uriVariables) throws RestClientException
      Description copied from interface: RestOperations
      Delete the resources at the specified URI.

      URI Template variables are expanded using the given URI variables, if any.

      Specified by:
      delete in interface RestOperations
      url - the URL
      uriVariables - the variables to expand in the template
    • delete

      public void delete(String url, Map<String,?> uriVariables) throws RestClientException
      Description copied from interface: RestOperations
      Delete the resources at the specified URI.

      URI Template variables are expanded using the given map.

      Specified by:
      delete in interface RestOperations
      url - the URL
      uriVariables - the variables to expand the template
    • delete

      public void delete(URI url) throws RestClientException
      Description copied from interface: RestOperations
      Delete the resources at the specified URL.
      Specified by:
      delete in interface RestOperations
      url - the URL
    • optionsForAllow

      public Set<HttpMethod> optionsForAllow(String url, Object... uriVariables) throws RestClientException
      Description copied from interface: RestOperations
      Return the value of the Allow header for the given URI.

      URI Template variables are expanded using the given URI variables, if any.

      Specified by:
      optionsForAllow in interface RestOperations
      url - the URL
      uriVariables - the variables to expand in the template
      the value of the Allow header
    • optionsForAllow

      public Set<HttpMethod> optionsForAllow(String url, Map<String,?> uriVariables) throws RestClientException
      Description copied from interface: RestOperations
      Return the value of the Allow header for the given URI.

      URI Template variables are expanded using the given map.

      Specified by:
      optionsForAllow in interface RestOperations
      url - the URL
      uriVariables - the variables to expand in the template
      the value of the Allow header
    • optionsForAllow

      public Set<HttpMethod> optionsForAllow(URI url) throws RestClientException
      Description copied from interface: RestOperations
      Return the value of the Allow header for the given URL.
      Specified by:
      optionsForAllow in interface RestOperations
      url - the URL
      the value of the Allow header
    • exchange

      public <T> ResponseEntity<T> exchange(String url, HttpMethod method, @Nullable HttpEntity<?> requestEntity, Class<T> responseType, Object... uriVariables) throws RestClientException
      Description copied from interface: RestOperations
      Execute the HTTP method to the given URI template, writing the given request entity to the request, and return the response as ResponseEntity.

      URI Template variables are expanded using the given URI variables, if any.

      Specified by:
      exchange in interface RestOperations
      url - the URL
      method - the HTTP method (GET, POST, etc)
      requestEntity - the entity (headers and/or body) to write to the request may be null)
      responseType - the type to convert the response to, or Void.class for no body
      uriVariables - the variables to expand in the template
      the response as entity
    • exchange

      public <T> ResponseEntity<T> exchange(String url, HttpMethod method, @Nullable HttpEntity<?> requestEntity, Class<T> responseType, Map<String,?> uriVariables) throws RestClientException
      Description copied from interface: RestOperations
      Execute the HTTP method to the given URI template, writing the given request entity to the request, and return the response as ResponseEntity.

      URI Template variables are expanded using the given URI variables, if any.

      Specified by:
      exchange in interface RestOperations
      url - the URL
      method - the HTTP method (GET, POST, etc)
      requestEntity - the entity (headers and/or body) to write to the request (may be null)
      responseType - the type to convert the response to, or Void.class for no body
      uriVariables - the variables to expand in the template
      the response as entity
    • exchange

      public <T> ResponseEntity<T> exchange(URI url, HttpMethod method, @Nullable HttpEntity<?> requestEntity, Class<T> responseType) throws RestClientException
      Description copied from interface: RestOperations
      Execute the HTTP method to the given URI template, writing the given request entity to the request, and return the response as ResponseEntity.
      Specified by:
      exchange in interface RestOperations
      url - the URL
      method - the HTTP method (GET, POST, etc)
      requestEntity - the entity (headers and/or body) to write to the request (may be null)
      responseType - the type to convert the response to, or Void.class for no body
      the response as entity
    • exchange

      public <T> ResponseEntity<T> exchange(String url, HttpMethod method, @Nullable HttpEntity<?> requestEntity, org.springframework.core.ParameterizedTypeReference<T> responseType, Object... uriVariables) throws RestClientException
      Description copied from interface: RestOperations
      Execute the HTTP method to the given URI template, writing the given request entity to the request, and return the response as ResponseEntity. The given ParameterizedTypeReference is used to pass generic type information:
       ParameterizedTypeReference<List<MyBean>> myBean =
           new ParameterizedTypeReference<List<MyBean>>() {};
       ResponseEntity<List<MyBean>> response =
 "",HttpMethod.GET, null, myBean);
      Specified by:
      exchange in interface RestOperations
      url - the URL
      method - the HTTP method (GET, POST, etc)
      requestEntity - the entity (headers and/or body) to write to the request (may be null)
      responseType - the type to convert the response to, or Void.class for no body
      uriVariables - the variables to expand in the template
      the response as entity
    • exchange

      public <T> ResponseEntity<T> exchange(String url, HttpMethod method, @Nullable HttpEntity<?> requestEntity, org.springframework.core.ParameterizedTypeReference<T> responseType, Map<String,?> uriVariables) throws RestClientException
      Description copied from interface: RestOperations
      Execute the HTTP method to the given URI template, writing the given request entity to the request, and return the response as ResponseEntity. The given ParameterizedTypeReference is used to pass generic type information:
       ParameterizedTypeReference<List<MyBean>> myBean =
           new ParameterizedTypeReference<List<MyBean>>() {};
       ResponseEntity<List<MyBean>> response =
 "",HttpMethod.GET, null, myBean);
      Specified by:
      exchange in interface RestOperations
      url - the URL
      method - the HTTP method (GET, POST, etc)
      requestEntity - the entity (headers and/or body) to write to the request (may be null)
      responseType - the type to convert the response to, or Void.class for no body
      uriVariables - the variables to expand in the template
      the response as entity
    • exchange

      public <T> ResponseEntity<T> exchange(URI url, HttpMethod method, @Nullable HttpEntity<?> requestEntity, org.springframework.core.ParameterizedTypeReference<T> responseType) throws RestClientException
      Description copied from interface: RestOperations
      Execute the HTTP method to the given URI template, writing the given request entity to the request, and return the response as ResponseEntity. The given ParameterizedTypeReference is used to pass generic type information:
       ParameterizedTypeReference<List<MyBean>> myBean =
           new ParameterizedTypeReference<List<MyBean>>() {};
       ResponseEntity<List<MyBean>> response =
 "",HttpMethod.GET, null, myBean);
      Specified by:
      exchange in interface RestOperations
      url - the URL
      method - the HTTP method (GET, POST, etc)
      requestEntity - the entity (headers and/or body) to write to the request (may be null)
      responseType - the type to convert the response to, or Void.class for no body
      the response as entity
    • exchange

      public <T> ResponseEntity<T> exchange(RequestEntity<?> entity, Class<T> responseType) throws RestClientException
      Description copied from interface: RestOperations
      Execute the request specified in the given RequestEntity and return the response as ResponseEntity. Typically used in combination with the static builder methods on RequestEntity, for instance:
       MyRequest body = ...
       RequestEntity request = RequestEntity
       ResponseEntity<MyResponse> response =, MyResponse.class);
      Specified by:
      exchange in interface RestOperations
      entity - the entity to write to the request
      responseType - the type to convert the response to, or Void.class for no body
      the response as entity
    • exchange

      public <T> ResponseEntity<T> exchange(RequestEntity<?> entity, org.springframework.core.ParameterizedTypeReference<T> responseType) throws RestClientException
      Description copied from interface: RestOperations
      Execute the request specified in the given RequestEntity and return the response as ResponseEntity. The given ParameterizedTypeReference is used to pass generic type information:
       MyRequest body = ...
       RequestEntity request = RequestEntity
       ParameterizedTypeReference<List<MyResponse>> myBean =
           new ParameterizedTypeReference<List<MyResponse>>() {};
       ResponseEntity<List<MyResponse>> response =, myBean);
      Specified by:
      exchange in interface RestOperations
      entity - the entity to write to the request
      responseType - the type to convert the response to, or Void.class for no body
      the response as entity
    • execute

      @Nullable public <T> T execute(String uriTemplate, HttpMethod method, @Nullable RequestCallback requestCallback, @Nullable ResponseExtractor<T> responseExtractor, Object... uriVariables) throws RestClientException
      Execute the HTTP method to the given URI template, preparing the request with the RequestCallback, and reading the response with a ResponseExtractor.

      URI Template variables are expanded using the given URI variables, if any.

      To provide a RequestCallback or ResponseExtractor only, but not both, consider using:

      Specified by:
      execute in interface RestOperations
      uriTemplate - the URI template
      method - the HTTP method (GET, POST, etc)
      requestCallback - object that prepares the request
      responseExtractor - object that extracts the return value from the response
      uriVariables - the variables to expand in the template
      an arbitrary object, as returned by the ResponseExtractor
    • execute

      @Nullable public <T> T execute(String uriTemplate, HttpMethod method, @Nullable RequestCallback requestCallback, @Nullable ResponseExtractor<T> responseExtractor, Map<String,?> uriVariables) throws RestClientException
      Execute the HTTP method to the given URI template, preparing the request with the RequestCallback, and reading the response with a ResponseExtractor.

      URI Template variables are expanded using the given URI variables map.

      To provide a RequestCallback or ResponseExtractor only, but not both, consider using:

      Specified by:
      execute in interface RestOperations
      uriTemplate - the URI template
      method - the HTTP method (GET, POST, etc)
      requestCallback - object that prepares the request
      responseExtractor - object that extracts the return value from the response
      uriVariables - the variables to expand in the template
      an arbitrary object, as returned by the ResponseExtractor
    • execute

      @Nullable public <T> T execute(URI url, HttpMethod method, @Nullable RequestCallback requestCallback, @Nullable ResponseExtractor<T> responseExtractor) throws RestClientException
      Execute the HTTP method to the given URL, preparing the request with the RequestCallback, and reading the response with a ResponseExtractor.

      To provide a RequestCallback or ResponseExtractor only, but not both, consider using:

      Specified by:
      execute in interface RestOperations
      url - the URL
      method - the HTTP method (GET, POST, etc)
      requestCallback - object that prepares the request
      responseExtractor - object that extracts the return value from the response
      an arbitrary object, as returned by the ResponseExtractor
    • doExecute

      @Nullable @Deprecated protected <T> T doExecute(URI url, @Nullable HttpMethod method, @Nullable RequestCallback requestCallback, @Nullable ResponseExtractor<T> responseExtractor) throws RestClientException
      Execute the given method on the provided URI.

      The ClientHttpRequest is processed using the RequestCallback; the response with the ResponseExtractor.

      url - the fully-expanded URL to connect to
      method - the HTTP method to execute (GET, POST, etc.)
      requestCallback - object that prepares the request (can be null)
      responseExtractor - object that extracts the return value from the response (can be null)
      an arbitrary object, as returned by the ResponseExtractor
    • doExecute

      @Nullable protected <T> T doExecute(URI url, @Nullable String uriTemplate, @Nullable HttpMethod method, @Nullable RequestCallback requestCallback, @Nullable ResponseExtractor<T> responseExtractor) throws RestClientException
      Execute the given method on the provided URI.

      The ClientHttpRequest is processed using the RequestCallback; the response with the ResponseExtractor.

      url - the fully-expanded URL to connect to
      uriTemplate - the URI template that was used for creating the expanded URL
      method - the HTTP method to execute (GET, POST, etc.)
      requestCallback - object that prepares the request (can be null)
      responseExtractor - object that extracts the return value from the response (can be null)
      an arbitrary object, as returned by the ResponseExtractor
    • handleResponse

      protected void handleResponse(URI url, HttpMethod method, ClientHttpResponse response) throws IOException
      Handle the given response, performing appropriate logging and invoking the ResponseErrorHandler if necessary.

      Can be overridden in subclasses.

      url - the fully-expanded URL to connect to
      method - the HTTP method to execute (GET, POST, etc.)
      response - the resulting ClientHttpResponse
      IOException - if propagated from ResponseErrorHandler
      See Also:
    • acceptHeaderRequestCallback

      public <T> RequestCallback acceptHeaderRequestCallback(Class<T> responseType)
      Return a RequestCallback that sets the request Accept header based on the given response type, cross-checked against the configured message converters.
    • httpEntityCallback

      public <T> RequestCallback httpEntityCallback(@Nullable Object requestBody)
      Return a RequestCallback implementation that writes the given object to the request stream.
    • httpEntityCallback

      public <T> RequestCallback httpEntityCallback(@Nullable Object requestBody, Type responseType)
      Return a RequestCallback implementation that:
      1. Sets the request Accept header based on the given response type, cross-checked against the configured message converters.
      2. Writes the given object to the request stream.
    • responseEntityExtractor

      public <T> ResponseExtractor<ResponseEntity<T>> responseEntityExtractor(Type responseType)
      Return a ResponseExtractor that prepares a ResponseEntity.
    • headersExtractor

      protected ResponseExtractor<HttpHeaders> headersExtractor()
      Return a response extractor for HttpHeaders.