Interface WebClient.RequestHeadersSpec<S extends WebClient.RequestHeadersSpec<S>>

Type Parameters:
S - a self reference to the spec type
All Known Subinterfaces:
WebClient.RequestBodySpec, WebClient.RequestBodyUriSpec, WebClient.RequestHeadersUriSpec<S>
Enclosing interface:

public static interface WebClient.RequestHeadersSpec<S extends WebClient.RequestHeadersSpec<S>>
Contract for specifying request headers leading up to the exchange.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    accept(org.springframework.http.MediaType... acceptableMediaTypes)
    Set the list of acceptable media types, as specified by the Accept header.
    acceptCharset(Charset... acceptableCharsets)
    Set the list of acceptable charsets, as specified by the Accept-Charset header.
    attribute(String name, Object value)
    Set the attribute with the given name to the given value.
    attributes(Consumer<Map<String,Object>> attributesConsumer)
    Provides access to every attribute declared so far with the possibility to add, replace, or remove values.
    context(Function<reactor.util.context.Context,reactor.util.context.Context> contextModifier)
    in 5.3.2 to be removed soon after; this method cannot provide context to downstream (nested or subsequent) requests and is of limited value.
    cookie(String name, String value)
    Add a cookie with the given name and value.
    cookies(Consumer<org.springframework.util.MultiValueMap<String,String>> cookiesConsumer)
    Provides access to every cookie declared so far with the possibility to add, replace, or remove values.
    since 5.3 due to the possibility to leak memory and/or connections; please, use exchangeToMono(Function), exchangeToFlux(Function); consider also using retrieve() which provides access to the response status and headers via ResponseEntity along with error status handling.
    <V> reactor.core.publisher.Flux<V>
    exchangeToFlux(Function<ClientResponse,? extends reactor.core.publisher.Flux<V>> responseHandler)
    An alternative to retrieve() that provides more control via access to the ClientResponse.
    <V> reactor.core.publisher.Mono<V>
    exchangeToMono(Function<ClientResponse,? extends reactor.core.publisher.Mono<V>> responseHandler)
    An alternative to retrieve() that provides more control via access to the ClientResponse.
    header(String headerName, String... headerValues)
    Add the given, single header value under the given name.
    headers(Consumer<org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders> headersConsumer)
    Provides access to every header declared so far with the possibility to add, replace, or remove values.
    httpRequest(Consumer<org.springframework.http.client.reactive.ClientHttpRequest> requestConsumer)
    Callback for access to the ClientHttpRequest that in turn provides access to the native request of the underlying HTTP library.
    ifModifiedSince(ZonedDateTime ifModifiedSince)
    Set the value of the If-Modified-Since header.
    ifNoneMatch(String... ifNoneMatches)
    Set the values of the If-None-Match header.
    Proceed to declare how to extract the response.
  • Method Details

    • accept

      S accept(org.springframework.http.MediaType... acceptableMediaTypes)
      Set the list of acceptable media types, as specified by the Accept header.
      acceptableMediaTypes - the acceptable media types
      this builder
    • acceptCharset

      S acceptCharset(Charset... acceptableCharsets)
      Set the list of acceptable charsets, as specified by the Accept-Charset header.
      acceptableCharsets - the acceptable charsets
      this builder
    • cookie

      S cookie(String name, String value)
      Add a cookie with the given name and value.
      name - the cookie name
      value - the cookie value
      this builder
    • cookies

      S cookies(Consumer<org.springframework.util.MultiValueMap<String,String>> cookiesConsumer)
      Provides access to every cookie declared so far with the possibility to add, replace, or remove values.
      cookiesConsumer - the consumer to provide access to
      this builder
    • ifModifiedSince

      S ifModifiedSince(ZonedDateTime ifModifiedSince)
      Set the value of the If-Modified-Since header.

      The date should be specified as the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 GMT.

      ifModifiedSince - the new value of the header
      this builder
    • ifNoneMatch

      S ifNoneMatch(String... ifNoneMatches)
      Set the values of the If-None-Match header.
      ifNoneMatches - the new value of the header
      this builder
    • header

      S header(String headerName, String... headerValues)
      Add the given, single header value under the given name.
      headerName - the header name
      headerValues - the header value(s)
      this builder
    • headers

      S headers(Consumer<org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders> headersConsumer)
      Provides access to every header declared so far with the possibility to add, replace, or remove values.
      headersConsumer - the consumer to provide access to
      this builder
    • attribute

      S attribute(String name, Object value)
      Set the attribute with the given name to the given value.
      name - the name of the attribute to add
      value - the value of the attribute to add
      this builder
    • attributes

      S attributes(Consumer<Map<String,Object>> attributesConsumer)
      Provides access to every attribute declared so far with the possibility to add, replace, or remove values.
      attributesConsumer - the consumer to provide access to
      this builder
    • context

      @Deprecated S context(Function<reactor.util.context.Context,reactor.util.context.Context> contextModifier)
      in 5.3.2 to be removed soon after; this method cannot provide context to downstream (nested or subsequent) requests and is of limited value.
      Provide a function to populate the Reactor Context.
      contextModifier - the function to modify the context with
    • httpRequest

      S httpRequest(Consumer<org.springframework.http.client.reactive.ClientHttpRequest> requestConsumer)
      Callback for access to the ClientHttpRequest that in turn provides access to the native request of the underlying HTTP library. This could be useful for setting advanced, per-request options that exposed by the underlying library.
      requestConsumer - a consumer to access the ClientHttpRequest with
      ResponseSpec to specify how to decode the body
    • retrieve

      Proceed to declare how to extract the response. For example to extract a ResponseEntity with status, headers, and body:

       Mono<ResponseEntity<Person>> entityMono = client.get()

      Or if interested only in the body:

       Mono<Person> entityMono = client.get()

      By default, 4xx and 5xx responses result in a WebClientResponseException. To customize error handling, use onStatus handlers.

    • exchangeToMono

      <V> reactor.core.publisher.Mono<V> exchangeToMono(Function<ClientResponse,? extends reactor.core.publisher.Mono<V>> responseHandler)
      An alternative to retrieve() that provides more control via access to the ClientResponse. This can be useful for advanced scenarios, for example to decode the response differently depending on the response status:

       Mono<Person> entityMono = client.get()
           .exchangeToMono(response -> {
               if (response.statusCode().equals(HttpStatus.OK)) {
                   return response.bodyToMono(Person.class);
               else {
                   return response.createError();

      Note: After the returned Mono completes, the response body is automatically released if it hasn't been consumed. If the response content is needed, the provided function must declare how to decode it.

      Type Parameters:
      V - the type of Object the response will be transformed to
      responseHandler - the function to handle the response with
      a Mono produced from the response
    • exchangeToFlux

      <V> reactor.core.publisher.Flux<V> exchangeToFlux(Function<ClientResponse,? extends reactor.core.publisher.Flux<V>> responseHandler)
      An alternative to retrieve() that provides more control via access to the ClientResponse. This can be useful for advanced scenarios, for example to decode the response differently depending on the response status:

       Flux<Person> entityMono = client.get()
           .exchangeToFlux(response -> {
               if (response.statusCode().equals(HttpStatus.OK)) {
                   return response.bodyToFlux(Person.class);
               else {
                   return response.createError().flux();

      Note: After the returned Flux completes, the response body is automatically released if it hasn't been consumed. If the response content is needed, the provided function must declare how to decode it.

      Type Parameters:
      V - the type of Objects the response will be transformed to
      responseHandler - the function to handle the response with
      a Flux of Objects produced from the response
    • exchange

      @Deprecated reactor.core.publisher.Mono<ClientResponse> exchange()
      since 5.3 due to the possibility to leak memory and/or connections; please, use exchangeToMono(Function), exchangeToFlux(Function); consider also using retrieve() which provides access to the response status and headers via ResponseEntity along with error status handling.
      Perform the HTTP request and return a ClientResponse with the response status and headers. You can then use methods of the response to consume the body:

       Mono<Person> mono = client.get()
           .flatMap(response -> response.bodyToMono(Person.class));
       Flux<Person> flux = client.get()
           .flatMapMany(response -> response.bodyToFlux(Person.class));

      NOTE: Unlike retrieve(), when using exchange(), it is the responsibility of the application to consume any response content regardless of the scenario (success, error, unexpected data, etc). Not doing so can cause a memory leak. See ClientResponse for a list of all the available options for consuming the body. Generally prefer using retrieve() unless you have a good reason to use exchange() which does allow to check the response status and headers before deciding how or if to consume the response.

      a Mono for the response
      See Also: