Interface DominatorWalkerCallback<T>

Type Parameters:
T - type of state that can be saved for each visited node.

public interface DominatorWalkerCallback<T>
An object that receives information from DominatorWalker
  • Method Details

    • setContext

      default void setContext(DominatorWalkerContext context)
    • filter

      default boolean filter(BasicBlock block)
      Called before visiting block. This method should tell whether this block and all of its descendant blocks should be visited.
    • visit

      T visit(BasicBlock block)
      Visits block and returns visit state. This state is saved by walker and then passed to endVisit(BasicBlock, Object) after all of this block's descendants visited.
      state that further will be passed to endVisit(BasicBlock, Object)
    • endVisit

      default void endVisit(BasicBlock block, T state)