Class ExtendedFieldImpl<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - the type of elements of the field
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    ExplicitField<T>, ExtendedField<T>

    public class ExtendedFieldImpl<T>
    extends ExplicitFieldImpl<T>
    implements ExtendedField<T>
    allows to hook in different implementations for more complicated mathematical operations.
    • Method Detail

      • power

        public BinaryOperation<T> power()
        Description copied from interface: ExtendedField
        Has to return the operation for a^b, for a being the left operator, b being the right one.
        Specified by:
        power in interface ExtendedField<T>
        the operation for a^b.
      • cheating

        public Cheating<T> cheating()
        because it shall be removed as soon as a better way to handle units (based on field elements) is provided
        Returns the instance which provides methods to convert field elements from and to double values. It is intended that this mechanism can be replaced later by a re implementation of the base-calculations which are fully based on field elements. To avoid heavy usage until then, this method is marked as deprecated.
        Specified by:
        cheating in interface ExtendedField<T>
        an object providing conversion methods from/to double values