Interface BinaryPredicate<T>

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      default java.lang.Boolean perform​(T left, T right)
      Has to be implemented to perform the actual operation.
      boolean test​(T left, T right)
      Evaluates the predicate (condition) on the given arguments.
    • Method Detail

      • test

        boolean test​(T left,
                     T right)
        Evaluates the predicate (condition) on the given arguments.
        left - the left operator of the condition
        right - the right operator of the condition
        true if the predicate is fulfilled, false otherwise.
      • perform

        default java.lang.Boolean perform​(T left,
                                          T right)
        Description copied from interface: BinaryFunction
        Has to be implemented to perform the actual operation. The order of operands might be important or not, depending, if the operation is commutative or not.
        Specified by:
        perform in interface BinaryFunction<T,​java.lang.Boolean>
        left - the left operand to be used in the operation
        right - the right operand to be used in the operation
        the result of the operation