Class QuantityMultiplicativeInversion<S>

  • Type Parameters:
    S - the type of the scalars (field elements) on which all the operations are based
    All Implemented Interfaces:, UnaryOperation<QuantifiedValue<S>>

    public class QuantityMultiplicativeInversion<S>
    extends QuantityUnaryOperation<S>
    An unary operation describing the multiplicative inversion of a physical quantity (aka '1/x').
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • QuantityMultiplicativeInversion

        public QuantityMultiplicativeInversion​(QuantityEnvironment<S> environment)
    • Method Detail

      • perform

        public QuantifiedValue<S> perform​(QuantifiedValue<S> scalar)
        Description copied from interface: UnaryOperation
        performs the operation on the given value
        scalar - the input value, on which the operation shall be applied
        the resulting value after the operation