Interface SingleDimensionResampler<C,​V>

  • Type Parameters:
    C - the type of the coordinates in the direction to resample
    V - the type of the values of the tensors
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    LinearInterpolationResampler, RepeatingResampler

    public interface SingleDimensionResampler<C,​V>
    Defines a strategy how to resample in one single dimension of a tensor.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean canResample​(java.util.Set<C> supportCoordinates, C resampleCoordinate)
      Has to return true if the resampling will be possible, provided the the given parameters.
      V resample​(java.util.Set<C> supportCoordinates, java.util.function.Function<C,​V> valuesCallback, C resampleCoordinate)
      Performs the actual resampling using the provided input.
    • Method Detail

      • canResample

        boolean canResample​(java.util.Set<C> supportCoordinates,
                            C resampleCoordinate)
        Has to return true if the resampling will be possible, provided the the given parameters.
        supportCoordinates - the supporting points, which can be used as input to resample
        resampleCoordinate - the coordinate at which the resampling shall be performed
        true if the resampling will be possible with the provided input, false if not.
      • resample

        V resample​(java.util.Set<C> supportCoordinates,
                   java.util.function.Function<C,​V> valuesCallback,
                   C resampleCoordinate)
        Performs the actual resampling using the provided input.
        supportCoordinates - the supporting points, which can be used as input to resample
        valuesCallback - a function providing values of type V for all given coordinates
        resampleCoordinate - the coordinate at which the resampling shall be performed
        true if the resampling will be possible with the provided input, false if not.
        java.util.NoSuchElementException - if the resampling cannot be performed for any reason