Class TensorbackedSupport<S>

  • Type Parameters:
    S - the type of the scalar values (elements of the field on which all the operations are based on)

    public class TensorbackedSupport<S>
    extends java.lang.Object
    Part of the tensorics fluent API that provides starting point methods for eDSL clauses that deal with calculations and manipulations of tensor backed objects.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TensorbackedSupport

        public TensorbackedSupport​(Environment<S> environment)
    • Method Detail

      • negativeOf

        public <TB extends Tensorbacked<S>> TB negativeOf​(TB tensorBacked)
        Constructs a tensor backed objet of the same type as the input parameter, containing the negative values of the original one.
        tensorBacked - to use
        a tensor backed object of the same type, containing the negative values of the input object
      • calculate

        public final <TB extends Tensorbacked<S>> OngoingTensorBackedOperation<TB,​S> calculate​(TB left)
        Allows to perform calculation on given tensor backed.
        left - to calculate with.
        expression to calculate.