Interface ExtendedField<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - the type of the field elements
    All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ExtendedField<T>
    extends ExplicitField<T>
    Exposes possibilities for field calculations in more explicit ways. This can be used once for convenience reasons, and on the other hand it allows to define the required behaviour for field based calculations in a less strict way, which might be better for optimization purposes. E.g. inverse operations can be only created once and do not need to be re-created every time they are required.
    • Method Detail

      • power

        BinaryOperation<T> power()
        Has to return the operation for a^b, for a being the left operator, b being the right one.
        the operation for a^b.
      • cheating

        Cheating<T> cheating()
        Will be removed, as soon as a base-treatment framework, purely based on fields is in place.
        Returns an object that provides methods for cheating. The usage of these methods is highly discouraged for clients, because they are planned to be removed, as soon as they are not required anymore by the framework. This will be the case as soon as a base-treating framework is in place, which will be based on fields only. This is also the reason, why this method is marked as deprecated.
        the object providing methods for cheating