Class LinearInterpolationStrategy<Y>

    • Constructor Detail

      • LinearInterpolationStrategy

        public LinearInterpolationStrategy​(ExtendedField<Y> field)
    • Method Detail

      • interpolate

        public <X> Y interpolate​(X x,
                                 DiscreteFunction<X,​Y> function,
                                 Conversion<X,​Y> conversion,
                                 java.util.Comparator<X> comparator)
        Description copied from interface: InterpolationStrategy
        Given a value of X, a discrete function from X to Y and a conversion from X to Y, returns the interpolated value of the function at the given point
        Specified by:
        interpolate in interface InterpolationStrategy<Y>
        x - value of x for which you want to know the function output value
        function - DiscreteFunction to interpolate
        conversion - defines how values of X domain are transformed into values of Y domain. It is needed for performing any kind of interpolation.
        the interpolated value of y for the function at xValue