Interface FiniteArgumentFunction<R>

  • Type Parameters:
    R - the return type of the function
    All Known Subinterfaces:
    Func1<T,​R>, Func2<T1,​T2,​R>, Func3<T1,​T2,​T3,​R>, Func4<T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​R>, Func5<T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​R>, Func6<T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​R>, Func7<T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​R>, Func8<T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​R>, Func9<T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​T9,​R>

    public interface FiniteArgumentFunction<R>
    This interface represents a function that has a finite argument number in its signature.
    See Also:
    Func1, Func2, Func3, Func4, Func5, Func6, Func7, Func8, Func9
    • Method Detail

      • toFuncN

        FuncN<R> toFuncN()
        Transform this function to a FuncN, binding the arguments automatically.
        the FuncN representation of this function
      • numberOfArgs

        int numberOfArgs()
        The number of arguments that the function accepts
        the number of arguments