Uses of Class

Packages that use XmlSuite

Uses of XmlSuite in org.testng

Fields in org.testng with type parameters of type XmlSuite
protected  List<XmlSuite> TestNG.m_cmdlineSuites
protected  List<XmlSuite> TestNG.m_suites

Methods in org.testng that return XmlSuite
 XmlSuite SuiteResult.getSuite()
 XmlSuite SuiteRunner.getXmlSuite()
 XmlSuite ISuite.getXmlSuite()

Methods in org.testng with parameters of type XmlSuite
protected  SuiteRunner TestNG.createSuiteRunner(XmlSuite xmlSuite)
          Creates a suite runner and configures it's initial state
 void TestNG.setCommandLineSuite(XmlSuite suite)

Method parameters in org.testng with type arguments of type XmlSuite
 void IReporter.generateReport(List<XmlSuite> xmlSuites, List<ISuite> suites, String outputDirectory)
          Generate a report for the given suites into the specified output directory.
 void TestNG.setXmlSuites(List<XmlSuite> suites)
          Specifies the XmlSuite objects to run.

Constructors in org.testng with parameters of type XmlSuite
SuiteResult(XmlSuite suite, ITestContext tr)
SuiteRunner(org.testng.internal.IConfiguration configuration, XmlSuite suite, String outputDir)
SuiteRunner(org.testng.internal.IConfiguration configuration, XmlSuite suite, String outputDir, ITestRunnerFactory runnerFactory)
SuiteRunner(org.testng.internal.IConfiguration configuration, XmlSuite suite, String outputDir, ITestRunnerFactory runnerFactory, boolean useDefaultListeners)
SuiteRunner(org.testng.internal.IConfiguration configuration, XmlSuite suite, String outputDir, ITestRunnerFactory runnerFactory, boolean useDefaultListeners, IMethodInterceptor methodInterceptor, List<IInvokedMethodListener> invokedMethodListeners, List<ITestListener> testListeners)

Uses of XmlSuite in org.testng.remote

Methods in org.testng.remote with parameters of type XmlSuite
protected  SuiteRunner RemoteWorker.sendSuite(ConnectionInfo ci, XmlSuite suite)

Method parameters in org.testng.remote with type arguments of type XmlSuite
 List<ISuite> SuiteDispatcher.dispatch(org.testng.internal.IConfiguration configuration, List<XmlSuite> suites, String outputDir, List<ITestListener> testListeners)
          Dispatch test suites

Constructors in org.testng.remote with parameters of type XmlSuite
RemoteSuiteWorker(XmlSuite suite, org.testng.internal.remote.SlavePool slavePool, RemoteResultListener listener)

Uses of XmlSuite in org.testng.remote.adapter

Methods in org.testng.remote.adapter that return XmlSuite
 XmlSuite IWorkerApadter.getSuite(long timeout)
          A blocking call to get the next Suite to test.
 XmlSuite DefaultWorkerAdapter.getSuite(long timeout)

Methods in org.testng.remote.adapter with parameters of type XmlSuite
 void IMasterAdapter.runSuitesRemotely(XmlSuite suite, RemoteResultListener listener)
          Run a suite remotely.
 void DefaultMastertAdapter.runSuitesRemotely(XmlSuite suite, RemoteResultListener listener)

Uses of XmlSuite in org.testng.reporters

Methods in org.testng.reporters with parameters of type XmlSuite
protected  void FailedReporter.generateFailureSuite(XmlSuite xmlSuite, ISuite suite, String outputDir)

Method parameters in org.testng.reporters with type arguments of type XmlSuite
 void XMLReporter.generateReport(List<XmlSuite> xmlSuites, List<ISuite> suites, String outputDirectory)
 void SuiteHTMLReporter.generateReport(List<XmlSuite> xmlSuites, List<ISuite> suites, String outputDirectory)
 void FailedReporter.generateReport(List<XmlSuite> xmlSuites, List<ISuite> suites, String outputDirectory)
 void EmailableReporter.generateReport(List<XmlSuite> xml, List<ISuite> suites, String outdir)
          Creates summary of the run

Constructors in org.testng.reporters with parameters of type XmlSuite
FailedReporter(XmlSuite xmlSuite)

Uses of XmlSuite in org.testng.xml

Subclasses of XmlSuite in org.testng.xml
 class ClassSuite
          This class represents an XML <suite> made up of one test which is made up of <class> elements only.

Methods in org.testng.xml that return XmlSuite
 XmlSuite XmlSuite.getParentSuite()
 XmlSuite XmlTest.getSuite()
          Returns the suite this test is part of.
 XmlSuite TestNGContentHandler.getSuite()
 XmlSuite XmlParser.parse(String currentFile, InputStream inputStream)
 XmlSuite IFileParser.parse(String filePath, InputStream is)

Methods in org.testng.xml that return types with arguments of type XmlSuite
 List<XmlSuite> XmlSuite.getChildSuites()
 Collection<XmlSuite> Parser.parse()
          Parses the TestNG test suite and returns the corresponding XmlSuite, and possibly, other XmlSuite that are pointed to by tags.
 List<XmlSuite> Parser.parseToList()

Methods in org.testng.xml with parameters of type XmlSuite
 void XmlSuite.setParentSuite(XmlSuite parentSuite)
 void XmlTest.setSuite(XmlSuite result)

Constructors in org.testng.xml with parameters of type XmlSuite
XmlTest(XmlSuite suite)
          Constructs a XmlTest and adds it to suite's list of tests.

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