Uses of Interface

Packages that use IClass

Uses of IClass in org.testng

Subinterfaces of IClass in org.testng
 interface ITestClass
          This class represents a test class: The test methods The configuration methods (test and method) The class file Note that the methods returned by instances of this class are expected to be correct at runtime.

Methods in org.testng that return IClass
 IClass[] ITestClassFinder.findTestClasses()
 IClass ITestClassFinder.getIClass(Class cls)
          Return the IClass for a given class
 IClass ITestResult.getTestClass()

Methods in org.testng with parameters of type IClass
 boolean ITestNGMethod.canRunFromClass(IClass testClass)
          Returns if this ITestNGMethod can be invoked from within IClass.

Uses of IClass in org.testng.junit

Classes in org.testng.junit that implement IClass
static class JUnitUtils.JUnitTestClass
          An ITestClass implementation for test methods in JUnit.

Methods in org.testng.junit with parameters of type IClass
 boolean JUnitUtils.JUnitTestMethod.canRunFromClass(IClass testClass)

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