Package org.testng.reporters

Interface Summary
XMLConstants interface groups the XML constants tries to emulate what's in to be compatible with junitreport

Class Summary
EmailableReporter Reported designed to render self-contained HTML top down view of a testing suite.
EmailableReporter2 Reporter that generates a single-page HTML report of the test results.
EmailableReporter2.ClassResult Groups EmailableReporter2.MethodResults by class.
EmailableReporter2.MethodResult Groups test results by method.
EmailableReporter2.SuiteResult Groups EmailableReporter2.TestResults by suite.
EmailableReporter2.TestResult Groups EmailableReporter2.ClassResults by test, type (configuration or test), and status.
ExitCodeListener A very simple ITestListener used by the TestNG runner to find out the exit code.
FailedReporter This reporter is responsible for creating testng-failed.xml
FileStringBuffer A string buffer that flushes its content to a temporary file whenever the internal string buffer becomes larger than MAX.
JUnitXMLReporter A JUnit XML report generator (replacing the original JUnitXMLReporter that was based on XML APIs).
SuiteHTMLReporter This class implements an HTML reporter for suites.
TestHTMLReporter This class implements an HTML reporter for individual tests.
TextReporter A simple reporter that collects the results and prints them on standard out.
VerboseReporter Reporter printing out detailed messages about what TestNG is going to run and what is the status of what has been just run.
XMLReporter The main entry for the XML generation operation
XMLStringBuffer This class allows you to generate an XML text document by pushing and popping tags from a stack maintained internally.
XMLSuiteResultWriter Utility writing an ISuiteResult to an XMLStringBuffer.
XMLUtils Static helpers for XML.

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