Class Reporter

  extended by org.testng.Reporter

public class Reporter
extends Object

This class is used for test methods to log messages that will be included in the HTML reports generated by TestNG.

Implementation details.

The reporter keeps a combined output of strings (in m_output) and also a record of which method output which line. In order to do this, callers specify what the current method is with setCurrentMethod() and the Reporter maintaing a mapping of each method with a list of integers. These integers are indices in the combined output (avoids duplicating the output). Created on Nov 2, 2005


Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static void clear()
          Erase the content of all the output generated so far.
static ITestResult getCurrentTestResult()
static List<String> getOutput()
static List<String> getOutput(ITestResult tr)
static void log(String s)
          Log the passed string to the HTML reports
static void log(String s, boolean logToStandardOut)
          Log the passed string to the HTML reports.
static void log(String s, int level)
          Log the passed string to the HTML reports if the current verbosity is equal or greater than the one passed in parameter
static void log(String s, int level, boolean logToStandardOut)
          Log the passed string to the HTML reports if the current verbosity is equal or greater than the one passed in parameter.
static void setCurrentTestResult(ITestResult m)
static void setEscapeHtml(boolean escapeHtml)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Reporter()
Method Detail


public static void setCurrentTestResult(ITestResult m)


public static List<String> getOutput()


public static void clear()
Erase the content of all the output generated so far.


public static void setEscapeHtml(boolean escapeHtml)
escapeHtml - If true, use HTML entities for special HTML characters (<, >, &, ...).


public static void log(String s)
Log the passed string to the HTML reports

s - The message to log


public static void log(String s,
                       int level,
                       boolean logToStandardOut)
Log the passed string to the HTML reports if the current verbosity is equal or greater than the one passed in parameter. If logToStandardOut is true, the string will also be printed on standard out.

s - The message to log
level - The verbosity of this message
logToStandardOut - Whether to print this string on standard out too


public static void log(String s,
                       boolean logToStandardOut)
Log the passed string to the HTML reports. If logToStandardOut is true, the string will also be printed on standard out.

s - The message to log
logToStandardOut - Whether to print this string on standard out too


public static void log(String s,
                       int level)
Log the passed string to the HTML reports if the current verbosity is equal or greater than the one passed in parameter

s - The message to log
level - The verbosity of this message


public static ITestResult getCurrentTestResult()
the current test result.


public static List<String> getOutput(ITestResult tr)

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