Package | Description |
org.threeten.bp |
The main API for dates, times, instants, and durations.
org.threeten.bp.chrono |
Support for calendar systems other than the default ISO.
| |
Support for time-zones and their rules.
Modifier and Type | Field | Description |
static LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.MAX |
The maximum supported
LocalDateTime , '+999999999-12-31T23:59:59.999999999'. |
static LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.MIN |
The minimum supported
LocalDateTime , '-999999999-01-01T00:00:00'. |
Modifier and Type | Field | Description |
static TemporalQuery<LocalDateTime> |
LocalDateTime.FROM |
Simulate JDK 8 method reference LocalDateTime::from.
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
LocalDateTime |
LocalTime.atDate(LocalDate date) |
Combines this time with a date to create a
LocalDateTime . |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDate.atStartOfDay() |
Combines this date with the time of midnight to create a
at the start of this date. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDate.atTime(int hour,
int minute) |
Combines this date with a time to create a
LocalDateTime . |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDate.atTime(int hour,
int minute,
int second) |
Combines this date with a time to create a
LocalDateTime . |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDate.atTime(int hour,
int minute,
int second,
int nanoOfSecond) |
Combines this date with a time to create a
LocalDateTime . |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDate.atTime(LocalTime time) |
Combines this date with a time to create a
LocalDateTime . |
static LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.from(TemporalAccessor temporal) |
Obtains an instance of
LocalDateTime from a temporal object. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.minus(long amountToSubtract,
TemporalUnit unit) |
Returns a copy of this date-time with the specified period subtracted.
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.minus(TemporalAmount amount) |
Returns a copy of this date-time with the specified period subtracted.
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.minusDays(long days) |
Returns a copy of this
LocalDateTime with the specified period in days subtracted. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.minusHours(long hours) |
Returns a copy of this
LocalDateTime with the specified period in hours subtracted. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.minusMinutes(long minutes) |
Returns a copy of this
LocalDateTime with the specified period in minutes subtracted. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.minusMonths(long months) |
Returns a copy of this
LocalDateTime with the specified period in months subtracted. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.minusNanos(long nanos) |
Returns a copy of this
LocalDateTime with the specified period in nanoseconds subtracted. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.minusSeconds(long seconds) |
Returns a copy of this
LocalDateTime with the specified period in seconds subtracted. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.minusWeeks(long weeks) |
Returns a copy of this
LocalDateTime with the specified period in weeks subtracted. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.minusYears(long years) |
Returns a copy of this
LocalDateTime with the specified period in years subtracted. |
static LocalDateTime | |
Obtains the current date-time from the system clock in the default time-zone.
static LocalDateTime | clock) |
Obtains the current date-time from the specified clock.
static LocalDateTime | zone) |
Obtains the current date-time from the system clock in the specified time-zone.
static LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.of(int year,
int month,
int dayOfMonth,
int hour,
int minute) |
Obtains an instance of
LocalDateTime from year, month,
day, hour and minute, setting the second and nanosecond to zero. |
static LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.of(int year,
int month,
int dayOfMonth,
int hour,
int minute,
int second) |
Obtains an instance of
LocalDateTime from year, month,
day, hour, minute and second, setting the nanosecond to zero. |
static LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.of(int year,
int month,
int dayOfMonth,
int hour,
int minute,
int second,
int nanoOfSecond) |
Obtains an instance of
LocalDateTime from year, month,
day, hour, minute, second and nanosecond. |
static LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.of(int year,
Month month,
int dayOfMonth,
int hour,
int minute) |
Obtains an instance of
LocalDateTime from year, month,
day, hour and minute, setting the second and nanosecond to zero. |
static LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.of(int year,
Month month,
int dayOfMonth,
int hour,
int minute,
int second) |
Obtains an instance of
LocalDateTime from year, month,
day, hour, minute and second, setting the nanosecond to zero. |
static LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.of(int year,
Month month,
int dayOfMonth,
int hour,
int minute,
int second,
int nanoOfSecond) |
Obtains an instance of
LocalDateTime from year, month,
day, hour, minute, second and nanosecond. |
static LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.of(LocalDate date,
LocalTime time) |
Obtains an instance of
LocalDateTime from a date and time. |
static LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.ofEpochSecond(long epochSecond,
int nanoOfSecond,
ZoneOffset offset) |
Obtains an instance of
LocalDateTime using seconds from the
epoch of 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z. |
static LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.ofInstant(Instant instant,
ZoneId zone) |
Obtains an instance of
LocalDateTime from an Instant and zone ID. |
static LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.parse(java.lang.CharSequence text) |
Obtains an instance of
LocalDateTime from a text string such as 2007-12-03T10:15:30 . |
static LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.parse(java.lang.CharSequence text,
DateTimeFormatter formatter) |
Obtains an instance of
LocalDateTime from a text string using a specific formatter. |
LocalDateTime | amountToAdd,
TemporalUnit unit) |
Returns a copy of this date-time with the specified period added.
LocalDateTime | amount) |
Returns a copy of this date-time with the specified period added.
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.plusDays(long days) |
Returns a copy of this
LocalDateTime with the specified period in days added. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.plusHours(long hours) |
Returns a copy of this
LocalDateTime with the specified period in hours added. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.plusMinutes(long minutes) |
Returns a copy of this
LocalDateTime with the specified period in minutes added. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.plusMonths(long months) |
Returns a copy of this
LocalDateTime with the specified period in months added. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.plusNanos(long nanos) |
Returns a copy of this
LocalDateTime with the specified period in nanoseconds added. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.plusSeconds(long seconds) |
Returns a copy of this
LocalDateTime with the specified period in seconds added. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.plusWeeks(long weeks) |
Returns a copy of this
LocalDateTime with the specified period in weeks added. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.plusYears(long years) |
Returns a copy of this
LocalDateTime with the specified period in years added. |
static LocalDateTime |
DateTimeUtils.toLocalDateTime(java.sql.Timestamp sqlTimestamp) |
Converts a
java.sql.Timestamp to a LocalDateTime . |
LocalDateTime |
OffsetDateTime.toLocalDateTime() |
Gets the
LocalDateTime part of this offset date-time. |
LocalDateTime |
ZonedDateTime.toLocalDateTime() |
Gets the
LocalDateTime part of this date-time. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.truncatedTo(TemporalUnit unit) |
Returns a copy of this
LocalDateTime with the time truncated. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.with(TemporalAdjuster adjuster) |
Returns an adjusted copy of this date-time.
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.with(TemporalField field,
long newValue) |
Returns a copy of this date-time with the specified field set to a new value.
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.withDayOfMonth(int dayOfMonth) |
Returns a copy of this
LocalDateTime with the day-of-month altered. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.withDayOfYear(int dayOfYear) |
Returns a copy of this
LocalDateTime with the day-of-year altered. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.withHour(int hour) |
Returns a copy of this
LocalDateTime with the hour-of-day value altered. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.withMinute(int minute) |
Returns a copy of this
LocalDateTime with the minute-of-hour value altered. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.withMonth(int month) |
Returns a copy of this
LocalDateTime with the month-of-year altered. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.withNano(int nanoOfSecond) |
Returns a copy of this
LocalDateTime with the nano-of-second value altered. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.withSecond(int second) |
Returns a copy of this
LocalDateTime with the second-of-minute value altered. |
LocalDateTime |
LocalDateTime.withYear(int year) |
Returns a copy of this
LocalDateTime with the year altered. |
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
static OffsetDateTime |
OffsetDateTime.of(LocalDateTime dateTime,
ZoneOffset offset) |
Obtains an instance of
OffsetDateTime from a date-time and offset. |
static ZonedDateTime |
ZonedDateTime.of(LocalDateTime localDateTime,
ZoneId zone) |
Obtains an instance of
ZonedDateTime from a local date-time. |
static ZonedDateTime |
ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(LocalDateTime localDateTime,
ZoneOffset offset,
ZoneId zone) |
Obtains an instance of
ZonedDateTime from the instant formed by combining
the local date-time and offset. |
static ZonedDateTime |
ZonedDateTime.ofLocal(LocalDateTime localDateTime,
ZoneId zone,
ZoneOffset preferredOffset) |
Obtains an instance of
ZonedDateTime from a local date-time
using the preferred offset if possible. |
static ZonedDateTime |
ZonedDateTime.ofStrict(LocalDateTime localDateTime,
ZoneOffset offset,
ZoneId zone) |
Obtains an instance of
ZonedDateTime strictly validating the
combination of local date-time, offset and zone ID. |
static java.sql.Timestamp |
DateTimeUtils.toSqlTimestamp(LocalDateTime dateTime) |
Converts a
LocalDateTime to a java.sql.Timestamp . |
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
LocalDateTime |
IsoChronology.localDateTime(TemporalAccessor temporal) |
Obtains an ISO local date-time from another date-time object.
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
LocalDateTime |
ZoneOffsetTransitionRule.TimeDefinition.createDateTime(LocalDateTime dateTime,
ZoneOffset standardOffset,
ZoneOffset wallOffset) |
Converts the specified local date-time to the local date-time actually
seen on a wall clock.
LocalDateTime |
ZoneOffsetTransition.getDateTimeAfter() |
Gets the local transition date-time, as would be expressed with the 'after' offset.
LocalDateTime |
ZoneOffsetTransition.getDateTimeBefore() |
Gets the local transition date-time, as would be expressed with the 'before' offset.
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
LocalDateTime |
ZoneOffsetTransitionRule.TimeDefinition.createDateTime(LocalDateTime dateTime,
ZoneOffset standardOffset,
ZoneOffset wallOffset) |
Converts the specified local date-time to the local date-time actually
seen on a wall clock.
abstract ZoneOffset |
ZoneRules.getOffset(LocalDateTime localDateTime) |
Gets a suitable offset for the specified local date-time in these rules.
abstract ZoneOffsetTransition |
ZoneRules.getTransition(LocalDateTime localDateTime) |
Gets the offset transition applicable at the specified local date-time in these rules.
abstract java.util.List<ZoneOffset> |
ZoneRules.getValidOffsets(LocalDateTime localDateTime) |
Gets the offset applicable at the specified local date-time in these rules.
abstract boolean |
ZoneRules.isValidOffset(LocalDateTime localDateTime,
ZoneOffset offset) |
Checks if the offset date-time is valid for these rules.
static ZoneOffsetTransition |
ZoneOffsetTransition.of(LocalDateTime transition,
ZoneOffset offsetBefore,
ZoneOffset offsetAfter) |
Obtains an instance defining a transition between two offsets.
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