Class AbstractPropertyDrivenActivationStrategy

All Implemented Interfaces:
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public abstract class AbstractPropertyDrivenActivationStrategy extends Object implements ActivationStrategy

An abstract activation strategy that is designed to support cases where the activation of a feature is driven based on the value of environmental/contextual properties.

AbstractPropertyDrivenActivationStrategy allows the name of the property can be passed via the ""name"" parameter and gracefully falls back on a property name that is derived from the Feature itself (e.g. ""togglz."FEATURE_NAME"). It will take care of the majority of the work and only really requires implementations to provide the means to lookup the value of the property:

 protected abstract String getPropertyValue(FeatureState featureState, FeatureUser user, String name) {
     return doSomeStuffToGetPropertyValue(name);

By default, the value of the property will be converted into a boolean but implementations are free to override this, where needed, by overriding the isActive(FeatureState, FeatureUser, String, String) method. However, it would be ideal if all implementations tried to support the same value formats to allow for a unified experience. The default conversion will fail fast if the property value does not match any of the predefined boolean representations by throwing an IllegalArgumentException.

All implementations should honor the rule that the feature should not be activated if no matching property is found.

Alasdair Mercer
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractPropertyDrivenActivationStrategy

      public AbstractPropertyDrivenActivationStrategy()
  • Method Details

    • getPropertyName

      protected String getPropertyName(FeatureState featureState, String parameterName)

      Returns the name of the property on which to base the activation of the feature.

      This method will first attempt to use the value of the parameter with the name provided. If that does not return a valid property name (i.e. non-blank), then a property name will be constructed using a common prefix (""togglz."") and the name of the feature.

      featureState - the FeatureState which represents the current configuration of the feature
      parameterName - the name of the parameter that potentially contains the property name
      The name of the property.
    • getPropertyValue

      protected abstract String getPropertyValue(FeatureState featureState, FeatureUser user, String name)

      Returns the value of the property with the specified name on which to base the activation of the feature.

      featureState - the FeatureState which represents the current configuration of the feature
      user - the user for which to decide whether the feature is active (may be null)
      name - the name of the property whose value is to be returned
      The (raw) value of the property with the given name or null if none could be found.
    • isActive

      public final boolean isActive(FeatureState featureState, FeatureUser user)
      Description copied from interface: ActivationStrategy
      This method is responsible to decide whether a feature is active or not. The implementation can use the custom configuration parameters of the strategy stored in the feature state and information from the currently acting user to find a decision.
      Specified by:
      isActive in interface ActivationStrategy
      featureState - The feature state which represents the current configuration of the feature. The implementation of the method typically uses FeatureState.getParameter(String) to access custom configuration parameter values.
      user - The user for which to decide whether the feature is active. May be null if the user could not be identified by the UserProvider.
      true if the feature should be active, else false
    • getPropertyNameParam

      protected String getPropertyNameParam()
    • isActive

      protected boolean isActive(FeatureState featureState, FeatureUser user, String propertyName, String propertyValue)

      This method is called by isActive(FeatureState, FeatureUser) with the property name and value to make the decision as to whether the feature is active.

      By default, this method will convert propertyValue into a boolean using Strings.toBoolean(String) but implementations are free to override this, where needed. However, it would be ideal if all implementations tried to support the same value formats to allow for a unified experience. The default implementation throw an IllegalArgumentException if propertyValue does not match any of the predefined boolean representations.

      This method should never return true if propertyValue is null.

      featureState - the FeatureState which represents the current configuration of the feature
      user - the user for which to decide whether the feature is active (may be null)
      propertyName - the name of the property on which to base the activation of the feature
      propertyValue - the (raw) value of the property on which to base the activation of the feature (may be null if none was found)
      true if the feature should be active; otherwise false.
      IllegalArgumentException - If propertyValue is non-null and does not match any of the predefined boolean representations.
    • getParameters

      public Parameter[] getParameters()
      Description copied from interface: ActivationStrategy

      Returns the list of configuration parameter definitions for the strategy. Parameters are typically built using a ParameterBuilder class but users can also create custom implementations of the Parameter interface.


       public Parameter[] getParameters() {
           return new Parameter[] {
                   ParameterBuilder.create("country").label("Country Code").matching("[A-Z]+")
      Specified by:
      getParameters in interface ActivationStrategy
      See Also: