


package natchez

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. trait EntryPoint[F[_]] extends AnyRef

    An entry point, for creating root spans or continuing traces that were started on another system.

  2. trait Fields extends AnyRef

    Mixin trait for exceptions that provide trace data.

    Mixin trait for exceptions that provide trace data. This allows exception data to be recorded for spans that fail.

  3. final case class Kernel(toHeaders: Map[CIString, String]) extends Product with Serializable

    An opaque hunk of data that we can hand off to another system (in the form of HTTP headers), which can then create new spans as children of this one.

    An opaque hunk of data that we can hand off to another system (in the form of HTTP headers), which can then create new spans as children of this one. By this mechanism we allow our trace to span remote calls.

  4. trait Span[F[_]] extends AnyRef

    An span that can be passed around and used to create child spans.

  5. trait Trace[F[_]] extends AnyRef

    A tracing effect, which always has a current span.

  6. sealed trait TraceValue extends Product with Serializable
  7. trait TraceableValue[A] extends AnyRef

    A lawless typeclass responsible for converting a value of the type parameter A to Natchez's TraceValue.

    A lawless typeclass responsible for converting a value of the type parameter A to Natchez's TraceValue.

    You may want to use this to customize the formatting of a value before attaching it to a span, or to support adding tracing as a cross-cutting concern using aspect-oriented programming from a library such as cats-tagless.


    The type to be converted to TraceValue

Value Members

  1. object Kernel extends Serializable
  2. object Span
  3. object Tags
  4. object Trace
  5. object TraceValue extends Serializable
  6. object TraceableValue
