
Type members


@native @JSType
trait AbsoluteFillStyle extends Object
trait RecursiveArray[T] extends Array[T | RecursiveArray[T]]
trait Registered extends Object

General registered type, used for tagging a couple of styling related objects.

General registered type, used for tagging a couple of styling related objects.

trait StyleSet extends Object

StyleSet tag. Extend your style classes from this trait for better type inference.

StyleSet tag. Extend your style classes from this trait for better type inference.

object StyleSet

Apply the StyleSet tag to an object or a list of pairs.

Apply the StyleSet tag to an object or a list of pairs.

@native @JSImport("react-native", "StyleSheet") @JSType
object StyleSheet extends Object

This only checks for valid style properties, it does not "register" or optimize anymore.

This only checks for valid style properties, it does not "register" or optimize anymore.

object stylelist

Drive type inference when combining styles for a component's style property.

Drive type inference when combining styles for a component's style property.


type DynamicStyle = Object | Dynamic
type Style = StyleAny | Array[StyleAny]

Individual stytle object or an array of them.

Individual stytle object or an array of them.

type StyleProp[T <: Object] = T | UndefOr[T] | Array[T] | RecursiveArray[T] | Null

Use this for style properties on components.

Use this for style properties on components.